33 | Accountability

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Chapter 33 : Accountability

The next day I arrived to work about 15 minutes late. I'd stayed up all night thinking of several things involving this situation with Scarlett handling Jax.

I knew for a fact I wanted Jax gone for good, he'd caused too much harm and knew some of my darkest secrets.

What I was stuck on was how calm I was about everything.

I literally used to be the sweetest girl. The thought of hurting anyone would make the old me cringe, but this new me was unapologetic. Some might even say heartless. I did have a heart though, just not as big as before.

The other thought I had was regarding the money I'd have to pay Scarlett. James had mentioned her only accepting cash to avoid electronic trails. How the hell would I withdraw $10,000 cash from my bank without it being suspect?

These thoughts kept me up tossing and turning all night long. I knew it had to be done it was just a matter of making it happen.

While I sat at my desk modifying patients' charts I checked my email and realized I had received one from Dr.Mayfield a few days ago.

His email read "I'm sorry I've been MIA I was tending to a personal matter, we can set up an appointment for early next week if that works for you."

I replied to the email agreeing to an appointment for the middle of next week. After I handled this situation I would need all the therapy I could get, maybe even a priest.

"Mrs.Samuels," I called out into the lobby.

"I'm right here," replied an older fragile woman walking towards the door I was holding open.

"Follow me I'm going to take you to your treatment room to wait for the doctor."

She followed me into a vacant room and sat up on the patient table. I grabbed a blood pressure cuff out of the cabinet and pulled on a pair of gloves.

"I'm Faith, your medical assistant. How are you doing today? How are you feeling?"

"Not so great, consistent migraines lately."

"I'm sorry to hear that, let me get your vitals and get you all checked in for the doctor okay?"

She nodded and held out her slender arm. I smiled and placed the cuff on her upper arm while also applying my fingers to her radial pulse to monitor it.

"Your blood pressure is 170/80 and your pulse is 94, both are a little high so that might explain the headaches. I'm going to go give your chart to Dr.Adams he'll be in soon."

"Thank you so much young lady."

I closed the door behind me and placed her chart into the doctors bin outside of his office. I felt badly for her, she was all alone her chart read widowed.

I loved Omar but I wasn't sure he was the love of my life just yet, however I still couldn't imagine losing him. Even when he sat in jail unable to talk to me for a few hours I was uneasy.

When I clocked out for my shift I dialed Omar as I began to head home. I wouldn't be seeing him again until the end of the week but I still needed to hear his voice.

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