42 | Final Warning

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Chapter 42 : Final Warning

Omar and I stayed up the whole morning giggling and chatting about baby names and other things relating to the news we had confirmed.

When I first found out I was pregnant at Ashley's place I was in complete denial but now that it had started to simmer in my head it excited me.

I knew it was early but I had never gotten pregnant with Jax after wanting to so badly, so I figured the universe and god had some kind of a reason for allowing this with Omar.

Around 11am I opened my eyes and realized the opposite side of the bed where Omar had slept was empty. My left eyebrow raised quickly and a puzzled look ran across my face.

Before I could put my two feet onto the ground to get out of bed the room door flung open. Omar was walking towards the bed with his hands juggling two very full plates of breakfast.

"The power seems to be staying on and the winds have cooled down a little outside so I took advantage of the stove," he explained.

I grabbed one of the plates from him and instantly began to drool. On my plate there were 3 perfectly made fluffy pancakes covered in syrup, 4 pieces of crispy bacon and a good size portion of perfectly scrambled eggs.

"Thank you baby," I announced. I quickly began devouring my breakfast so fast that I could barely hear anything he was saying to me.

"Bae, did you hear me?," he asked.

I gulped quickly and looked at him with apologetic eyes.

"Sorry baby I didn't, I'm starving."

"You're eating for two, it's straight. I'm just wanting to know what it is you plan on doing about Jax. Now that you're pregnant I need to be sure he won't be a problem," he stated.

He was taking small bites off his plate in between speaking but I could hear the seriousness in his voice.

"There's a girl who's a friend of a friend, she kind of handles people for a living. I plan on having her go with me when I talk to him," I replied.

"There's no way I'm letting you go alone with another female to talk with this psycho, no offense to her," he snapped.

"I just think you coming might make things worse babe," I explained.

"Well I'll wait in the car."

I was still devouring my breakfast like someone that hadn't eaten in years but managed to reply to what Omar had said, "Okay. I'm going to try giving her a call give me a minute."

After breakfast Omar had asked if it was okay if he took Nala for a walk around the complex. I agreed and advised him I'd call Scarlett while he was out there.

I dialed Scarlett's number back and to no surprise she didn't answer. Instead she replied with a text message asking me to shoot her my address. After I sent it I decided to change into something other than my pajamas.

I walked to my closet and pulled out a pale pink, one-piece, short-sleeved jumpsuit. I looked down at my shoes and decided to match it with a comfortable pair of silver strapped sandals.

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