Chapter 18 : Home To Mama
Friday arrived and I felt so much relief. This week had truly been the longest week in history and I was over it.
I woke up, did my usual routine, threw on a pair of red scrubs with a pair of black Nike sneakers and headed out the door.
I approached work and had been asked to do some charts for next week. I instantly accepted and jumped at the opportunity to do some desk work. I sat there with my headphones in and printed different documents to attach to patients' charts.
As I sat there connected to my Bluetooth headphones I began to get an incoming call. I pulled my phone out and seen that it was my mother. She was all I had growing up but over the years we had become somewhat estranged. I think knowing I left her for a man who ended up abusing me had broken her heart.
She hung up before I could answer but sent me a text that read,
"Hey baby girl. I miss you and love you. Please consider coming out here this weekend I have some important things to talk to you about and want you to meet someone. You can bring your boyfriend too, I'd like to meet him. Mom xoxo".
I sat there re-reading her message about 10 times before I finally replied to her.
"I'll pack a bag and be there tonight by 9, love you too."
I wondered for a minute how she had known about Omar. I certainly hadn't told her nor had I been very public or vocal about him. Then that's when it hit me, I had told Melody about Omar when I returned from the weekend trip where she had watched Nala. Family could never hold water.
I finished with the charts in between calling back some patients and before I knew it I was clocking out heading to my apartment.
I asked Omar to call me whenever he got a chance, ironically he called as soon as I walked in the door.
"So what would you say if I asked you to come with me for the weekend to my mom's house?," I asked, nervously.
"I'd be honored and nervous as fuck," he laughed.
I could just imagine that big smile with those dimples showing through the phone.
I asked him to pack a bag and meet me at my car by no later than 7pm. My mom lived about an hour and a half away from me so I wanted to be there before 9.
This time I was bringing Nala with me, I knew my mom wouldn't mind and probably missed her as well.
I packed a duffel bag with a few outfits, a swimsuit, and a few things for Nala. I sat on the couch scrolling through my text threads and decided to send a group message to the girls'.
"I'll be at my mom's this weekend. I know we are all on pretty weird terms but I love you guys and would love to meet up for lunch on Sunday when I return if possible."
They each "liked" the message individually so I hoped that was a good sign, if not I would be finding out soon enough.
Around 7pm I grabbed my bag, got ahold of Nala's leash and walked to the car. I placed her in the backseat with my bags, cracked the window for her and waited for Omar on the hood of my car. A few moments later he arrived with one of the biggest grins on his face that I'd ever seen.

Shade Of Love
Romance**** COMPLETE **** VERY RAUNCHY **** This novel centers around Faith, a young black woman in her early 20s that's given up on the thought of love. That is until she finds someone who makes her think of reconsidering it. After her abusive ex & the t...