15 | Sinderella

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Chapter 15 : Sinderella

* Long Chapter With SOME Mature Content *

By the time I got ahold of my girls to help with this fashion crisis the mall was closed. I had no choice but to hold it off until tomorrow.

Not only did I have to find a nice dress to match the occasion but I also had to figure out what to do with my hair, there was no way my braids were going to cut it.

I decided the next day to only complete a half day at work. I'd worked through my lunch yesterday due to me leaving early for therapy and planned to work through the remainder of my lunches for the week anyway.

My boss was totally cool with it, luckily for me I had earned my stripes. I damn sure better have, after all the hard work I put in.

Around noon I sped out of my job's parking lot and made my way to the closest mall. Ashley and Natalie were the only ones available to meet with me. Jada had managed to secure her new job and couldn't risk any issues with them so soon which I fully understood.

I parked in a slot closest to the main entrance and sat in my car waiting for them to arrive.

As I waited I took a couple selfies admiring my new look. I had bribed an old friend of mine from school that was a hairstylist into coming over late last night to help with my hair and was more than pleased at the results.

She arrived and helped speed up the process of taking my braids out. After thorough washing and conditioning she proceeded to apply bundles to my hair creating a feathered bob look. It was a very different look for me, I loved it.

Ashley approached in her all black sports edition bmw to the left side of me, pulling in loud as hell with Kodak Black blasting through her speakers. Natalie pulled to the other side of me in her brand new white Ford Focus with Megan Thee Stallion blasting through her windows. I stepped out and hugged them both instantly.

"Thank you guys so much for coming, this is an emergency," I screamed.

"Of course girl, soon as you mentioned fashion I was down and ready to go," Ashley replied. She was a professional stylist and helped dress several people for a living, helping me was a piece of cake.

"You know we got you, always," Natalie replied.

We made our way through the mall and finally reached a store with the kind of dresses I was searching for. The store was named Glitz & Glam. The dresses that were worn by mannequins in the store window had sold me before I even entered the store.

We walked in and began looking around for something that fit my occasion. That's when I seen it, the dress that I knew god had destined for me to have.

It was a long wine red silk dress with long sleeves, a v cut along the cleavage line and a sexy slit to the thigh. It screamed sexy but classy, just the look I was going for. I tried it on in front of the girls and their reactions were priceless.

(Photo of the dress at top of the chapter.)

"Yeah okay bitch you'll be pregnant if you wear that around that man," Natalie croaked while staring me up and down.

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