22 | Reunited

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Chapter 22 : Reunited

I woke up the next morning feeling like a train had run me over and kept going.

Omar had an addiction to making me cum for him, so when we got back to my apartment last night he made it his duty to continue what he's started. He had made me cum at least 8 times in total. I had returned that favor and stuck with him pleasuring him endlessly as well.

After I finished daydreaming about my night I climbed out of bed and began to make breakfast. This time I sat our plates at the dinner table and took Nala outside.

I'd made French toast and bacon, something light. When I returned Omar was at the table eating and scrolling on his phone.

"I have a client that needs my team to start working on this building as soon as possible, I need to gather them and brief them on the project," he explained, he began holding onto my hands kissing them.

I tried to avoid letting him see me pout, I didn't want to show him that kind of softness.

"Okay baby I understand, I have to meet with the girls anyway so it's cool," I responded, trying to play it cool.

We continued eating breakfast and then he grabbed his bags and left. He told me he'd call me later to check on me.

I missed him as soon as he walked out that door.

Who would've known that I'd be falling inlove again? Who would've thought that I was even capable of that?

I plopped down on my bed and pulled out my phone, I sent a group text to the girls not sure of what response I'd get.

"Brunch at our spot downtown?"

A few moments later I got instant responses from all of them agreeing to meet me at our spot, even Jada. I began to feel some sort of relief. I had so much to talk to them about and just wanted to bury the hatchet.


I arrived downtown and pulled next to the brunch spot. I parked my car and waited for the others to arrive. I sat there looking at our usual patio table where we'd sat at since we were younger. The memories all flashed before me and I realized how much I loved my girls.

Ashley arrived first, she looked stunning as ever. She wore an orange jumpsuit with gold hoop earrings and matching gold sandals. Her hair was up in a messy bun with bangs.

"Hey beautiful I missed you so much," she exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

I hugged her back and smiled, "I miss you too."

We walked over to our patio table and waited for Natalie and Jada. A waiter approached us asking if he could get us started with drinks but we declined and decided to wait for the others.

"So what's been new with you? It feels like it's been forever even though I know it hasn't," Ashley whined.

"Well there's a lot that's been up but I'll wait until everyone is here," I replied.

She shook her head in agreement.

Natalie and Jada pulled up in Jada's jeep and stepped out looking glamorous.

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