Chapter 38 : Warning
Back To Faith's POV
I yawned widely and stretched the moment I opened my eyes the next morning. I had stayed the night for the first time at Omar's place so of course he was still sleeping.
I looked at the clock and it was only 4:08am. I had always ended up having issues with sleeping when I was under a tremendous amount of stress.
Some aspects of my life were fine, I mean my friendships were back rekindled and my relationship was still in a great place. I just continuously thought of what was wrong, other than what was good. I had a flaw of constantly overthinking and dwelling.
Slowly, I climbed out of bed gently removing Omar's grasp from my waist. I quietly placed my feet onto the carpet and walked onto his side of the bed planting a kiss on his forehead before leaving.
After I was finally out of Omar's apartment I walked as quick and as fast as I could back to my own. The wind was blowing forcibly against me, Florida was nearing hurricane season so the weather had been funky for the last couple of nights. Tonight it seemed to have gotten a bit worse.
When I arrived at my place I immediately turnt up the heat. My skin had suddenly become extremely cold and clammy. Probably because the dress I had on to seduce Omar was about as thin as paper.
After I showered I plopped down on my bed and pressed my face into a pillow. I attempted to go back to sleep but it wasn't happening. I decided I'd sit up and write down some of my thoughts.
This was a tactic Dr.Mayfield had recommended to me during one of our therapy sessions. Speaking of, I had an appointment with him scheduled for this Friday afternoon. I desperately needed to sit back in front of him and vent completely.
I had suddenly began to go back to some of my old habits again, for Christ sake I was planning to pay a hit woman to eliminate an ex. I mean I had a good reason for that but still, it wasn't normal.
After a couple hours of thinking about everything that was going on in my life I was alerted by my alarm coming from my phone. Yawns. It was time to get up for work.
I pulled on a pair of baby blue scrubs with matching blue and white crocs and headed out the door.
When I arrived to work it was fairly empty. I looked around and noticed only two patients sitting in the lobby both looking down at weekly magazines.
I stepped into the door leading back to my desk and approached Michelle, she had her nose into a book and wasn't on her computers like she usually was whenever I arrived.
I clocked in and turned to Michelle and asked, "what's going on, where is everybody?"
"Nobody wants to come out after those rough winds we had last night, they say that storm is coming this weekend and will be real strong," she replied.
"Damn, so are we going to be working the rest of this week?," I asked.
"Probably not after today, the doctors are considering closing it down until next week."
"Oh wow, I was walking early this morning and the wind was pretty brutal but I thought the storm was supposed to hit early next week and would just be another mild one," I responded.
"Yeah, hell no girl it's coming and fast."
I sat in my desk chair and logged onto my computer, pulling up some patient charts to work on.
The day dragged since there was barely any patients that had shown up, it was dreadful.
When it was finally time for me to clock out I drove as fast as I could back to my apartment. On the way there I received a phone call from Omar. I hit accept on my car's touch pad and smiled.
"Hey baby, what's up," I greeted.
"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving this morning?" he asked, sadly.
"I'm sorry baby I just had so much on my mind, I couldn't sleep at all."
"You walked home on your own in the dark, rather than to wake me up."
I listened to the sadness in his voice and immediately felt a sense of regret. Isolating was just my thing, but it was something I didn't do to hurt anyone. Especially him.
"I'm sorry," I replied quietly.
"Whatever. Look this storm is coming in heavy this weekend and I don't want you by yourself at all. You want to come over here or me come over there?", he asked.
"Um. You can come over here I don't want to bring Nala over there if we have to be stuck inside for a couple days or so," I replied.
"Alright babe, I'll hit you up later on I'm at this site trying to knock some stuff out before this storm shuts everyone in. Love you."
"I love you too," I cooed, disconnecting the phone call.
A few moments later I received a phone call from Scarlett telling me that she would be calling me again in 2 days to determine whether or not I was ready to move on Jax or not.
I had suddenly began to feel a bit of regret towards wanting to have him killed. I realized that he was a problem and a liability but me having him killed so soon after an incident would automatically make me a prime suspect.
I'd just tell her when she called back that I was pulling back. I decided to not take someone's life into my own hands unless they gave me a direct reason to and I was able to get off somehow with it being self defense.
I felt like having a conversation with Jax was probably the most ideal way to end this feud, but then again I didn't trust confronting him alone.
I considered asking Scarlett if she would come with me to meet with him instead of just sending her to take off his head. I had no idea on whether or not she would assist me with something like this but it didn't hurt to ask, I'd just offer her money in the process.
Around 8pm I received an email from my job that was addressed to the whole office staff. They stated that they would be closing the office down until further notice, likely to return back next Tuesday.
This meant that I had tomorrow, Friday, the weekend and Monday off from work completely paid.
This was all the time in the world I needed to figure out what I wanted to do with Jax while also being able to spend uninterruptible time with Omar.
I planned on going to therapy Friday if the pre-storm weather wasn't terrible.
My phone began to rang and I immediately answered it without looking at the number.
"Hello," I greeted. I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my laptop on my lap as I replied to the work email I had received.
"It's time for us to talk, luvbug," Jax stated from the other line.
I froze up a bit and gulped. This was just the opportunity I needed. I wanted to attempt to chase him out of the city/state if he allowed that, but if not I would bring backup just to ensure my safety.
"Where and when?," I asked. I began to immediately plan in my head what steps needed to be taken going forward with this.

Shade Of Love
Romance**** COMPLETE **** VERY RAUNCHY **** This novel centers around Faith, a young black woman in her early 20s that's given up on the thought of love. That is until she finds someone who makes her think of reconsidering it. After her abusive ex & the t...