14 | Into The Deep

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Chapter 14 : Into The Deep

Before I knew it Monday had arrived.

I was sitting out in the lobby waiting for Dr.Mayfield to pull me back to his office. It had truly been a long weekend.

After me and Omar made up last night we'd decided to spend some time with my friends. It was a good way for him to bond with my circle. We played games and Ashley explained to me how she'd beaten up the Dreka girl.

I of course don't condone violence, but the bitch had it coming. I honestly was surprised at how I was able to walk away from the situation, the old me wouldn't have been so pleasant.

After dealing with someone with a horrible temper for so long I guess I just learned how to walk away, I had to.

"Come on back Faith," Dr Mayfield called, holding the door open.

I followed him down the hallway to his office, when we arrived I closed the door behind me. I plopped down on the couch, crossed my legs and prepared for another emotional session.

"How was your weekend, anything exciting happen?," He asked, smiling in my direction.

I had to be honest, after all this was therapy.

"It was very eventful, several exciting things happened some that I'm not so proud of," I replied.

"Care to elaborate?," He asked, pulling out his notebook.

"Well I've been seeing someone named Omar. We started seeing each other recently and I'd hid him from my friends. He ended up showing up to this party I accidentally invited him to while I was intoxicated, they met him and I got grilled a little but overall that went smooth. However he had a female who still was clinging to his dick—I meant his back and well we kind of uh had a little altercation," I stated, waiting for a typical therapist response.

"Okay, we are going to get back into your childhood but for now I'd like to go ahead and comment on this," he replied.

"Why did you hide Omar?"

I gulped, I guess I didn't expect such a direct question but then again I did.

"Uh well we started seeing each other not too long ago I guess I just wanted to be sure," I blurted.

"Had you two become intimate during this timeframe before he met your friends?," He asked, continuing to jot things I was saying down.

I sat in silence a minute before replying to him, I hadn't actually thought that far ahead.

"Well yes but those things also kind of happened on edge, they weren't planned," I ensured.

"Do you feel as though following your breakup with Jax you've had a possible sudden character change?," He asked, crossing his fingers together.

"Possibly. Well um, yes I mean doesn't pain change everybody?," I questioned.

"Yes I'd like to believe it does but the question is was your character change for better or worse?," He replied, awaiting on my answer.

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