55 | Merry Christmas

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Chapter 55 : Merry Christmas

Christmas morning arrived and I rolled out of bed absolutely exhausted. I hadn't slept good in months and with all my excitement built up last night was no exception.

I grabbed my phone and went into our master bathroom to pee. After peeing for what felt like forever I washed my hands and begun brushing my teeth and splashing cool water onto my face. I wanted to go back to sleep but we had entirely too many visitors coming to our house today, so I couldn't.

"Good morning sunshine," Omar groaned, walking into the bathroom.

"Morning baby. How'd you sleep?"

"Like shit. I was up most of the night thinking," he replied.

I raised an eyebrow, curiosity had come across me.

"About?," I asked, waiting for him to emphasize.

"Us. You. Our daughter."

"What about us? Is this referring to what you and your mom were secretly talking about the other day?," I asked.

I watched as his face suddenly became very alert and serious. It felt like he knew something he didn't want to tell me, which frustrated but also worried me. 

"I told you that's nothing, it's all good. Merry Christmas baby, can't wait until you see your gifts," he smirked, planting a forehead kiss onto my head.

I sighed and smirked a bit walking out of our bathroom and down the stairs. I looked around my living room as I made my way down and still couldn't believe this home was actually ours. It was like one of those houses you dreamt about.

Our Christmas tree stood tall as ever in the middle of the living room alongside at least 100 gifts. I had never seen so many gifts in real life under a tree. I was stoked to know this was my first actually happy and functional Christmas in several years.

When I made my way to the kitchen and begun making some breakfast I heard a loud ring from my phone. I rushed over to it and seen Ashely's picture pop up, I slid it up and answered.

"Merry Christmas bestfriend! I love you," I yelled.

"Merry Christmas prego, we're going to be on our way in a bit. Omar awake?," she asked.

"Yeah we're both exhausted though."

"Same with us. Trev was going to show him some kind of sports reel when we get there only reason I asked, men and their sports I'll never get it," she explained.

I chuckled, "Literally. Well drive safe see you in a bit I'm gonna call Jada and Natalie now to make sure they're up too."

I disconnected the call and made the call to Jada's cellphone.

It was already 10am but felt like 5. I was just always super tired lately, I guess this very active baby girl was to thank for that.

"Ho ho ho, merry Christmas!," Jada yelled into the phone.

I laughed and snorted loudly hearing in her voice that she was already very much stoned.

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