30 | Time

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Chapter 30 : Time

Omar's POV

When we arrived to the downtown central holding cells I was placed in one with Trev. It just so happened to be next to Jackson's. He was lucky they hadn't placed him in one with me because it would've been endgame.

I thought as I was sitting here I'd begin to feel some kind of remorse or regret but I didn't. This man had attacked the woman that I'd fallen inlove with, that couldn't slide.

He hadn't physically attacked her at the restaurant before I hit him but he'd done it before so I got on his ass the moment he attempted it again.

My father always raised me to respect and cherish women, nonetheless never put your hands on one. I have women in my life I'd kill for, 2 sisters and my mother. Faith was now being added to that list.

She was someone I'd protect at all costs, no questions asked. She had me wrapped around her finger but it was all I wanted.

I sat there in the cell with blood splattered all over my shirt, it was just confirmation that I did what needed to be done.

You don't ever approach a woman that's with a man, especially when you know the kind of history you had with that woman.

I was disgusted that this sad excuse of a man ever had a woman like mine, he didn't deserve her. I stared over at him and gritted my teeth together, if this cell wasn't separating us it would be round 3.

"You should've killed me," he laughed, approaching the bars that were separating us.

His eye was blackened and his nose was still bloody, possibly broken.

"I tried to," I replied, snarling.

His face made my blood begin to steam, the anger sat in my throat like a piece of wood.

"Didn't work but you gonna wish it did bitch."

"You still haven't learned your lesson yet," I chuckled.

"Nah I never will, because no matter what you do or say I won't let you have her."

"You're saying that like you got a choice," I snapped.

"Oh but I do. You see the thing about it is she's not your property I had her for six years you've had her for what 6 weeks?"

"It doesn't matter if it's been 6 hours I'm the man she always dreamt about while fake loving your hoe ass," I responded.

"I like the confidence, keep that energy when I get her back on my dick."

I reached through the cell and grabbed him by the collar, "I will kill you if you ever come at her again."

I released him as a guard walked by and sat back down next to Trev. His head was between his hands, and he was shaking lightly.

"It's taking everything in me not to kill that dude," he commented.

He cracked his knuckles and began to roll his neck around in circles.

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