52 | Let's Get Married .. Part 1

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Chapter 52 : Let's Get Married .. Part 1

** Hey my lovely readers please don't forget to vote & comment on the chapters! Thanks to you guys it's officially at over 30k reads. I'm so grateful. Enjoy this long chapter as my gift back. ** ❤️

Ashley's wedding day arrived faster than ever and I woke up that morning feeling nothing less than ecstatic. My best friend in the whole wide world was marrying her soulmate, she was safe, this is all I'd ever wanted for her.

Honk Honk Honk Honkkkkk!

I rubbed my eyes, rolled out of bed and peered out my bedroom window to see Ashley literally sitting on the horn of her car. I checked the clock and seen that it was 2 minutes past 9am, crap. She'd called me the night before and had me promise to be ready to go by 9am sharp.

The good news was that I just had to be ready to go to the venue with her and we had several hours before the actual wedding ceremony started. Ashley hired some of the best hairstylists, nail technicians and beauticians in the state along with a team to assist with last minute changes to all of our dresses.

I jumped out of bed, grabbed my purple-colored suitcase that I'd stuffed with everything I'd need for the wedding and hurried down the stairs out of the house. Omar was Trev's best man so he'd already been with him as of yesterday due to him throwing him a bachelor party. Don't ask me why I agreed to let it happen.

"Here comes the bride all dressed in whiteeeeee," I sung jokingly hopping in the passenger seat.

"I'm wearing black!," she laughed.

"Oh shit I forgot all about that," I giggled.

"I'm soooo nervous, like I've been with this man nearly a decade and yet I'm still full of butterflies and sweat palms right now," she vented.

"That's normal Ash. This is a huge day, like HUGE."

"You're right. I know I know. I'm just ready to get cute," she smiled.

"You're always cute! I can't wait to see you in the gown again, he's gonna get you pregnant."

"Oh hell no. I just landed this high-paying stylist role with one of the hottest new female upcoming rappers in the state, he better wait," she replied.

I rolled my eyes and smirked, "Mhm. Congratulations on that though!"

We drove for about 20 minutes before we finally pulled up to the venue. The venue they had chosen was a completely refurbished and renovated old firehouse. It was urban and classy, just like Ashley had always dreamed.

There were already several cars waiting outside that belonged to the teams that would be helping Ash and Trev get ready. I also noticed Jada's jeep and a SUV that Ashley's mom drove parked nearby.

We grabbed our suitcases out of the car and walked through the big red double doors that led us to a staircase which spiraled up towards the rooms we'd be getting ready in. When we reached the top we heard lots of people talking and they suddenly stopped and turned all of their attention to Ashley.

"Hey bridezilla," squealed Tammy.

She was Ashley's older sister that was enlisted in the army. I'd known Ashley nearly half my life and sadly only hung around Tammy a few times. They had a 10 year age gap so that explained most of it.

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