34 | The Truth

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Chapter 34 : The Truth

"I'm Anita, his fiancé."

The words kept replaying in my head over and over as I stood there in complete shock. The anger I felt building up was dreadful.

Meticulously I observed this female that stood in front of me smirking, there was just no way this was his fiancé. I had spent nearly every day for the last couple of months with Omar, I'd know if there was someone else. Right?

"You must be mistaken somehow, there's no way you're engaged to my man," I laughed.

"This ring doesn't seal the doubt?," she asked smugly. Flaunting her ring in my face yet again.

"You could've bought your own ring, how do you even know him?"

"You're funny. Maybe that's why he likes you because it certainly can't be the looks. I'm a 10 and you're a solid 7," she criticized, staring me up and down.

"I'm a 7 that has his whole heart," I snapped.

"Is that so?," she asked, twirling her hair in between her fingers. Her eyes began to roll and a smug look crossed her face.

"You already knew that. You're at my door not the other way around."

"Exactly, that should tell you I'm not with any games," she agreed.

"It tells me you're obsessed and have no idea what kind of tree you're barking up," I smiled. I began cracking my neck from side to side, tension had gotten into my bones.

This girl had no idea the type of woman she was actually dealing with. I'd never fight over a man, directly, but respect was another ballgame.

"Do you need more proof?," she asked.

"There's no proof you're just crazy, you're also trespassing."

"Explain this," she asked, pulling out her phone to show several photos of her and Omar. I wanted to say they weren't recent but truthfully, they looked to be.

I blinked a few times to keep the tears from falling down my face. There was no way I'd let this bitch get the best of me.

"Those are probably old," I replied.

"Try a few months old," she said.

"What he did before me doesn't concern me."

"Oh but I think it does, because he's still MY fiancé," she snapped. Her teeth began grinding together as she glared at me.

"Maybe you should let him know about that because the way he be eating me out says different," I smirked.

When she realized what I'd said it must've been too much for her because at that moment she charged at me putting her hands around my neck to attempt to choke me.

As soon as she gripped my neck I bent my head down to remove my airway and pushed her off me. I had learned how to defend myself from many different gestures due to dealing with an abuser for several years.

When she lunged forward hitting at me I balled up my right fist as tight as it could get and landed it right on her jawbone. She flung backwards and grasped at her face looking at me with widened eyes.

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