13 | Let's Be Real

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Chapter 13 : Let's Be Real
* Omar's POV *

I sat in the chair with my head still down, I couldn't believe what was happening. Last thing I wanted Faith to think was that I was playing her or not serious about us.

It didn't help that her friends had all began to surround me with deadly glares. I watched the drama continue to unfold in front of me not knowing what to do.

"Who the fuck are you and why are you even here?," Ashley snapped, staring at Dreka.

"I was invited by Trev, I'm a known Instagram promoter so you might want to be careful how you're approaching me, you wouldn't want to ruin his event," Dreka cackled.

"I don't give a fuck who you are you came up to my friend and her man on some drama starting shit so I'll happily have Trev put your ass out. You must not know I'm his First Lady," Ashley snarled.

I stared as the two girls went at it, it all began to happen so fast. Before I knew it Ashley had snatched Dreka's wig off and Trev was asking me to hold Dreka back.

I shook my head in disbelief, all this over a chick that wasn't even my girl. I walked Dreka to the front of the house to wait for an Uber and decided it was time to face her first.

"We were never exclusive so why you felt the need to approach me and someone I was clearly engaged in conversation with was dumb as fuck," I barked.

I was beyond pissed with how this had turned out.

"You should've told me that, you were fucking me weren't you?," She asked. Tears begun to fill her eyes.

"I never agreed to anything exclusive and you came onto me sexually I didn't touch you first," I reminded her.

"Regardless, you had some kind of thing going with me so if you started seeing someone else you should've just said that," she replied.

"That might be true but you could've seen me and texted me or called me in private you walked up on some drama shit. This is her environment that girl that whooped your ass is like her bestfriend so this is on you," I snapped.

She rolled her eyes and stood there with her arms still crossed.

I finished my conversation with her by telling her it was nothing more for me and her to discuss or continue, our fling was dead.

After calling me a fuck boy and every other name in the book she got in her Uber and left. She wasn't even the crazy ex that I had mentioned to Faith. I prayed that woman would never come near us because that would be even worse.

I walked back to the pool deck to grab my phone. As soon as I turned to walk towards the house I was approached by 4 different people.

In front of me once again stood Trev, Ashley, Natalie and Jada. I was surprised I'd even remembered the names, but I wanted Faith so bad that I made it my duty to memorize everything important to her.

"Did you handle your rodent?," Jada asked. She glared at me looking extremely serious.

I sat down on a chair and nodded.

"She had no business coming up to me or Faith, I apologize y'all," I expressed. I was expecting all hell to break loose again.

"We didn't know about you until last night but we can tell our friend really likes you, that's something new for her so all due respect don't make us have to fuck you up," snapped Ashley.

"Understood loud and clear," I responded.

After having a conversation with them about how to go about winning her back over I decided to make my way down the hall to her room. I wasn't giving up that easy. I knocked on the door and after a few moments she opened it letting me inside.

I stared her up and down as she walked back to the bed. She had changed into a red silk robe and her bonnet, she looked good even when she wasn't trying. I had to stop myself from grabbing her and having my way with her right then and there.

"I can't take back what happened and I know you might not believe shit I say but I meant what I said. Dreka was a fling to me that I didn't cut loose properly but that's handled now. All I want is you," I begged, sitting beside her.

"I've gone through enough shit with a man doing me dirty so if you're gonna disturb my peace on any level I'd rather you leave me alone now before I truly open up fully to you," she replied, holding back tears.

I placed my arms around her pulling her closer to my chest, she stopped resisting and cried into my arms. I wiped her tears and grabbed her face kissing her on the forehead gently. I can't believe anyone had ever even thought of hurting this woman, I had to protect her at all costs. She was safe now, I was willing to go up to god himself and promise that.

"I will never disturb your peace or ever intentionally hurt you or put you in any position where you have to feel anything less than valued, I apologize for this," I pleaded.

She grabbed my hand and told me she forgave me, my heart began to jump like a rabbit.

"I want to slow things down and take a couple steps back, you're not a fling or something I don't want to last. I'm trying to continue to get to know you so that I can be the perfect man for you, you deserve nothing less," I explained, still holding her hands.

"Okay, that's fine," she smiled, placing her head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing Monday after work?," I asked.

"I have therapy," she replied.

I admired her strength, people twice her age struggled with admitting that they needed therapy or help.

"Okay, how about Tuesday I take you out again?," I suggested.

"Of course," she responded, rubbing my back.

I smiled and laid beside her, this was all I wanted.

Her. This. Us.

A/N : Hello my lovely readers, I hope you liked the male POV. Please feel free to comment and leave your thoughts and feedback. Stay tuned. 🦋🖤🙏🏾

Edited by author on 5/19/22

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