{that beautiful virago}

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Women, Females, Girls, Ladies, what are they? These are the very few names of a fighter. When we talk about war, we only think of soldiers and males and men. Where do the women go?

These women and females are ignored, why? Because they are just born to give children. They are just born to work in a household. They are born to act innocent and weak. But why? Why are they considered to be so not strong and not 'manned up?' Let me tell you.

Because a rumour has spread all around that women are inadequate to work on their own.

A friend of mine told me yesterday, "I can't believe I'm telling you this, but my dad abuses my mum and they fight everyday." I asked her, "Why doesn't she complain then?" She just gave me a weak smile and said, "Because feminism and women empowerment isn't spread everywhere."

We all pass so many people every day, not knowing their stories, not knowing if they are hurting and we just pass them by. It hurts, sometimes it hurts really bad to not be able to do anything.

But, Women Empowerment IS a real thing, so humans should stop treating it like it's not. Because at the end of the day, women DO give birth to children, they DO work in a household, they DO act innocent and weak. Because how long will a person fight? It has to stop.

But the thing is, it doesn't necessarily have to. The thing is, WE have to fight. For us to her to everyone.

Women Empowerment is real, and the sooner we understand it, the sooner we'll be able to feel the happiness and the ecstasy that comes with respect for the beautiful human, known as a WOMAN.



written: march 5, 2021

I wrote this write-up for Women's Day in 2021. This is one of my first few proses. I am actually happy with the way it came out. The friend mentioned in this poem does NOT exist. I made them up.
Women are actually really powerful, I don't know why people don't think of them as weak. Women can do anything they put their minds to. So whoever is reading this, RESPECT FEMALES.

-anyways, thanks for reading, people! do vote and comment if you liked it.-


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