All alone

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Jade's POV

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Johnson arrived a few hours later. As soon as he arrived, he was all business, "You know after leaving Duskwood, I thought you would be out of situations like these. What the hell happened? I thought you and Davis were on a road trip." The doctor gave him a dirty look, "If you could please lower your voice. You are stressing the patient." "It is something she should stress about," he snapped. "Sir if you continue this then I may need to ask you to leave," the doctor said. "He is fine doctor, thank you," I said. The doctor shrugged and left. I looked at Johnson, "Any word on Richy?" He sighed, "I put in a missing person's report on him both here and back home. I called his family and they haven't heard from him either. Neither have his friends. His work said that he had put his leaves for the road trip."
"The police can track his phone right?" I asked. "Yes but they can't do that right away. They would need your statement and honestly.." "What?" "They want to know if he could have done this to you," he said. "You are joking right? How can you think that? This is Richy we are talking about. If he isn't here or picking up his phone after what happened to me then he is in some deep trouble," I screeched. "You know what the police sees? A woman stranded in an unknown place. She was last seen with her boyfriend who is now unreachable. Tell me that Richy being behind all this is not plausible," he said. "It isn't because the boyfriend is Richy. He would never do this," I said stubbornly. Johnson looked at me with a guarded expression, "If that's what you say. The police will come here to take your statement and then we can head back home."
The police came, took my statement. They asked a few questions which I answered to the best knowledge I had of the time. They left after they were done, saying that they would let us know when they found anything. For some reason I felt that they just wanted to find him to grill him. If only Jake was around. He would have been able to help. If only I could text him. Hours later Johnson and I were on our way home. "You could stay with us if you want to," Johnson offered. "No. But thank you," I said. I didn't want to be around anyone. Just be by myself. Johnson dropped me home and I walked into the familiar place. The place felt haunted. Haunted with the ghosts of my father, Richy, Jake and especially me since I felt like I didn't belong here anymore. I sat down on the couch. I could feel the flash drive burning in my pocket. I put my hand in my pocket to get my phone. My hand came up empty. Right I didn't have a phone. Need to get one tomorrow. I got my laptop and a million notifications popped up. Texts, missed calls from Lilly, Reggie, Jessy, Phil, Hannah, Richy's parents, Thomas and Dan. I sighed. I plugged in the drive when my laptop pinged about Reggie's new message.

Online chat with Reggie
Reggie: Are you back?
Me: Yes.
Reggie: Can I call?
Me: Yes.
Reggie called me on video. I answered and stared at a face quite similar to Richy's but having a distraught expression. "Hey," he croaked. "Hey," I replied. "Did you just get back?" he asked. I nodded. He gulped, "Any news on?" I shook my head. He took a deep breath, "We spoke to the police. They think that since Richy did run away once, he probably did it again." "What? That's ridiculous. That was different.. he had his reasons.. " I stammered. "Was it though? Last time he did it for Hannah. I believe he doesn't do anything without a reason." "What are you saying?" I asked completely confused. "Did you guys have a fight or something? Was he annoyed about something? He wouldn't just leave you know?" he said. "Are you saying I had something to do with it?" I asked bewildered. He looked away running his hand through his hair, "Did you? I know my brother, he wouldn't just disappear. Did you do anything to him unintentionally? Because if you did then ..." "Reggie? How could you...?" "Put yourself in my shoes. What would you think? Two people leave together for a trip and only one is back safe and sound and the other's whereabouts are unknown. And you don't even remember what happened. Isn't that convenient?" his tone was accusatory. "Reggie I can't believe.." "It's not just me Jade. Everyone is thinking this. Seems like trouble follows you like a shadow. And people around you get hurt. I thought you were good for him. Maybe not. I don't know what to think. Jade he is my brother and he loves you dearly and everything was going right for him. Why would he leave? Unless someone forced him to. I just want to know if it could be you," he asked. "Of course it isn't me. I would never.." "How can you be sure? You don't remember correct?" Reggie asked. I didn't answer. "I am planning to hire a PI. I hope you would be cooperative," he said finally. I nodded and then he hung up. I shut my laptop. Though I should be offended about Reggie accusing me, I understood what he was going through. If Reggie was in this state, I could only imagine how his parents were. I closed my eyes, hoping that the sleep would just consume me.
The next day, I got a new phone with my old number. Not because I wanted to talk to anyone but just because I wanted Jake or Richy to reach out to me. I wondered how soon that could happen. Jake must be in Geneva for sure, but I didn't know how to reach him. Maybe if I texted someone, he would read the texts? Was it possible on this new phone? I really wished he would call but mostly he would call Richy, who wasn't here. Absentmindedly I called Johnson. It went to voicemail. "Hey Johnson, I wanted to know if the cops were able to track Richy's phone. Call me back when you get the time." I had ignored every other text and call. I really didn't want to talk to anyone. An hour later, I got a call from Johnson. "Jade I am picking you up in 10 mins. Be ready," he said and he hung up. I quickly got dressed. Minutes later I heard Johnson's car pull up. I get into the car, "What's going on?" "We found Richy's car," he said. "Wow that was quick. The cops must be really into the case." "The cops didn't find the car. I had a contact of mine look into it," he said. "Anything on Richy? Is that where he was & will the cops be there?" I asked. He shrugged, "No. I am hoping that the car may have some clues to where Richy might be. As for the police, they don't think it is a legitimate case. Richy is an adult and since he pulled such a stunt before, the police don't really think he is in any danger."
"That's pathetic. And what happened before was different. Its more than 24 hours that he is gone. They must take this seriously. Johnson you have to.." "I can't do anything Jade. This is a unique case and the only way the cops will take this seriously is if.." he trailed. "If what?" I asked. "If you somehow lodge a complaint that Richy was behind this," Johnson said thoughtfully. "No way. Richy is a victim in all this and how dare you think of him that way. This is absolutely ridiculous," I screamed in frustration. He looked at me and decided to keep quiet. Silently I was glad the car was found. It gave me hope that we were closer to finding Richy and finding out what happened. A few hours later he pulled into a dilapidated building. We both got out. A woman was standing, nervously tapping her feet as we approached. She looked at Johnson and said, "You are not going to like this." She escorted us towards the back of the building. Once we turned the corner, the sight shocked me. There behind the building was what remained of Richy's car. Well not just that. The car was not just left there. It was torched. The only link to finding Richy was now burnt.

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