What now

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Apologies for the delay
Check it out here as well: https://jaderoxx30892.wixsite.com/reallies/post/chapter-11-what-now

Jade's POV

I slumped back on the chair. Layla looked at me, "So do you want a copy of this?" I looked back at her, "And do what exactly? It's not like this helps me in any way." "Well at least you know where Dominic is?" I put my head in my hands, "This is hopeless. I don't know where Richy is and I cant help him. The one person who could have helped is in international prison and I cant help him either. And tomorrow I will be in jail and that's it. I am done." Layla pouted, "I see that you are having a meltdown. Maybe you can have it somewhere else?" "Seriously? Do you have no empathy?" I asked. "No I don't. Are you a freaking princess waiting for Prince Charming to rescue you? If you want to get out of something then you have to do it yourself. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and get on with the program," she said dryly. "But what do I do?" I asked. "Well I assume you had a plan right after finding where Dominic was right?" She asked. "Yes but I was sure that Dominic would be able to locate Richy somehow." "Okay if thats the case then what is Plan B?" she asked. "I don't have one yet." "No time better than the present. Think. What can you do next?" I thought for a while and looked at her, "Can you locate the private number?" "No. It is a private number. Thats the whole point," she said.
"Then the only other way I see is by getting to Dominic," I said. "No. That's impossible. He is in prison. Don't tell me you are thinking of busting him out?" She asked. "Of course not.... not really.... I don't know. I just need to see him," I stammered. "Right because the Interpol is really big on social visits. And how do you plan on going there? If you even leave the town you are a fugitive," she said. "So be it. And I guess I need to steal a page from the kidnapper's book." "What's that supposed to mean?" She asked. "Layla, get me a set of new IDs and find out how quickly I can take a flight to Geneva. I will head back home and get some of the things I need," I said. She looked at me, "This is the most deranged plan I have heard of." I sighed. Basically she wouldn't help me then. "Which is why I want to be a part of it," she said in a bubbly tone. Relieved I smiled, "Great I will be back soon." "Wait. Here take this phone. It has my contact saved. Call me. Let me know everything," she said handing me a phone. I took it and left. I drove to my house quickly and beelined to my room to start packing. A strange sensation engulfed me. My room looked slightly messed up. That was weird. I didn't remember leaving it that way. I brushed it off thinking that I may have been too preoccupied to notice. I did not know what was needed but I gathered the essentials. I thought about the stash Dad had. I think there was no time better than today to use it. I was almost done packing when I heard the doorbell ring. I checked my watch. It was half past 2. Who could it be?
I silently walked down the stairs and proceeded towards the door. Quietly I snooped through the spy hole and was surprised to see Rachel standing outside. Johnson's wife, Rachel, who I hadn't seen in some time. I opened the door, "Rachel. Quite late isn't it?" She looked at me with worry lining her face, "Jade where have you been? I have been calling you for hours." She walked into     the dark living room. I switched on the lights and was surprised to see the messy living room. "What the hell!!," I exclaimed. She looked at me with confusion, "So you don't know?" "Know what?" "The police came here with a search warrant. They were searching for something I think..." she trailed off. "Why wasn't I informed?" I asked. "Apparently, they did try calling you," she said shrugging quickly. I collapsed on the couch, "I don't think there is anything more demeaning than this."
She sat down next to me, "Jade? What's going on? I saw the cops on your doorsteps as I was passing by. I rushed home and Johnson said he isn't representing you anymore. Why the secrecy?" "Johnson wanted answers that I couldn't give and he thought it would be in both our best interests if I found different representation," I said quietly. I did not know what to tell her. If Johnson hadn't revealed anything then I didn't want to either. She took a deep breath, "I don't know what is happening between the two of you but this isn't good. The police searching your house has raised a lot of questions and confirmed a lot of suspicions. You need a lawyer to help you out of this. I can talk to Johnson.." "That is not needed. What do you mean by confirmed a lot of suspicions?" I asked. "They know Richy and you slept separately. And they also know that you stopped going to your therapist and also stopped taking the medicines. The found sleeping pills in your medicine cabinet. Were you finding it hard to sleep?" She asked. I shook my head in disbelief, "What does that have to do with Richy's disappearance?" "It speaks to your mental health. Look Jade after what happened in Duskwood, no one would be a hundred percent fine and no one expects you to be fine. It was a tough time for you and it still affects you, I see it clearly. Maybe you wanted an escape out of this and it happens. Sometimes you find comfort with someone else.." "Rachel that's not what happened. What are you saying? That I am crazy?" I said gritting my teeth. "Absolutely not. What I am saying is, in this state you might have done something that you regret and you don't remember it," she said. "Don't psychoanalyze me, Rachel. I do not remember because I was drugged and left at a rest stop. It has nothing to do with my state of mind," I said stubbornly. "Then why were you searching if data could be recovered from a burnt phone? Is there something on your or Richy's phone that could imply something?" She asked.
Dammit. I hadn't realized how incriminating this would be. It was obvious that they would think that I was checking if my tracks were covered provided that I was behind Richy's disappearance. She waited for me to answer, when I didn't, she continued, "Were you not happy with Richy, Jade? He seemed like a great guy but you don't know what's beneath the surface. With his arrests and disappearances in Duskwood, did he hurt you first?" "No," I exploded. "He would never do that and how dare you even think that?" She sighed, "I apologize, Jade but the police have multiple theories as to why you would hurt Richy. One of it is probably this since you guys lived in separate rooms. The others are not any good either. Did the other guy tell you to get rid of him?" "What? That's ridiculous. It is nothing like that." "Was Richy going to propose?" "What? No." "His friends say otherwise. His brother says so as well. Is that what pushed you over the edge? I understand commitments can be scary." "Stop it." She looked at me with a bewildered expression, "Jade I am trying.." "Just don't. Rachel I would need to ask you to leave," I said angrily. "Jade listen." "Just leave Rachel. Now." Unsure of what to do, she got up and walked towards the door. She turned around, "I am always here for you. I didn't mean to offend you. I am just a call away." She left. I slumped back on the couch. This was so absurd and wrong. I was a suspect? I could never ever think of even hurting Richy. The police had lost their minds. They were wasting their time and energy looking into me when the actual culprit could be slipping away so easily.
I went upstairs to my bedroom and headed towards the bathroom, opened the medicine cabinet and stared at the bottle of medicines that my therapist had prescribed. I hadn't taken a single pill from the bottle, neither had I been to the therapist since the past few weeks and I remembered the reason why.

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