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Jake's POV

This was too much to process. What the hell? Johnson & Luke were working together? Wayne got to know about it. Johnson was part of Ragwort. Was he still a part of it? Wayne had asked him to leave but had he? He seemed pretty determined not to leave. He still worked in the same firm so maybe he had dropped out of it. No but he would have known about Luke or he didn't? I ran down the stairs to the room Richy was in. He looked up as he saw me enter. "Is this a joke?" I snapped at him. "I really wished it was," Richy responded. "Liam gave this to you?" I asked. He nodded. "Well it doesn't mean anything. Johnson must have joined Ragwort and then left. You know he won't.." I started. "This recording was created two days before Wayne passed away," he said. "Liam told you this?" I asked. "Yeah but he said you could also check the authenticity of it. I sat down and looked at the metadata. He was right. The dates matched. "It could be a coincidence," I said in disbelief. "When has that been the case?" He replied. I pinched the bridge of my nose, "I can't believe it. How can Johnson..? Oh God this is a mess." "Are you going to tell her?" Richy asked.
"What do I tell her? The only family she has is probably the one who got her father.... I can't even consider him doing something like this. There has to be more to the story," I said helplessly. Richy sat back, "So what are you going to do?" I tapped the keys on my keyboard. I stood up and called Johnson's phone. Unreachable. The firm was closed for the evening. I then dialed Johnson's home number. A woman picked up the call, "Hello, this is Rachel West." "Uh. Mrs. West may I speak with Mr. West please?" I said. "Who is this?" she asked. "I have been trying to reach him regarding the Clayton Martin case, but his phone isn't reachable," I said trying to sound as confident as possible. "Oh. He is not in town. He is on a convention trip in Geneva." "Oh that's a shame. When did he leave?" I asked. "Yesterday night. He should be back in a few days," she said. "Ok good. Thank you Mrs. West," I replied. "You are welcome," she said. I hung up before she could ask anything. I looked at Richy, "He is here. Johnson is here in Geneva." "Obviously. Liam mentioned something big happening in 2 days," Richy said. "Where?" I asked. "I don't know," he said. Jade walked in a few minutes later, "I think we need to leave. Ethan has been suspended and the Interpol might very well be searching this place soon." Richy and I looked at each other. I sighed, "That's horrible. Ummm let me talk to my friend and make some arrangements." "I think the arrangements you need to do is to get out of this country and go back home. There is no point staying here," Ethan said walking into the room. "Are you serious? You just want to give up?' I asked him. "Give up? You got what you want. You have your friend and your girlfriend's proof of innocence. What else is there?" He asked.
"What about Ragwort?" I asked. "What about it? It is completely legitimate. Just because they act shady doesn't mean there is anything shady there," he said. "But there is," I yelled and then mentally slapping myself as I realized that the news that I had received from the recording was a secret that only I and Richy knew. Ethan gave me a long look, "I understand it is difficult to accept that your mentor is involved with something shady but there is no way we can prove it." I turned to Jade and thought about what I had just heard. I needed answers. "Jake?" She called out to me. "Yeah?" I replied. "What are you thinking?" she asked me. I sighed, "Nothing. I will get the tickets done to get back. In the meanwhile, we still have to get out of here so I'll get my friend to figure that out. He will send the address. Make sure you guys get there as soon as possible. I will meet you guys there." "We'll get packing then," Jade said as she and Ethan went to their respective rooms to start packing. After they were out of earshot, Richy pulled me aside, "For real? We are going back? What about...the thing on the recording?"
"Right now I need to focus on getting out of here. The Zeus that I knew and the person Liam is right now are very different. I can't risk anything. He is very unpredictable and that's a person I cannot go up against without a plan," I said. "Okay, I think that's a good idea," he said. Ethan walked in, "Jake. Umm I didn't want to say this before but I think I can manage on my own. I think I should go my own way." "Nonsense. I am going to figure out a way to exonerate you. I can.." "There is no point Jake. I can do this on my own," Ethan pressed. "No you have been helpful to us when in need and you saved Jade's life, twice. The least I can do is repay you someway. Give me some time to figure this out," I said. Ethan seemed uncertain but then he shrugged, "Okay if you insist. But I am glad you guys finally get to go home. Even with everything that happened with Zeus, I think it is probably best to recuperate and move on." Richy and me exchanged another look, "Yeah I guess it's for the best. Alright I will get going." I left shortly hoping that I had made the right decision.

Ethan's POV

I felt a slight bit of relief. Ok maybe not completely. I still had a sword hanging over my head. I could be arrested but maybe there was a way to resolve that. I trusted my instincts and saved Jade so I thought, I am not a complete idiot. Richy was found and Jade will be exonerated. Jake, Jade and Richy would be on their way home. Maybe not everything was the way I expected it to be but at least I felt like I was on the right side. I finished grabbing my belongings. I checked my phone. It had been half an hour since Jake had left. Shit. He didn't tell who would receive the message. Me or Jade? Maybe he told Richy? After all they were talking right before he left. Man I wondered if I would ever know what happened on the day of Richy's disappearance. It did seem intriguing. Impatiently I went to Richy's room. I was about to knock when from my vantage point I saw him standing near the window, with a cellphone in his hand. How did he have a cellphone? I started eavesdropping. "Hello... yeah it is official... we are heading back. He said it himself. Yup he heard it. Yeah he wasn't ready to accept it but then what else can he do. No he hasn't said anything to her yet. I don't know if he will. He does know that Johnson is here.....Yeah still.... I even told him about the two days thing but he seemed too spooked to care, I think... He is headed to make arrangements for us to head back... Ok I don't know what else can I do to confirm are just being paranoid Liam. Jake has made up his mind. Just focus on your thing and stop bothering me... I have got to go... I am not alone here," he said and he hung up. He was talking to Liam. I pulled my gun out of my holster and walked inside his room and pointed the gun at him as he turned around. Immense fear was visible in his eyes. He raised his hands fearfully, "Did you hear my call? This is not what it seems." I shook my head in anger, "Hush. You and I need to talk. And you better be fucking honest."

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