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Jake's POV

The man in front of me did not flinch as he put his hands up lazily. "Turn around slowly," I repeated, my gun aimed at him. The man turned slowly, almost savoring the moment. As soon as I looked at his face, I was shocked, "You?" "Surprise!" He said. "Hayes? What are you doing here?" I asked. "Just doing my job, mate. Boss' orders," he said. "Yeah and what are his orders?" I asked. "None of your business, mate. Speaking of it not being your business. I don't think it is your business to be here, mate," Hayes said. I considered him silently. What was he doing here? I hadn't seen him ever since.. "Someone needs your attention," he remarked as my phone buzzed. I ignored it, I didn't want to take my eyes off him. "They can wait. Now you talk," I told him. "There isn't much to talk, mate. I am not spilling on Boss. Simple," he said easily. "And where exactly is your Boss?" I asked.
"Right behind you," a voice said behind me. I turned around to see Liam standing lazily behind me. "Correct me if I am wrong. Didn't I tell you to not come here?" he asked me. "Well I might have missed that. So its you," I asked. "I don't know what you mean, but since you are here, you looked around, got a bit cozy, I need you to leave now," he shrugged. "No. I left the last time, but today I am not leaving. I have questions," I said. He took a deep breath and stretched, "By the way. You have to pay for the door. You could have just knocked you know?" "Nobody move a muscle. Everybody put their hands where I can see them," Ethan's voice boomed through the empty hall. "Of course. All we were missing was another monkey with a gun," Liam sighed, raising his hands. Hayes followed the suit as Ethan burst through into the room, with Jade not far behind him. "Jake are you ok?" She asked me. "Yeah I am fine," I said. "Look who it is? Tweedledee and Tweedledum," Liam said smugly. "Looks who it is? The sleazy Casanova," Jade snapped at him. "What's going on here?" Ethan asked. "Oh agent Matser is it? This man broke into my warehouse, broke my door, yada yada yada. Kindly arrest him. The security cameras must have caught it. Hence your evidence," Liam said nonchalantly.
"Is he for real?" Ethan asked me. "Look I am not talking with all these guns around," Liam said pointing to the guns. I put away my gun and Ethan hesitantly lowers his weapon, but still keeps it in his hand. "See? Wasn't that difficult now. Ok shoot away," Liam said. "Who killed Richy?" Jade asked. "I know a lot of people named Richy. Who are you talking about?" Liam asked back. "Richard Davis," Ethan enunciated. "No clue who killed him," Liam said rolling his eyes. "Zeus cut the shit. You know it was one of the people on the board. Or did they tell you to get the job done?" I asked. "Calm down soldier. I didn't join the board since a few days ago. Whatever they did before I joined, I have no clue," Liam said. "Joined what? The Ragwort LLC? What is the purpose of it?" Ethan asked. "All you need to know is that Ragwort is funding the BLAMED initiative," Liam said. "Yeah we gathered that. But somehow I feel thats not it. I don't believe politicians and businessman suddenly grew hearts," Ethan said. I looked confused. "We got to know that the BLAMED initiative is a prisoner rehabilitation program," Jade explained. "Then why do you want Jade? To open the drive correct? What does the drive have to do with this?" I asked Liam. "I don't want Jade for any drive," Liam replied. "Yeah but your board does," Ethan said. "You know more. Tell us," I pressed him. Liam looked at me, narrowing his eyes. He seemed to be in a conflict but then he shrugged, "The only thing I know is I have three people following me relentlessly. Whereas all I want to do is live my life and you all to leave me alone."
"We are not leaving until you answer our questions," I said. "I did answer your questions," he snapped back. "Have it your way then," I said. "Ok fine. How about an incentive then?" Liam suggested. "You really think you can buy us?" Ethan asked. "Not monetary incentives. How about something emotional and something that is worth much more than anything else for you?" Liam said pointing to me. I scoffed, "Yeah like what? And what do you want in exchange?" "Walk away. All 3 of you go back to live your lives as it was before. No comebacks. And all this remains just a bad memory," Liam said as he signaled to Hayes. Hayes walked over to another room as we waited. "Where is he going?" Ethan asked. "Relax he will be back," Liam said. "Whatever happens Zeus, I am not going to let this go until you..." I started angrily clenching my fists. "Help you out?" Liam completed. I flinched, "I don't need your help." "So you say," Liam countered. Thats when I snapped and pulled Liam by the collar, "You think I can't do anything without you." Ethan leaped to separate us, "Break it off guys." Liam smirked, "No you are actually just a spoilt brat who cries wolf every time things don't go your way." And that was it, I punched him. "Jake I said BREAK IT OFF," Ethan screamed.
Liam who had stumbled back regained his posture and stood straight up, "Ah the prodigal son returns." I was almost about to hit him again when I realized he wasn't talking about me. His eyes were focused behind us. Hayes was standing with the last person I expected to see. Richy. Jade almost ran towards him, but Hayes placed the muzzle of a gun at Richy's temple, "Uh uh uh. Stay away." "How's that for an incentive? Your friend back from the dead and the only person who can absolve your girlfriend of her crimes," Liam said standing next to Richy. Richy looked exhausted, yet aside from the sleepy look in his eyes, he looked fine. He kept quiet, almost drowsy. Was he sedated? "WHAT IS HE DOING HERE?" I asked. "You have 10 minutes. I have called the local police saying that my warehouse has been broken into. Take him and go. Thats what you wanted right? Proof of her innocence? There you go," Liam said. Richy swayed slowly from side to side as if he wasn't able to stand without falling. I narrowed my eyes at Liam, "What's the catch?" "Like I said. All 3 of you walk away unscathed well now the 4 of you. Live your life," Liam said. We started hearing faint sounds of the siren. "And if we don't?" Jade asked. "First thing, Ethan goes to prison for harboring a fugitive. You go to jail for breaking and entering and every other shit you did over the years. You saw the inventory right? I have a separate one dedicated to you. And dear Jade, Richy of course disappears again. I call in every favor to gun him down and make him disappear for good wherever he is. You don't believe me? Ask your boyfriend. Ask him how many contract killers work for the Pantheon," he said cunningly. Jade looked at me and so did Ethan. "What about.." I started. "Uh huh. One time offer. Take it or leave it," Liam said. The sound of the sirens got louder. I looked at Ethan and he grudgingly nodded. I took a deep breath, "Okay fine. Deal." Liam narrowed his eyes at me, "Remember. I have my eyes everywhere. No funny business." Richy was here. Alive. Jade's innocence wouold be proved, except something still didn't feel right. I nodded and squeezed my eyes and yelled, "Fine you win. I leave. Adamantine." Liam relaxed and pushed Richy towards us. Both me and Ethan put his arm on our shoulders and dragged him away. I gave one last angry look to Liam as he broke the gaze and looked away probably anticipating the arrival of the cops.

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