Hostage Situation

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Jade's POV

A beloved author once said that, "Lions are born knowing they are predators. Antelopes understand they are the prey. Humans are one of the few creatures on Earth given the choice." Right about now I was dreading that I had the choice. When I was reading and re-reading the instructions, I found it satirical. Some sort of dark comedy. It seemed like I was being prepared for the ceremony of slaughter. Ok too dark. The alcohol helped. Ethan's nervousness didn't. I realized he was trying his best to be composed but his voice, the constant way he gulped every time something happened proved that he hated not being in control, especially after they took away his guns. Now he was standing just a few feet away, eavesdropping on the men's conversation. Well I hoped that it gave him some clues. I stared at the bracelet around my wrist and around everyone's wrists. Was this some kind of prison situation? Why would anyone like being addressed in numbers?
My thoughts were cut short when a man grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the dark corridor. I contemplated screaming but my voice was stuck in my throat. What was hostage situation 101 again? Yes, keep them intrigued long enough so that they don't kill. "Look I am ready to cooperate, you don't have to drag me," I said. "You are lucky that I don't throw you off the window. What the hell are you doing here?" The man hissed. The voice was familiar. I just couldn't place it. "Ok I am ready to do anything you want but then you have to keep your end of the bargain too, else I will scream," I said stubbornly. He stiffened, "My end of the bargain? I never made any bargain with you. I told you, you aren't my type. Were you so deaf that you decided that stalking me was a good idea?" Stalking him? What was he talking about. A sudden realization hit me. Maybe this man was mistaken. He probably assumed I was someone else. "This must be a misunderstanding. I am not who you think I am," I stammered. "Misunderstanding? Listen Miss Jade I don't believe in coincidences and this is more than a coincidence. Why is that whenever I organize something you end up there at the last moment like a cockroach? First in the jet and now here?" He said angrily. My brain did a somersault. Jet? "Liam?" I exclaimed.
"Who else?" He snapped. "Do not move," Ethan's voice boomed behind Liam. "You have quite a nerve if you are threatening me," Liam said. "Where is Yang?" Ethan asked. "Who?" Liam asked. "Ethan. This is Liam," I said. Ethan stepped in front of Liam and pulled his mask off, "Liam Mynos?" "In the flesh," Liam said smugly. "What are you doing here and why were you kidnapping Jade?" Ethan asked, flashing the iron brand that he had in his hand. "Care I tell you that the brand that you are holding was used on prisoners held in this castle in the 16th century. My insurance doesn't cover that so please put it down. And let me tell you, I have no interest in Miss Jade, no matter what she told you. In fact I am certain she is stalking me," Liam said softly. "Huh? Then what are you doing here?" Ethan asked narrowing his eyes. "I organized this event, of course," Liam said quickly. "This is your annual party that you host?" Ethan asked. "We can have a better conversation if you put that down," Liam said. Ethan threw the brand on the floor. It clattered as it fell. "People just don't respect history. Now who are you? And what are you doing here?" Liam asked. "You tell us. We were invited here," I said. "Which is odd. I did not invite you guys. The only other people who would have invited you are the people on the board. I just don't know why. I first thought that Jade sneakily got in but then that's not possible as she had to have an invite to get the bracelet. So the only thing I can imagine is you coaxed one of the board members to give you an invite," Liam said. "Well why don't you ask the board then. We can join you," Ethan offered. "And why would I do that?" Liam asked. Ethan took off his mask, "Because I am asking as an Interpol agent."
It was a bluff. Liam sized him, "Of course. Do you have probable cause?" Ethan bluffed again, "It is part of an investigation and your help is greatly appreciated." "Mr..?" Liam started. "Matser." "Mr. Matser, I didn't get this far by listening to the likes of you. I have clients whose privacy I need to worry about first before anything else. Unless you have evidence stating that something here or someone here is doing something illegal, I suggest you enjoy the party? Try the caviar. Its to die for," Liam said smugly. Just then a waiter walked by and whispered, "The Bedlam has asked for your audience in half an hour." Liam nodded, "Thank you Gabe. Excuse me." He leaned over to kiss my cheek and walked away arrogantly, without a care in the world saying, "It was not lovely to see you. Hope I never see either of you again." "Cocky much?" Ethan muttered. I shook my head, "This is so weird. Do you think he knows where Yang is? And could he be involved with the people who have him?" "Liam Mynos has these annual parties. Apparently for charity, where the charity is rich and affluent people's egos and libidos. This is where rich people come for hookups. It is like their very own Ok Cupid along with the NDAs. That is probably what we signed when we got in. But he mentioned the board members, so all we have to do is catch hold of the board member who invited us. That person has Yang," Ethan said. "How do you suggest we do that?" I asked. His phoned buzzed at that moment. He checked his phone and showed it me. The message read, Follow 118.
A woman approached us at the same moment. Her bracelet read 118. "Shall we?" She asked. We both followed her. After we left the hall the woman trailed behind us pointing a gun. "Seems like we were being watched," I said to Ethan. He nodded, "I don't think you will tell us where are going right 118?" The woman didn't say anything. We walked quietly in front of her. "This looks like the north side. The king's chamber is here upstairs. It was a beautiful place, the last time I visited," Ethan said. The woman growled at him. "What? It's her first time. I am just being polite," Ethan responded. The woman shrugged and continued walking behind us. "What's a Salle 30?" I asked. "It's a French word for room but I think it means Chamber. So Salle 30 would be chamber 30," Ethan replied. "Hush," the woman snapped. "I wonder if the person summoning us is a king of some kind," I asked. "No I am pretty sure, he is from the mafia," Ethan said. "I didn't know there was a mafia in Switzerland," I said surprised. "Oh it's like a need to know basis. Only the ones in the know, know," Ethan said. "I know what you guys are trying to do. You guys are trying to get me to say something about the person. Unfortunately that will never happen. So go ahead be the guide to Chateau de Chillon, because that is probably the last thing you guys will see," the woman said menacingly.
Finally we stopped at some sort of a basement downstairs. "Oh this is the King's personal dungeon," Ethan said. "I didn't know the king was kinky," I said nervously. "Its a personal prison not a sex dungeon," Ethan said. A group of men stood there with masks. A man chimed in, "Agent Matser." "Where's Yang? I am not letting her go anywhere until I see Yang," Ethan growled placing a firm hand on my arm. The man shrugged and whispered something to the man next to him. We were seriously outnumbered. These men were armed. They could overpower us easily. A man dragged another person who looked injured but was walking. The injured man was also dressed in a suit. "Mask off," Ethan ordered. They took off the injured man's mask. It was Yang. He looked bruised but he seemed alright. "Let's exchange," the man said. Ethan sighed, "Jade I.." "It's okay," I said taking one step. Yang followed. There was a short distance between Ethan and the group of men. As soon as both of us were halfway through, I saw Yang look at me sadly and mouth Sorry. I nodded. "Faster," the man screamed. "Mewotojite," Ethan yelled as he threw a pouch towards the group of men. Yang and me covered our eyes as the pouch exploded in a blinding light. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Yang, Ethan and me ran in the direction that we were told. We did not stop even for a second as through the underground passage we reached the exit to the main road. Ethan kept his eyes behind us. He would alert us if anyone was following us. He hadn't said anything. The car sounded its horn, as we approached it. We opened the doors and shuffled in, catching our breaths as the driver speedily drove us away in the car. "Thanks for saving my life. I thought all of us were done for," Yang said breathlessly. "We were. If it wasn't for him," Ethan said pointing to our driver. Jake looked at me and smiled, "You are welcome. Told you I wouldn't let anything happen to you."

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