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Johnson's POV

"Mr. West what do you have to say to the Davis family who have been grieving the loss of Richard Davis because your client killed him?" "Mr. West how do you sleep at night?" "Mr. West are you behind the escape of your client?" "Have you been in contact with you client?" "Are you the one who orchestrated the escape?" I struggled past the sea of reporters who were trying to shove the recorders in my face just to get any sort of a reaction. I got inside my house and shut the door angrily. This had now become a routine. When I left for the office, the reporters would swarm me, outside my office the reporters would swarm me and of course when I returned they would swarm me. The murder of a young man by his unfaithful girlfriend who was a victim of a serial killer was nothing short of a soap opera. Plus her running away from the situation did not help at all. The court had subpoenaed her or tried to. Couldn't do much if she wasn't present in person. The police were actively searching for her as well all over the country. Well that was something that had to happen.
But the reporters had no rest. A lot of things were blown out of proportion. Stories that said that I was behind her escape, that the law always sided with the affluent people, that she was probably enjoying a margarita somewhere on a beach whereas the Davis family was grieving the loss of their son, etc, etc. The list was endless. My years in being a lawyer had taught me to be patient but then the unthinkable happened. A scathing article about Wayne had surfaced stating that single fathers probably couldn't be the best guidance to daughters and that his work probably influenced Jade to go the wrong path as well as learn to evade the law was what affected me the most. But I pulled through. I had to focus on something that was finally coming to fruition today. My PI had called. She said she had some information for me. This would be good. She got inside the house from the back door. She groaned, "West, you should've told me about the bloodhounds on your doorstep." "What am I supposed to do about that? Its not like I can shoo them away," I said angrily.
She raised her eyebrows, "Jeez. I didn't know it was a touchy topic." "What did you find?" I asked impatiently. "Well I went through all my sources. Bribed every person possible, pulled every favor, asked every Tom, Dick & Harry about your boy and guess what I found out? Zilch," she said. "What? How is that possible? Is he a ghost or a phantom?" I snapped. "He might as well be. No records, no pictures, no profiles and no one even remotely knows who he is," she said. "So why are you here? I want answers. I'm not paying you to come here to tell me you were unsuccessful in finding any information," I argued. "The reason there is no information on him is because there is actually no information about him. He is sneaky guy. And like I said, I don't have information about the guy but that doesn't mean I have no information at all," she said quickly.
"Care to elaborate?" I asked. "Well I know you really wanted to find out about Jade's alleged 'lover' but what if I have some information about Jade herself?" She enunciated. "Do you?" I asked. "Yes I do. So while I was digging around for the information on the guy, based on how empty my sources were coming, I decided to dig into Jade and trying to find out where they intersected. I came up with nada. So I thought, what would a woman who has no other support fall back on? Especially when she was cheating on her boyfriend with another guy. Obviously she would go to the other guy. So I traced some of her steps using traffic cams and her phone's location. She first went to Cleo's mother's home," she said. "Cleo, Luke's girlfriend Cleo?" I asked. "Who else? I met Cleo's mother and she did confirm that Jade came to meet her, which by the way, the cops know as well. Cleo's mother mentioned that she handed over an envelope to Jade. Apparently, Cleo had given it to her mother to give it to Jade if she helped her with reducing her sentence, all that crap," she continued. "What was in the envelope?" I asked. "God only knows. I asked Cleo's mom, she said she didn't know. I tried getting in touch with Cleo, she said she didn't want to talk to anyone," she said. "So basically, you have nothing more than the cops know?" I said with exasperation. God this woman was useless.
"Not nothing. I checked the traffic cams and Jade's phone coordinates for the night. She didn't come home directly, she went somewhere else. She went to meet someone named Layla," she said. "Who is that?" I asked. "Some person who forges documents: passports, licenses, you name it. Seems like Jade was trying to make a run for it and guess what? After bribing Layla, she finally told me where Jade is or where she went," she said. "Where?" I asked. "Geneva. She left for Geneva. She could be there still or could've have gone somewhere else," she said. I kept my composure. This was really great news. I had a starting point. "Anything else?" I asked calmly. "Isn't this enough?' She asked smugly. "No. You were supposed to find out about the guy, which you didn't," I said. "Well if I am right, he would be there as well," she said. "Whatever, fine. Did this Layla give you details about the flight she took or something?" I asked. "No and honestly she has a business to run West, if she keeps ratting her clients out then that will be seriously detrimental to her business," she said. "Does that mean that she is not ready to talk to anyone else?" I asked. "Ha. West, she maybe halfway across the world. She is probably spooked that someone found her," she said with a humorless laughter. "Is it reliable though?" I asked. "West, it is information, why would she lie when her pockets are full?" She replied. "Alright, that helps but keep digging on the ghost. There must be someone who knows him," I said.
"Okay I will try," she said. As she was leaving, I stopped her saying, "Dig into Jade's friends from Duskwood will you? Maybe she confided to one of them about this guy?" She nodded and left. An hour later, Rachel came home. "Have you looked at the reporters squatting on the lawn?" She asked me. I rolled my eyes, "Right now they are not my concern. I have better things to worry about." "Like what?" she asked. I sighed, "I just got some clues as to where Jade might be." "Really? Where?" she asked. "Geneva. And I think I need to go there," I said. "Okay but where are you going to find her in Geneva?" She asked. "Well I have someone in Geneva who can help. I made some acquaintances during the last convention there, so I hope that person might come through," I replied. "Johnson, are you going to inform the police about this?" She asked. "Not really. It may be a strong lead but I need to talk to Jade first before the cops get to her," I said. "But wouldn't it be suspicious that you left out of the blue?" She asked. "Well I did have a summit to attend to in Geneva which I cancelled because of all this. So I just have to RSVP to it and that's what I will tell everyone," I said. "Okay," Rachel said quietly. "Rachel I know this is bad that I am just leaving so suddenly, I think you should take the girls to your parents maybe, until I come back?" I asked. "Don't worry Johnson. We can handle it," she said hugging me. I hugged her back, "You are amazing, Rachel. Anyways I will shoot an email to my contact in Geneva and make preparations to leave." "And I will help you pack," she said smiling at me, leaving me to it. I sat down at my desk and opened my inbox. I had received and email from the coroner's office stating that the DNA test had confirmed that the body found was of Richy's. Dammit, this was really really bad. No not now. This could be dealt with once I got Jade back. I clicked on a new message and typed,
Hi Sylvia Valdifiori,
I am writing this email to gain some information regarding my client, Jade....

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