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Check it out here as well: https://jaderoxx30892.wixsite.com/reallies/post/chapter-46-loyalties

Jade's POV

I sat next to Richy as he was lying soundly on the bed. A doctor that Ethan knew had checked Richy and he had said that he was sedated and we just had to wait for the drug to wear off. There was nothing to worry about as there were no bruises or injuries on him. Except that this state of his was no less of a worry for all of us. We were back at the 'witness protection home' waiting for Richy to wake up. We were all very silent. A lot had happened in a matter of hours and we were still reeling from finding out that Richy was alive and well to an extent. Ethan had filled Jake on our conversation with Joshua. Not that it was very useful. It seemed pretty straightforward and except for the fact that Liam and his 'eligible board' was acting a bit shady, there was nothing we could dig into. Though none of us believed that this was a project that was happening out of the goodness of their hearts, Liam's conditions had tied our hands.
"So what's next for you?" Jake asked Ethan. "I don't know. I don't want to give up on this, all I can do is let the Interpol Chief know about this. I am not sure how much this can help. Yang can complain about being kidnapped but there is no way we can tie it to Valdifiori plus the whole fugitive thing doesn't help my case. What about you? Heading back with Jade & Richy? I guess you will since your mission has been accomplished, correct?" Ethan asked. I shrugged, "Then why do I feel like I am on the losing end?" "Cliff hanger," he replied. "Huh?" Jake said. "It feels like a cliff hanger. Like there is more to come," Ethan said. "Exactly," Jake said. I looked at Richy whose eyes seemed to move slowly. "Guys? I think he is coming to," I told Jake and Ethan. Richy opened his eyes slowly and looked at me, "If this is a hallucination, then it is a very very sick joke." I smiled, "Not a joke and definitely not a hallucination." "Thank the good Lord," he croaked. "Welcome back sleeping beauty," Jake said. "Oh you are here too?" Richy said jokingly. "You can't get rid of us so easily," Jake said. Richy giggled and coughed, "Very funny." He struggled a bit, but sat up on the bed, "God this is worse than the worst hangover I had." Richy then looked up with confusion lining his face, "Who's that?" We turned to look at Ethan standing at the foot of the bed. "That's Ethan Matser. He is an Interpol agent," I said. "Interpol agent?" Richy asked getting nervous. "Relax he is on our side," Jake said. "I am on the law's side but then it came down to decide between lesser of two evils," he said dryly. "We are so offended," I said mockingly. Ethan rolled his eyes, "Nice to make your acquaintance." "Thank you and right back at you," Richy said.
"How are you feeling?" I asked. "A bit groggy, but fine," he said softly. "Well that's good," I said. "Not to stress you but how did you end up in Geneva, when you were on a road trip back home?" Ethan asked. "Everything is so hazy. I don't remember anything that happened after meeting Jake at the marina. I remember bits and pieces. Running away out of fear. Somebody pointing a gun. A cold place. What happened that day Jade?" Richy asked. I sighed, "I don't remember anything after meeting Jake either. I woke up outside a rest stop in Mistissini, Canada two days later." "What? That's... that's horrible. How...how did..that happen?" He stammered. I shook my head, "I don't know." "That's not even the horrible part. The police, your family and our friends all think that you are dead. They think I murdered you. They also found your dead body," I said. "They what? What the hell? How? I mean how is that possible. I am here.... I am alive.. What? Why would they blame you?" Richy stammered again. His eyes widened in surprise. Just then Ethan's phone buzzed. He looked at us, "It's Yang. Excuse me." He left the room. Jake looked at Richy, "So what do you remember from your time at the warehouse?" "Not much. I was sedated. How long have I been gone?" Richy asked. "It will soon be a month," I said. "Oh God. Wait how are you here the?" Richy asked me. "Long story," I said. "What's with the Interpol Agent?" Richy asked. "He can be considered as an ally," Jake said. Richy narrowed his eyes, "Considered as an ally?" "He is trustworthy," I said. Even though Jake had his doubts, Ethan had gone above and beyond to help us so I could place my faith in him.
Richy nodded as he suddenly got another fit of coughs. "I'll get some water," I said as I left the room to go to the kitchen. I grabbed a few bottles of water and walked back to the room as I heard Ethan's loud voices coming from the living room. "I can't believe it, I gave years... how can they assume? ... No...no I don't know what to do next... I will.." Not wanting to eavesdrop, I went to the room Richy was in and dropped off the bottles and excused myself again. I walked back to the living room to see Ethan sitting on the couch, his head in his hands. "Ethan?" I asked slowly. He didn't answer. I sat down next to him, "Are you ok?" He scoffed, "I just realized that no matter the good you do, your value is always dependent on the last bad thing you did." "I don't understand," I said. "The agency is planning to start an investigation on me. Valdifiori made good on her threat. Apparently they have pictures showing that we were together. Of the time we went to the garden," he said. "I am so sorry Ethan. But can't you tell them that Valdifiori is behind it all. I am ready to testify for that. And Yang will stand by that too right? We can fix this. We have Richy, so technically I am not a fugitive, right?" I asked. "You know it doesn't work that way right and again even if both you and Yang testify, it is still hearsay. Plus we didn't complain about Yang's abduction so our credibility is kinda shaky on that. Not to mention that even if you are innocent, you were not innocent in the eyes of the law, so you were a fugitive when you were there with me," Ethan said sadly.
I felt angry. This was stupid. That woman was turning the tides against him. And all he had done was help us, help Yang and try to do the right thing. I felt helpless. There was nothing I could do. "Well we need to move. I mean they wouldn't be searching this place but we can't take any chances," he said. I nodded, "I am really really sorry Ethan." He smiled sadly, "Well for what its worth, at least my hunch wasn't wrong and I maybe be let go from my job but at least I know I wasn't wrong. I just wish I could have exposed Valdifiori and whoever she is working with you know. She is making the system hollow and giving everyone in the agency a bad name and I am sure she will get away with it and the agency won't know until it is too late." I put my hand on his shoulder. Seemed like that was the only thing I could do. The feeling that I had was bittersweet. Sweet because Richy was here, bitter because the cost seemed to be too big.

Jake's POV

Richy had been stealing glances at me ever since he came so when Jade excused herself after getting Richy the bottles of water for his "cough", I couldn't ignore it anymore. "What is it?" I asked him. He seemed nervous as he took out something from his pocket and handed it to me, gulping hard. It was a flash drive. I took it and examined it, "What is this?" "Just hear it, Jake and make sure you listen to it when you are alone," Richy said ominously. I stared at it confused. What was this?

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