D Day

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Check it out here as well: https://jaderoxx30892.wixsite.com/reallies/post/chapter-58-d-day
Richy's POV

I woke up to the loud knocking on the door. The man who was supposedly the alert of our lot, was snoring softly on the chair opposite mine. I looked at Jade who was still asleep, but she was starting to wake up. I stood up and walked towards the door and opened it. Johnson was standing there, looking as fresh as ever. "Rise and shine Davis. Big day today," he said quickly. I looked at him, "Do you have a way to ...?" I started. "Yes but let's not talk about it here," he said. I nodded as he walked into the door. He looked at the sleeping man and scowled. He walked up to him and shook him angrily, "Hey. Wake up you idiot." The man groaned and opened his eyes and looked irritatingly at Johnson, "What?" "You were supposed to keep watch," Johnson snapped at him. The man scratched his neck, "Sorry. I doze off. All night mosquitos bite me." Johnson groaned, "Shut up and get ready." The man then stood up and left. Johnson then turned to me, "Okay I think I can get Ragwort down, but I need the drive opened. Wake her up and meet me at the backstage of the auditorium. His phone rang. He picked up, "Hello....ya....that's great...bring them here." Then he hung up. He looked at me, "Good news. The hacker and Damian have been neutralized. They are being brought here." "Is that wise?" I asked him. "I'd rather have my eyes on them, than keep them elsewhere," he said. "What are you going to do with them?" I asked. "Let's cross that bridge when we get there. That guy has been more trouble than necessary. Besides, there are more than one way to get rid of people," he said smugly. I smirked, "You make a fair point." "Ok see you in twenty minutes, Davis," he said and he left the room. I sighed. Well the time was here.
Liam's POV

I got dressed. The meeting would start in an hour and I had no idea how I would shut down Ragwort. Maybe I had the time. Maybe I could get the trustees and cut off their resources. That would take some more time, but I didn't have a choice. I had thought of reaching out to Jake or Damian to maybe mend things but my ego got the better of me. They seemed to be doing fine without me so why should I bother? Somehow I wished we could our differences behind us but neither of them were taking my calls. Well I didn't need to buy a clue to understand the message they were sending. They didn't need me. Message received. I put on the tie and focused on putting on the knot. Well I had to look sharp and look the part. For some reason a sudden realization hit me. My name is Liar with an m instead of r. Liar Liar. When I was ready I took one last look into the mirror. Yup this was about right. Liar and a fool. I gulped and walked out to my car. I got in the car and started it taking a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
Richy's POV

I walked Jade towards the auditorium. Her silence spoke volumes. Not that she would want to speak or could speak with the gag on. We reached the backstage of the auditorium. Johnson was already standing there next to a woman who was seated in front of a computer. Johnson looked up at me, "Good you are here. Liam just got here and he gave us the drive." Johnson pointed to a hard drive on the table that was connected to the computer. "So how will you unlock it?" I asked. The woman spoke up, "Well after analyzing the drive it does use biometric lock, retinal scan and fingerprint. So I have connected it to the fingerprint scanner and a retinal scanner. All we do is get her to give us that and we should be good." Jade scoffed, a muffled scoff. All three of us stared at her. Johnson flinched, but he ignored her completely. He motioned to someone behind me. A man who was armed with a gun approached us, "Keep an eye on her. And get the drive opened. Richy let's go. I want you to see something. Follow me."
I nodded and walked with him. "So how are you going to do this?" I asked him. "Do what?" He asked me. "Shutting down Ragwort?" I asked. "Davis, let me worry about that," he said nonchalantly. "And where are we going?" I asked again. "Well you made a smart decision by giving us Damian's home address, but I don't trust the hacker one bit. What if he pulled a stunt on us so I want you to identify him," Johnson said sternly. "Of course," I said. He led me to a room. As soon as he opened the door I saw two men tied up to the chairs. One was Damian and the other was Jake. Jake looked at me angrily, "You? Richy? What the fuck? You are behind this?" "Yup that's the hacker," I told Johnson. Johnson nodded, "Great. Now that we have that cleared, come in please." He motioned to the guards standing outside the door. They walked in and put gags over Jake and Damian's mouth. Jake started screaming swear words at me, while I watched. But suddenly, one of the men put my hands behind my back and started tying me too, "Hey hey what the heck are you guys doing?" I looked at Johnson for an explanation, but he just stood there looking bored. "Hey asshole answer meffff," I spoke in a muffled tone as the gag was put on me. Johnson then shrugged, "Listen Davis, do you think I am an idiot to believe you? Maybe you want good money out of this deal but you still have a soft corner for her and that is dangerous. I can't have people in the Ragwort who have soft corners. That's their weakness. You really thought I would just gift wrap a place in Ragwort for you? Honest to God you are the stupidest person I have ever come across."
I struggled as the men pushed me on the chair next to Jake. I glared at Johnson as he spoke again, "Oh come on. It isn't personal. It was never personal. It's just business. It is for a cause. It is for my cause." I think the confusion on my face was apparent. "Oh shit you guys don't know. Davis why the hell would I destroy the organization that I spearheaded. That I started on my own. That's right. I am the man behind Ragwort. Oh and while we are talking, I really wanted Wayne to be a part of it. He was my mentor. He would have been a great addition to Ragwort but sadly he was too righteous to do that. It is sad what happened, but I would do it all over again if given the choice." He then smirked and walked out of the room, leaving all three of us in the hands of the armed guards. Shit shit shit.
Liam's POV

I sat down at the seat designated to me. I looked around the auditorium. The Who's who of the world were here. The owner of the secure data center based in Geneva was here, the tobacco industry owner, the oil mogul, the hotelier, casino owners, movie producers, the ministers, the Valdifiori bitch from Interpol as well. God they all looked like they were in a church that worshipped chaos. I then saw the lawyer walk up the stairs to the podium on the stage. "Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Please take your seats." A quiet hustle occurred as people sat down quickly, completely diverting their attention towards the lawyer guy. I leaned back on my chair. A few moments later, the lawyer started, "Welcome to a new world. As the founder of Ragwort LLC, I would like to start with the best news. Bedlam has been a roaring success and as you all have noticed, we have renowned people who are part of Ragwort have now confirmed that project Bedlam is ready to be implemented all over the world." What the bloody hell? I couldn't believe my ears. He was the founder but worst of all, implementing Bedlam in the world? This was turning into chaos. A deadly, murderous, inhuman chaos.

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