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Jade's POV

"Ouch! That hurts," I screamed as the agent placed the handcuffs on me. "Good. I hope this teaches you a lesson," he snapped. "Agent Master I need your help," I said struggling against the handcuffs. "Its Matser. And now you need my help? Is that right? After you ran away? You expect me to help you?" "Ok I agree, what I did was wrong but you have to listen to me," I said. "Yes it is wrong to murder your boyfriend and leave the country to evade an arrest," he snapped. "No no that's not what I meant. I did not kill anyone. You have to believe me," I pleaded. "And I am winning a Nobel prize for literature. We both know that we are wrong, so do yourself a favor and shut your mouth unless you want to incriminate yourself," he said. Tears streamed down my face as he walked me towards his car and pushed me in the backseat and slammed the door shut.
He sat in the front seat and started driving. "Miss Jade, just to let you know, I will be driving you to the Interpol office to get you processed and then based on what is decided they may deport you back. Whatever you say can be used against you. Is that clear?" I nodded. "I need an answer Miss Jade," he pressed. "Yes, it is clear," I said between sobs. It was over. I would be sent back and I would be arrested for attempted murder. God only knew how many more charges would be added to it. A few minutes passed by in silence. He broke it, "Why did you do it?" "I had to meet someone here and I was so close that ..." "I meant why did you kill your boyfriend?" he asked. "I did not kill my boyfriend. He got kidnapped because he was in possession of something and his kidnappers put his bloody clothes in the car to insinuate that he could be murdered. Murdered by me which is not true," I said stubbornly staring at the agent in the rear view mirror. He narrowed his eyes at me, "Oh ya? Well its not just bloody clothes, they found his body and other evidence pointing it to you. So this kidnapping story is totally bullshit. You really thought you could get away with it?"
My eyes widened in shock. It felt as if someone had ripped my heart out of my chest. "They.. they .. found.. his body?" I blubbered. He nodded. I found it hard to breathe. I could feel a panic attack setting in. The agent stared at me, "Hey hey are you ok?" I couldn't answer. "Hey look at me," he said softly. I looked at him through the rear view mirror. "Good. Now breathe in slowly." I did as I was told. "Now breathe out." I complied. Tears still streamed down my face. "Keep doing that slowly, okay?" He said. I nodded. Richy was dead? No way. That couldn't be true. He couldn't be dead. I thought back to my hypothesis. The kidnappers had taken Richy because they thought that he could open the drive. Did they find out that he couldn't? I knew he was on borrowed time and now they had done it. They had actually killed him. And it was all my fault. If only he hadn't been involved with me, he would have been alive. I cursed myself for agreeing to pretend being in a relationship with him. If I had put my foot down and refused, then this would have never happened.
I was crying continuously when he said, "Look let me tell you honestly, it would make you feel better if you just confess. I see that you feel guilty and you may not have been in the right state of mind when this happened but think about his family, they would need closure that only you can provide." I sighed, "Believe me, I did not kill him I swear." He just shrugged, "Have it your way." We kept driving exchanging no words. I could feel him watching me from time to time but he did not say another word to me. I felt myself going in a downward spiral of guilt. Honestly, I wasn't completely innocent. If only I had stood by my decision of not being together.. if only.. the game of regret. I leaned back closing my eyes shut. Maybe I did deserve going away to prison. "Hey. Talk to me. Are you feeling alright?" He asked. I had a feeling why he was asking. He probably didn't want me to die of a heart attack before confessing to the murder. "How did he die?" I asked. "Excuse me?" "Richy. You said they found his body. How did he die?" I asked. "Like you don't know how he died," he snapped. "I really don't," I said. He grunted with disgust, "Are you seriously asking me that? How sick in the head are you? What? It gives you satisfaction on knowing how he died?"
"Screw you. I am asking because I really don't know and the reason behind that is I DID NOT KILL HIM," I yelled. "Yeah keep telling yourself that, if it makes you feel better," he snapped. Oh god, this guy was so annoying. I decided the best course of action was to shut up and talk to someone more reasonable at the Interpol office once I got there. Surely that would make sense. A ringing sounded loudly and I saw him pick up the call. "Bonjour. C'est Agent Matser. ....Oui.. Versoix?.... Pourquoi?...D'accord..Oui...Merci beaucoup." (Good day... This is Agent Matser... Yes... Versoix?... Why?..Alright... Yes.....Thank you ver much). He groaned. He considered saying something to me but then shrugged. We drove silently. After a few minutes he cleared his throat, "We have to drive to a different Interpol office. I can stop at a rest stop..." "That is not necessary. I am fine. Thank you," I said quietly. He shook his head in disappointment. I knew I sounded ungrateful but I did not want to talk to him more than it was needed and I definitely did not need his charity.
I had a feeling he was just building rapport so that I would say something incriminating. I didn't know how far the office would be so in hindsight, maybe I should have taken him up on the offer of stopping at the gas station. My feet were soon starting to cramp up thanks to the stilettos I was wearing. I tried stretching my feet but it just wasn't possible with my hands cuffed behind my back. "What's going on back there?" he barked. "My feet are cramped and I can't stretch," I grumbled. He didn't answer. Asshole. We continued driving, the city building disappearing. If I hadn't received any bad news I would have enjoyed the view, but everything seemed meaningless now. My quest to find Jake, to find Richy, all was lost. We were at a T crossroad with a road ahead of us and on the left, and the road was totally empty. The signal was red. I took the opportunity to try stretching my legs. I couldn't. Shit. Stupid heels. My feet just hit the divider between the front and the back seat. "Would you stop?" he snapped. "I am sorry. Have you ever worn heels? My feet hurt like a bitch. A little compassion please," I yelled. "Did your boyfriend say that to you as well? A little compassion please? What did you do?" he said rolling his eyes. "What the fuck is your problem? Are you deaf?" "Mind your tongue. You know you are talking to an Interpol agent right? Do you want to add more charges to your list?" "If it means knocking some sense into you then why not?" I snapped looking away outside the window.
He sighed and turned around to face me, "I really thought for a moment that you didn't look like you are capable of murder, but your cocky attitude, your disregard to the situation says it all.... You are just.." I didn't have to hear it, I tried tuning out his words and with utmost focus concentrated on the surroundings. I saw the place was covered with greenery. We must be way outside the city. I saw a truck approaching from the left side road. The agent droned on. Oh God make him stop. Change the light so that he could just drive, I prayed. Light? Why hadn't it changed? We were waiting for a few minutes, but the signal didn't change. That was odd. I saw the signal was stagnant at the red. I looked towards the left at the truck which was fast approaching. It was a bit too fast. For a truck that size it would have to slow down as it had to turn. I blinked as the truck changed lanes, going completely in the right lane - the wrong lane. What the hell? I stared as the truck started getting closer and closer. Panic started rising in me. I looked around. There were no other vehicles or even people in sight.
I blinked rapidly, "Hey ... hey.. start the car." "What? No? Can't you see the signal is red? Or do you want everyone to commit crimes like you," he said glancing at the signal and then turning back to me to continue his lecture. "Matser....that truck. Something is wrong. You have to move," I pressed. The truck looked totally out of control and it felt like death was hurtling towards us.

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