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Ethan's POV

Nothing could have prepared me to meet the fool. Actually I was insulting fools by calling him a fool. When I saw the stranger in my house, my first thought was that he was here to abduct Jade. When she said that this fool was Jake, I had to be honest I was impressed. Impressed by his idiocy. Not only had he compromised himself, he had just given me more leverage to arrest him. I was mentally ticking off the charges I could arrest him for: Breaking & entering - check, threatening a cop - check, assaulting a cop - check. But right now, that wasn't important. He almost landed a punch on me. Almost. He was no ordinary hacker. He had other skills too. The way he pointed the gun at me, it was definitely not his first time. I wonder if he had some training. Something that astonished me, was the hold she had over him or he had over her, I couldn't say for sure. But I had things to worry about. After he walked away with her, I felt myself calming down. His faith in Zeus was really strange. "Ethan, what the hell? He lost his cool but since when do you get into fist fights?" Yang asked. "Are you blind? He charged at me," I snapped. "Yes and you gaslighted him. I know your strategies Ethan. You wanted to instigate him so that he would spill something, but he is a tough nut and that is not a priority right now. Focus on what we need. Right now he is an asset, so you better treat him like one and push your ego aside," Yang explained.
Jade and Jake walked in right at that moment. Before I could open my mouth, Jake said, "My behavior may have been out of line." I narrowed my eyes at him, "And?" He glared back, "And I think you were out of line as well." "Looks like this is going to go nowhere so then how about we get to doing actual work?" Yang said. We all sat down. But my mind was on the stranger. Either Jade had some pills to calm him down or the guy was playing us. I did not trust him at all. "We need the drive," I declared. "No you don't need the drive, you want the drive and that is really not important right now," he said. "Oh really what is important then Sir?" I asked sarcastically. He rolled his eyes, "For me the only important tasks are to find Richy's murderer and to prove that Jade is innocent. But I get it. You want to get to the bottom of the people that your supervisor is working with. So whether we have the drive or not does not matter." "Why?" Yang asked. "Because they already have the drive," Jade said. "And going through the drive will only waste our time. Besides I don't think risking getting the drive out would be wise. As long as the drive they have is locked.." Jake started. "They don't have access to the information on it," I completed.
Jake smirked, "Exactly." "That means the only other lead we have is Valdifiori. But she isn't going to give Ethan any information until Ethan gets information about Jade," Yang said. "Well we do have a card to play," I said. "What is that?" Jake asked. "Bait," I said. It took him less than a millisecond to understand, "No fucking way." "Hey I am just suggesting," I said raising my hands. "I am guessing I am the bait?" Jade asked. I nodded, "Look all I am saying is.." "Do you know the kind of people you are dealing with?" Jake asked. "No I don't, but.." I replied. "Exactly. When you put something as a bait to someone you damn well make sure you can control any outcome, which you can't in this case," Jake snapped. "Fine so what is your genius idea?" I asked. He fell silent. "Well? No idea then?" I pressed. "Haven't thought that far. The way you describe these guys, they seem professional and calculated. So we have to be super careful with any step," Jake said.
"Valdifiori thinks you are on the way to meet Dominic Stavros, correct?" Yang asked. "Probably. Why?" I asked. "Well it might not be the best idea but it definitely can be the safest bait for now. Ethan can tell Valdifiori that he met with Stavros and he gave information about where Jade is. And you just put the condition that you will only tell this information to the people who want Jade, in person. That's how you get them exposed without any harm to Jade. Its a win-win," Yang suggested. "Aren't you the smartest? What do you think Jake?" I exclaimed. "That might just work. Its a bluff. But it can be convincing only if you can sell it,"                                                                                           
Jake said thoughtfully. "I think I can handle that," I said smugly. "Call her tomorrow. Let her sweat a bit. And say that you just met him in St. Gallen," Yang suggested. "Sure," I said quickly. "We can't stay here," Jake said. "Why?" Jade asked. "If Ethan contacts them, then he gets on their radar. I suspect he must already be on their radar. So no known places are safe. The first place they would look into is his home and if I can break in, then anyone can break in," Jake said. "Jake's right Ethan. You all need to find a place to stay away from the crosshairs," Yang said. "It will be suspicious if I leave my house out of the blue. Besides if I have the information about Jade, I think they would do everything to keep me safe," Ethan said.
Three pairs of bewildered eyes looked at me as if I had said something completely alien. "Ethan that's absolutely absurd and stupid," Jade said. "You think I can't handle myself?" I said smugly. "No I just think you are underestimating these people. They are at least behind one murder we know of," she said sadly. "Trust me. I will be fine. Besides killing an Interpol agent will just cause them more trouble," I said smirking at them. Jake shrugged, "Still. Better safe than sorry. I have a friend who has a place where we can be safe." I laughed, "Of course you have a shady friend who has a shady place." Jake pulled up his phone and typed something and showed it to me. It was an address. "FYEO. Pretty sure you will remember it so I won't send it to you," Jake said. "Smart," Yang said. "Ok let me make some arrangements for us to leave," Jake said and walked away to probably place some calls. Jade sat down across from me, "You don't have to be a martyr you know?" "So you already think I am going to die?" I asked jokingly. "Not funny, Matser. Ok you are anyways supposed to be somewhere near Dominic, so you not being home won't be suspicious. Just come with us and tomorrow based on what Valdifiori says, you can come back," she said. I giggled, "Wow. You don't have to beg. Fine I will come."
Jake walked in just then. "Ethan's joining us. It would be safer for him," Jade declared. "Wonderful. Are you sure that's the only reason and not because he wants to keep an eye on two "criminals" so that they don't run away?" Jake said. Oh the nerve of the man. He wasn't lying but still. I leaned back, "At least you accept you are a criminal. Do you want to sign a confession while you are at that?"

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