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Four days later, Jake's POV

Amazing Grace how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
The instrumental music trickled into my ears. It was what always played during funerals. This wasn't any different. I stared glumly at the gravestone. I wished I had known him better. Collateral. Wars always had a collateral but it was always pushed away as a necessary sacrifice for a higher cause. In this case however there was no higher cause. The priest's words dragged on. It was the same thing I had heard. He was a nice man, loved by all, always stood by the right thing.... I tuned out his words. It seemed hollow. It seemed non existent. Nothing could bring a dead person back, no matter how good they were, which was the saddest thing. The priest then gave his final blessing stating that we should pray for the departed soul. He then left. Liam, Damian, Richy, Jade and I stood there silently. Jade put a bouquet of fresh flowers on the gravestone. The gravestone already had white flowers. They were nice. Pristine. Pure. Thoughtful.
We quietly left Damian alone, giving him a few moments by himself as tears rolled down his face. Liam, Richy, Jade and me stood outside graveyard. Liam sighed, "It was a good service." We all nodded in agreement. "It's good that you could come here Jake," Liam told me. I nodded, "Yeah. I...I just wished he had told me about it." Liam looked down to the ground, "Well he probably had his reasons." "Where to now?" Richy asked. "The hospital, I think. We gave our statements after all," Jade said. I thought back to the time after we were taken into custody.

Four days ago
I was sitting in the interrogation room, a place that I had carefully missed to be in all my life. I had been waiting in this room for a few hours. After we had first been brought here, Liam, Jade, Richy and me had been put in separate rooms. Ethan and Damian had been taken to the hospital. I was really worried about them. Actually I was worried about us all. I didn't know how things would progress now. The door opened and two people walked in. "Hello, I am Agent Petrov and this the Interpol Chief Takahashi. We'll be conducting the investigation. I would suggest you to be honest. Do not leave anything out, otherwise there will be serious consequences," the man said to me. The Chief sat down opposite me, as did Agent Petrov. I took a deep breath, "What do you want to know?" "Let's start with you getting to know about Ragwort," the Chief said.
Jake: So the first real information about Ragwort I got was when we were looking into Liam. Agent Yang got the information that Liam had just joined the board of a company called Ragwort. We got to know that the warehouse was located in Bern. So we went there. There we found Richy. And Liam was there as well. He suggested that we take Richy and leave and forget all about Ragwort.
Agent Petrov: Okay so who all were there in Bern along with you?
Jake: Umm I went to Bern with Jade and Ethan..I mean Agent Matser.
Chief: Okay then what happened?
Jake: We went to the house. The one for witness protection. And I had planned to leave the country. I had my doubts of dropping everything but then Richy gave me a recording, that Liam had asked to give me. It had the conversation between Johnson and Wayne. It was when I realized what exactly Ragwort did.
Agent Petrov: What did you do next?
Jake: I called Johnson. I had to know if he had anything to do with Wayne's death.
Chief: Why would you call him? It's not like he would have confessed.
Jake: I just had to know. Maybe his tone or anything that could give me a clue as to why and if he was still involved with Ragwort.
Agent Petrov: And did you get any confirmation?
Jake: No. He didn't pick my call. I called his house and his wife Rachel told me that he was here in Geneva for a convention. I got suspicious and I told Ethan and all that i was going to arrange for our travel, but as I wasn't completely convinced and I needed answers so I went to see Liam. Liam told me that he intended to take down Ragwort, that Johnson was actually here and doing Ragwort's work and if I was up for helping then that would be good.
Chief: Why were you so eager to help?
Jake: You probably know why.
Agent Petrov: You need to state it for the records.
Jake: Because Liam was Zeus. My mentor.
Chief: Then what happened next?
Jake: I got back to the house and tried convincing them to help out in taking down Ragwort. Ethan said he couldn't do it and left. We heard the police sirens and luckily Damian came to save us and took us to his home.
Agent Petrov: So just to be sure, you, Jade and Richy went with Damian to Damian's house.
Jake: Yes. There Liam arrived, and he gave me details about the server where Ragwort kept details and I started looking into it. That's when I came across a video with Luke in it.
Chief: The serial killer who committed suicide? The same one who attempted to murder Jade?
Jake: Yes. That really freaked me out. It was like seeing a ghost. And I was really scared. Jade's been having trouble ever since what happened. If she ever got to know about Luke being alive, it would destroy her. So I thought of the best thing I could do at the moment. I thought it would be best for Jade and Richy to go back.
Agent Petrov: Then what happened?
Jake: I was about to make preparations when Liam started getting impatient.
Chief: That's when you got to know?
Jake: Yes. He pulled the computer from my hand and in the hustle, he spilled the tea on his shirt. He normally wears suits. He changed into a short sleeved T shirt and I could see his forearm. He had a tattoo on his arm. Everyone in my group had a tattoo denoting a Greek God. I took a good look at the tattoo on his arm. It was a symbol for Aphrodite not Zeus. Liam was not Zeus.

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