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Jake's POV

"What? How can you be sure of that?" Ethan asked loudly. I told them. About my time of skimming money from companies. How Liam's company was one of them. And that's how he got to me. How Damian stole an art piece from the house owned by one of his shell corporations and Liam got to him. His last name, Mynos, though odd, was actually an anagram for the software- Nymos- that we all used complete with the embossed symbol of the all knowing eye that I used. The safe houses that we were bouncing from time to time were in fact owned by his companies. And the cherry on top was the taunt on the card - Delilah - the conversation that I had with Zeus about Jade which almost caused us to separate. Jade sat next to me, calming me down, but despite it all I couldn't shake off the feeling that the man I stood for, the man who I put my faith in, stood by and did nothing when another innocent man was tortured. He knew Jade was here, yet he preferred to toy with me? If he was involved with the people who had the drive, then it was obvious he knew the people who killed Richy. Who sedated Jade and left her out in the cold? How could he have been okay with that? I threw away my phone in frustration. I had defended Zeus. I told everyone that he was capable of a lot but he would never stand by killing someone especially someone innocent.
That was drilled into my mind. Never do anything without a purpose or reason. You always have a choice. You just need to make sure it's the right one. "Okay I see you are frustrated but throwing things is not a solution.." Yang started. "We have to leave. It wouldn't take him long to find us," I said. "Wouldn't he have done that already? I mean both the places are owned by him so I am sure he knows that," Jade asked. "I think Jake's right. Let's leave before he has a chance of doing anything," Ethan offered. "But where? Can't go to Ethan's home neither can we go to mine. Where can we go?" Yang asked as a matter of fact. Damian. His alliance was sort of shaky with Zeus but could I trust him? He did double cross Zeus but would he do it again? By now Liam definitely knows that the wrong Dominic was in prison. "Well there are some places that we can use," Yang said. "Which ones?" I asked. "Actually I don't know where they are but I was thinking about the Interpol witness protection locations," Yang said. "How is it that you don't know? Don't you work IN INTERPOL?" Jade asked. "Only agents who were posted for witness protection know," Yang said pointing his eyebrows to Ethan. Ethan groaned, "Valdifiori put me into that when I was demoted. Fine but this is the last time I am crossing the line." "Guys I don't mean to be rude but, I think it makes sense for me to head back. I think I need to get my family away from this until things settle down," Yang said.
"I agree," Ethan said. "I will be back once I get them to safety," Yang added. "Thats not necessary Yang. Just take care and recuperate," Jade said. "Good luck to all of you," Yang said and left. I was in a different zone altogether. My only focus was to ask Liam. Why did you do this? We packed and left. An hour later we were at a cabin. "Ok. So, the house is equipped with all the modern equipment but Jake you might need to work your magic on hiding our electronic footprint." I nodded. "I am going to check the perimeter," Ethan said and left. I knew why he did that. He wanted to give me some space. "I will check what this cabin is good for?" Jade said. I almost laughed, "Ok you want to try that excuse again?" "Come on. I am trying. I know its not the best time for you. I am just trying to give you some space," she said softly. I held her hand and smirked, "I need answers which only Liam can give. I just feel blindsided. I fought tooth and nail to pledge his innocence which is horribly wrong. He failed me Jade." She hugged me, "Jake you were not wrong. You just had faith in him. And honestly I don't know him the way you do. You are right you need answers. I don't think you shouldn't be hard on yourself until you get those answers." I thought about it. I knew what I had to do.
Minutes later Ethan walked in, "So other than some stray wild animals I suppose we wont have any visitors." "I need to meet Liam," I told him. "Okay, when?" Ethan asked. "Tomorrow. Where does he live?" I asked. Ethan smirked, "You are joking right? He has multiple houses all over the country, take your pick. Plus there are also these houses owned by his shell companies." "How do we find out where he is then?" I asked getting frustrated. "I can call him," Jade suggested. "What?" I snapped. "Well he did slip the card to me twice, and he did tell me to call him if anyone asked me about the flight. I think we just have to appeal to his Liam side and pretend we haven't found out that he is Zeus," Jade suggested. "He taunted us," I said. "True but what if we didn't find the card? Plus I don't think he knows Jake is with us," she said. I thought about it for a moment, "How are you going to explain you guys running away from the goons in the chateau?" "That is an odd thing though. He was surprised to see us. Let's play it like we don't know anything about him and if all works well he will take it as an opportunity to get his hands on Jade and I mean it in a completely non dirty way," Ethan said. "It's one hell of a bluff," I said. "A bluff's all we got," Ethan replied. "Call him now," I told Jade. "Now? Really?" she asked. "Yeah tell him someone was asking too many questions about the Senator and the event. Maybe just throw in about the Bedlam," I said. "Okay," she said as she dialed his number. Ethan looked at me with a questioning look as I said, "Relax he won't be able to trace it. The phone is secure." The phone rang. After the fourth ring, he picked up, "Whoever this is, you better be on fire if you are calling this late at night." His voice didn't seem like he woke up or anything. But his arrogance seemed like he was disturbed from something very crucial. "Hello, Liam?" A pause. "Who is this?" His voice asked. "It's Jade. We met on the flight and at the event a few hours ago," she said. "What do you want?" He snapped. "I need your help. You told me to call you if anyone was asking me questions.." "Ask your Interpol bodyguard," he said smugly. "So you are okay with me telling him about the alleged flight travels where a famous senator was openly cheating on his wife? Good talk," she said slyly. "Hang on. How can I help?" He asked. "I feel like I am being followed. I am safe for now but come tomorrow I really need to find a safe place," she said. "So you want me to find you an accommodation?" He asked.
"Not just that, I want to talk to you in person . I don't want to be in the dark about all this," she said. "We are talking right now, aren't we? Besides I don't see why you need to see me and I don't owe you any answers," he said. Smart. Playing hard to get. "Liam someone is stalking me and I don't think that is a very patient person and somehow you are in the middle of all this. If that person gets to me first, I won't hesitate to say anything to keep me safe. The Bedlam seems to be a good topic to start with, don't you agree?" She said. Wow, that was good. It was blackmail and favor rolled into one. A long pause. "Fine. What about your bodyguard? Doesn't he have any insights on this?" He asked. "I don't know. I slipped away from him after the event," she said quickly. "You slipped away? From an Interpol agent? What are you? Crazy?" He said. "Hey it wasn't like I was arrested or anything," she fibbed. "Alright. Note down this address. Meet me at 10. Don't be late. I have a bunch of meetings tomorrow and I don't have much time to coddle you," he snapped as he gave the address. He hung up before she could say bye or thanks. "That went well I guess," Ethan remarked. "Tomorrow's gonna be worse," I said staring at the address of Zeus' house. Finally, I would see him face to face. For the first time.

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