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Recording Session - Interpol Office Geneva- Agent Yang

Agent Petrov: The time is 2200 hrs, local time in Geneva at the Interpol office. Here we have the Interpol Chief Takahashi and Agent Petrov conducting this investigative session with Agent Yang. Agent Yang, do you concur and accept this recording.
Agent Yang: Yes.
Chief: Let's start from the beginning, Agent Yang. When did you first come across the firm, Ragwort LLC.
Agent Yang: A few days ago when I was asked to look into Liam Mynos, I found out that he had recently joined the board of Ragwort LLC. Thats when I first came across the corporation.
Agent Petrov: Who initialized this request?
Agent Petrov: Agent Yang let me remind you that you are liable to answer these questions. So let me ask you again. Who initialized the request to look into Liam Mynos?
Agent Yang: If I am being completely honest it was Agent Valdifiori who had initialized the request long time back about looking into Liam Mynos.
Chief: Cut the crap Yang, you know exactly what we are asking. So answer that.
Agent Yang: Why does that matter Chief? Who asked what? How did we get to the end of the maze? What came first, the chicken or the egg..
Chief: It matters because I find it hard to believe that such kind of shit was happening right under our noses and at no point you thought it was important to report it to us. This could have been avoided.
Agent Yang: To put it bluntly, Chief, we didn't know who else in the Interpol were part of Ragwort.
Agent Petrov: Alright. Be as it may, it did not warrant  the incident that happened today.
Agent Yang: And I agree with that.
Chief: Then get to the point Yang.
Agent Petrov: Ok how about we start somewhere else. What happened after you were rescued from your abductors.
Agent Yang: Not a lot. I was worried about my family's safety and Ethan...Agent Matser suggested that I take them away until things settled down.
Chief: Was that the last time Agent Matser contacted you?
Agent Yang: No I contacted him. Agent Valdifiori had reported that Agent Matser was harboring a fugitive.
Agent Petrov: We have that report. Agent Valdifiori said that while she was transporting the fugitive..Marina Sokolov aka Jade to the Interpol office in Versoix. She didn't know that it was Agent Matser at the time, but apparently he was in a disguise...
Agent Yang: Please tell me you don't believe that crap. She was the one who wanted to hand Jade over to Ragwort members. And Ethan saved her. Besides why did Valdifiori wait so long to report the fugitive missing?
Chief: If that's the case why didn't you come to me?
Agent Yang: Like I said, we didn't know who was part of Ragwort. For all we knew, their reach could have been all the way to the top.
Agent Petrov: Okay fine. That was once. When did Agent Matser contact you next?
Agent Yang: Two days ago, he called me saying he had spoken with Jade's lawyer, Johnson West. He had told him that Richy was found and Jade was innocent and since he was suspended, all the paperwork would happen through me. And I agreed to do that.
Agent Petrov: Okay that makes sense. That's around the time you were back in town correct?
Agent Yang: Yes, when Ethan had called me before, he said he was done with everything and that everything had settled down. He still told me to keep my family away but I could return if I wanted to.
Chief: And why is that? How did he know everything was done?
Agent Yang: Liam had apparently....convinced them to drop the whole thing after they found Richy.
Chief: Meaning he threatened or blackmailed them. And he obviously had Richy in his custody.
Agent Yang: I wasn't there so I don't know.
Agent Petrov: Alright so if he agreed to drop it and you are sure he did that and the others also agreed to drop how do you explain Jade, Richy and Jake being in the auditorium.
Chief: Speak up Yang, people died in that auditorium. It was a bloodbath. The Interpol is in suspect. No one believes that we let this happen right under our noses. Governments are shook to the core because they are probably infiltrated. Criminals could be roaming the street. Deadly criminals, thirsty for blood. There is chaos all around the world. This is way out of control.
Agent Yang: I know that and I really wished I could have done something to change that, I really do. I thought so many times, I should have come to you. I should have told you. I knew it was dangerous. I knew it would end up killing someone. I knew it when Ethan decided to save Jade the first time. And after all that what happened at the auditorium. I wish I could've have stopped it from happening. I couldn't stop him. I should've but I was too late.
Chief: The hell you were Yang. You probably made the biggest mistake. This could have been handled and contained, but because of both you and Matser, this got too far. You guys had the knowledge. All you had to do was let us know. Now all those people who are hurt. That's on us, do you understand that?
Agent Petrov: Chief? We will get nowhere with all this. How about look at the footage of the auditorium and Agent Yang you can explain things in detail. How does that sound?
Agent Yang: Okay I can do that.
Chief: Fine. But we need to wrap this up tonight Agent Yang. Because soon no one is ever going to speak of the Ragwort again and everyone associated with it, whether they are of it or against it will cease to exist.

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