A wild ride

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Check it out here as well: https://jaderoxx30892.wixsite.com/reallies/post/chapter-12-letting-it-go

Jade's POV

"You have got to be kidding me. Layla please tell me you are joking," I said hoping that she would say that she was joking. "Nope. This is the most inconspicuous way you can get through. No questions asked," her voice crackled through the earpiece. I sighed staring at the chartered flight, and also staring at the group of women I was standing amidst of. If I had one word to describe them, that word would be "easy." Layla had found a flight that was leaving for a summit in Geneva with some important pointers. Number one - the man traveling was a businessman turned Senator. Number two - he was traveling without his wife. Number three - he liked to surround himself with pretty things. So he had requested a company of women to join him on the flight. And unfortunately I was one of them now. That wasn't even the worst part.
He had specific fashion choices which was provocative to say the least. Tight corsets with a trench coat. I couldn't even begin to fathom what the flight would be like. "Relax it is just a few hours and he is old. Plus the women surrounding you are way prettier. Just don't stick out like a sore thumb, meaning don't be yourself and you should be fine," Layla said. "I hope you are right," I said quickly. "Okay now I'm logging off. Remember - get rid of the earpiece and blend in," she said. "Got it," I said removing the ear piece a putting it in a dustbin close by. A man escorted us to the flight one by one asking our names. When it was my turn, he looked at me, "Name?" "Marina Sokolov," I said like a reflex response. Like that had been my name my whole life. He blinked, "Russian? Which place?" I gulped, "My grandparents were from St. Petersburg." "Wonderful. My parents immigrated from Novosibirsk," he said smiling at me. I smiled back but on the inside I was getting nervous. He checked something on his notepad and let me in, "Enjoy your flight Miss. Sokolov." I smiled again and briskly walked inside the plane. Inside the plane, all women were either seated or putting away their coats. Alcohol was being circulated as if it was water. A steward offered me a glass of champagne. I took it but did not dare drinking from it. I placed it on the table next to me. Feeling extremely out of place, I tried tuning out the hushed conversations.
What astounded me was that some of the women were pretty famous. I had seen them on billboards, advertisements, some even in movies and on the ramp. They were the creme de la creme of beautiful and I definitely did not fit in. I found a seat to the farthest end of the plane which would keep me out of sight. Minutes later, the senator got into the plane. He beamed at us as if he was seeing candy or something, "Good morning ladies. Hope you are having a wonderful time." All of them yelled in agreement and started giggling as if he had cracked a joke. I plastered a smile across my face. Its just a few hours. My thought was interrupted with another man following the senator. He sat right opposite the senator, who was now surrounded by a number of women. The man was way younger than the senator. There was an air of authority surrounding him and a weird smirk on his face. He took a quick scan of the plane, his eyes never lingering on anything in particular. "You know Liam, you never give me a chance to complain. Your arrangements are exceptional," the senator said. The man, Liam, did not stop scanning the place. Instead he just monotonously said, "Nothing but the best for you sir." Satisfied with looking around, his eyes settled on the Senator. "Liam, what's with the sir business? You can just call me Jack," the senator said. "Of course," Liam responded. A woman approached him, but he brushed her away.
We then heard the pilot's announcement to fasten our seatbelts. Everyone settled down. The flight took off. I tried distracting myself but my nervousness was getting the best of me. Soon we were at the cruising altitude. I took the opportunity to stroll away from my seat towards the restroom. Inside I splashed cold water on my face, trying to calm my nerves. It did not help. Not only was I under a false name, I was fleeing the country to escape an arrest warrant and also a senator was sitting a few feet away. I was sure he had an army of bodyguards, who would probably shoot on sight. I took a few deep breaths. I felt slightly calm and I silently prayed that it didn't show on my face. I unlocked the door and walked out, bumping right into someone. I looked up staring at Liam's face. "I'm sorry," I said quickly. He smiled, "Apology accepted." But he didn't move away from my path. I tried squirming away when he said, "Miss Sokolov, I hope you are feeling alright." "Ye.. Yes," I stammered, not knowing how he knew my name. "Join me for a drink," he said. "I am good, thank you," I stammered again. His smile dissipated, "I wasn't asking Miss Sokolov." I gulped as he grabbed my hand and took me to the end of the plane where the stewards were prepping meals. "Leave," he barked at them. They left without a word. He turned towards the counter and poured a glass of scotch for himself. He sipped it slowly, watching me intensely. I stood there not knowing what to do next or say. He took a few steps towards me, resting his arm around my waist. No fucking way. Was he crazy? But then I realized what the women in the flight were here for. Shit. This was bad. He pulled me towards him and his arms roamed over my body. Anger surged through me as I pushed him away with all my might. He didn't budge. "Get away from me," I tried saying as stubbornly as possible, trying not to grab any attention from the outsiders. A few seconds later he moved away from me. Taking the opportunity, I tried walking away. "What's your real name?" He asked.
I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face him, "I don't know what you mean." "Sure you do. You are not Marina Sokolov. But you are on this flight. It is obvious you don't belong here, yet you are here. I assumed you were spying on the Senator, but you aren't wearing a wire or any other recording device. Maybe you are an assassin, but you don't have any weapons and you didn't approach the senator or his food, so what is it?" He said sipping his scotch again. "You mean you were not trying..." "Don't flatter yourself Miss. Sokolov, you are not my type. I just got close to check for weapons and wires. Plus the direct approach confirmed my suspicions. You don't belong here. The others would have enjoyed it or at least pretended to enjoy it," he said. "I am new.." I started. "Please don't insult my intelligence, Miss Sokolov. The flight manifest was confirmed a week ago. I personally looked over it. And out of the blue today, you were added to the manifest. And you look like a misplaced jack in the box in the sea of barbies. So before I personally give you a quick ticket to sky diving out of this plane, speak fast," he said sharply.
"I.. have to get to Geneva to meet someone," I said. He glared at me, "And? Commercial flights give you allergies?" "No I couldn't find a way to get into the other flights," I said. "What's your name?" He asked. I didn't answer. "Skydiving it is," he snapped turning around. "Jade. My name is Jade. Please I really need to get to Geneva. I don't mind paying for the ticket. I don't want anything to do with the senator. I just want to get to Geneva, please understand," I stammered. He turned around and narrowed his eyes at me, "Alright. For the rest of the flight you stay here. Is that understood?" I nodded. He peeked outside and barked, "You. Come here." A steward walked in, "Yes sir. What can I do for you?" "Get the woman's coat and keep her company. Make sure the senator doesn't get his paws on her," he said winking at the steward. "Will do sir," the steward said nodding and walking away. "Keep your mouth shut, you understand?" He said, his expression hardening. I nodded as the steward got my coat. I wore it and sat down quietly. The steward sat opposite me not saying a word either as Liam left us alone for the remainder of the flight.

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