Bad decisions

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Ethan's POV

It was early the next morning and I had just relayed the story Jade had told me to Yang. We were all seated in my living room, having tea and Yang had opened and closed his mouth several times without saying a word. He seemed to be in a trance after which he finally cleared his throat and said, "So let me get this straight. You are here because your real boyfriend's ex-friends are probably behind the kidnapping and murder of your fake boyfriend because your real boyfriend gave you and your fake boyfriend the hard drive to the case files that your father was working on which can only be opened by you?" Jade pouted knowingly, "Yeah. Pretty much in a nutshell." "And that's why you guys were awake last night?" Yang asked. I cleared my throat, "The point is we now know why the Italian guys wanted Jade. The biometric lock on the drive can only be unlocked by her. And there is a high possibility that the Italian guys have the drive." "What's on the drive?" Yang asked. "I don't know. I mean it has the cases that my dad has worked on. We used it for Jennifer's case. But Jake probably has a copy of the drive," she said.
"And this Jake guy is actually Dominic Stavros?" Yang asked. "Yes. So Yang, you have to get to him and ask him about all this, since there is a possibility that he knows what is so important on the drive, that people are eager to get their hands on it. And I will simultaneously try to get the information out of Valdifiori," I said. "Well that would be simple. I can get it done as soon as I get to the office. Which reminds me, are you going to the office?" Yang asked. I thought, "I will be in late. I don't want to take the day off and raise any suspicions." Yang nodded, "I am going to get going."  He went to place his cup of tea on the table but slipped and the remains of the tea cup landed on Jade's lap. She got up with a start and rushed to the bathroom muttering, "Excuse me," as Yang apologized profusely. Once she was in the bathroom, Yang waited till he heard the water running and started, "Ok Matser, are you seriously planning to leave her here all by herself?" "Yes I trust her," I said. "Really?" "Trust me on this," I said. He considered my word, "Okay. Honestly, I am a bit relieved. Yesterday when I left I was afraid you guys would kill each other or worse." "What could be worse than killing each other?" I asked. "Oh I don't know. Pretty girl. Lonely night. You know," he said heavily implying the possibility of a hookup. I scowled in disgust, "Gross. She is a criminal." "And you have a thing for bad girls," he retorted. "No I don't," I snapped. "Ok I know you don't but lets assume.." "Please stop," I said ending the conversation.
Jade returned a few minutes later, "So all set?" "Yes I will go to the prison and set up a meeting with Dominic. I will try to get some details from him and I will get back the video of our conversation. But Valdifiori will be notified, Ethan. What about that?" "Don't worry about it Yang. I can handle her," I said. Yang nodded and left. "How are you going to convince Valdifiori that you are on her side?" she asked. "Valdifiori thinks that I can't cross a line. I just need to make her believe that I can for her cause," I said. "And you think that will work?" She countered. "I hope so. Even if she doesn't believe that I am on her side, she can still make me the scapegoat, which was her original idea," I said thoughtfully. "Hopefully Jake comes through. Once we get the copy of the drive, maybe we can get to the root of all this and punish the ones behind Richy's murder," she said. "Do you think he will comply? I mean given the type of guy he is, I don't think he will reveal anything to Yang," I said.
"Well yes that is possible but then what's the alternative? Even of he doesn't comply I am sure he does know something is amiss and maybe he might try to help him that way. Unless you have a way of making me meet him?" She said. "You being out in public is risky. We don't who these people are and what they are capable of," I retorted. A few hours passed. It was time for me to leave as well. I had told her to call me in any emergency. As I left, I cursed myself for blindly trusting her. What if she ran away? I pushed those thoughts away. I had a job to do. As soon as I sat in my car, my phone rang. It was Yang. I picked it up, "Yang what's going on?" "Shitstorm, Matser. Valdifiori has denied access to Dominic Stavros," he said quickly, clearly frustrated. "Goddammit. That woman is seriously a pain in the... Never mind. Let me handle it. I am heading to the office. I will be there in the next 20 minutes. Sit tight," I said reassuringly. "Ok Matser. Will do," Yang said and hung up. I speedily rushed to the office. I got to my cubicle and took a couple of printouts. I gathered the papers and walked straight into Valdifiori's office without knocking. "Agent Matser, I suppose you saw that the door was closed and yet you walked in here without knocking?" She muttered condescendingly. "Well I realized you aren't doing anything good or useful, I thought barging in was quite warranted," I said. I could see her anger rising, "Care to rephrase that?" "Sure. I didn't see your assistant outside , hence I had to walk in," I said calmly sitting down. She seemed to calm down as well, but just slightly.
She watched me intently, "Matser, tell me something. Why did Yang put in a request to visit Dominic Stavros in prison?  I thought you would not pursue that?" "Oh that is simple to answer. But it is dependent on the answer to this question," I said as I placed the papers on her desk. "Why do these papers say that Jade confessed to Richard Davis' murder and that both you and me took the confession?" I asked. "Are you insinuating something Matser?" She asked losing her patience. "Yes I am insinuating that you wouldn't expect me to blindly sign the paperwork without reading. And that's how I came across this. Of course it could be a mistake, so I thought maybe I should just run it by you before putting it in for correction," I said nonchalantly standing up. "Wait. Ethan. You are right. There is a mistake in the paperwork but it is not a lie. She did confess to the murder and you know the protocol. Two agents are needed to warrant the confession and I didn't have the time to wait for it. Can't you do me a favor and I owe you one in return?" She said sweetly. I smirked, "Well why would I do that now? After you threw me under the bus multiple times?"
Her desperation seemed to show even more prominently, "What do you want Ethan?" "Protocol or not, I will go to Versoix and confirm Jade's confession myself and that's how you will owe me one," I said shuffling the papers. This time her composure was completely gone, "Wait. Stop. You won't find her there." I gave her my best confused look, "Why not?" She shifted nervously, "Walk with me." I followed her as we got to the rooftop. "Okay what is it that you are so secretive about a bunch of paperwork?" I asked impatiently. She glared at me, "That woman is an asset." "To whom?" I asked. "All I know is that she is an asset," she said vaguely. "Still doesn't explain her confession. What's her price?" I muttered. "Price?" She asked in confusion. "Pretty sure an asset is worth a lot. What is her worth? And what did you do with her?" I asked. "She is in the wind. But it gave me access," she replied. "In the wind?" I questioned. "Someone abducted her and I need to keep it under wraps until I find her again," she said nervously. "Ok. That can be done. We have the resources to find her. But access to what?" I asked. "An elite group. All I know is they have kingmakers who can help you move up the ranks," she said. "And you believe that?" I said almost laughing. She gulped. "That's how you got this position?" I yelled as I came to the horrific realization. She nodded, "This is no joke Ethan. Walk away. You will only end up getting hurt." I narrowed my eyes at her, "Sure. I will walk right to the Department Chief." "Fine. What do you want?" She asked with an exasperated expression. I looked her straight in the eyes and said, "Nothing much. I just want in."

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