Art of Deception

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Richy's POV

"You are joking right?" I asked Jake. I sincerely hoped he was joking. "I am not," Jake replied. "How do you expect me to do this?" I asked him. "Come on. Please. You have to do this for me and Jade," Jake pleaded. "OH. Excuse me. For the past few months I have been doing everything for you and Jade. I am near the finish line of handing out any favors for you," I said. Damian and Liam walked into the room a few minutes later. Liam handed over the tickets, "Its for the private jet. So you guys must be good." I stared at the tickets and took it. This better work. Jake, Liam and Damian filed out of the room. Once they were gone, I sent a text. I have a proposition for you.   

Liam's POV

I made sure I was alone. I then took out my phone and sent a text: He is planning to send Jade and Richy back home. I hope you will manage to handle that.

Jade's POV

I looked at the traffic at the intersection, while Richy sat silently waiting for the signal to turn. "So where exactly are we going?" I asked. He sighed, "Some address Jake mentioned. Said the person has some things he wanted picked up." "Are you sure thats all there is?" I asked him. He glanced at me as if I had asked him for his soul, "Yeah what else there would be?" "Richy?" I asked. "Jade?" He replied. "Stop teasing," I snapped. He chuckled, "Relax. We will be there soon."
Silence flooded the car again. Jake had walked in to my room an hour ago and had asked for a favor. A huge favor, he had said. While I wasn't completely comfortable about what he asked me and Richy to do, I don't think he left me any choice. But I felt nervous. Really really nervous. Nervous for Jake. Nervous for Richy and nervous for me. Almost 20 minutes later we were pulling into Geneva airport. We soon stopped at a parking lot and Richy got out. Confused I got out as well, "Is the person we are meeting at the airport?" He looked at me with a painful expression. He didn't answer me, just started removing bags from the trunk. "Is that my bag? Richy what are you doing?" I asked. No answer. That was until he handed me a piece of paper. It was a flight ticket to go back home. I blinked my eyes seeing my name on the ticket. "What is this?" I asked him. "It is a ticket. For both of us, to go home," he said. "What?" I asked. "Jake wants both of us to go back home," he said quickly. "Absolutely not. I am not leaving him at such a crucial moment," I snapped. "Jade listen to me, you are more of a liability to him than anything," he said. "What? He would never say that," I said. "You are right. He wouldn't say that to you but he said that to me, Jade. Things are getting difficult and dangerous and he wants us to be at a safe distance from all this," Richy replied. "Richy let's go back, I will talk to him..." "Jade I agree with Jake. We are not safe here.. we need to.." he started. "What about him?" I asked. "Jade please right now we just need to get out of here," he pleaded. "No I am not going anywhere. I am not leaving Jake here, besides back home everything is a mess. If you remember I am a fugitive. As soon as I land there I would be arrested and then I would not be able to come back here," I said. "What if I can convince you that nothing will happen once you go back home? Not just that Jake will also come home with us tomorrow?" He offered. "How are you going to do that?" I asked him. His eyes wandered behind me. I turned around to see Johnson standing there. "Johnson?" I asked as if I didn't believe he was here in person. He hugged me, "Oh I am so glad you are okay." "How are you here?" I asked him. "I got some of my contacts to trace your steps and some woman named Layla said you are here so I got here and then a day ago, this Interpol agent called and told me that Richy was alive and you and Richy were here together. Richy then called me today saying that you guys were planning to head back home, so here I am to help you out," he said. I looked at Richy, "You called Johnson?" "Yes and he knows about Jake too. Isn't it high time now? I explained everything. Relax it will be fine," Richy said.
I started feeling really nervous, "Does Jake know you told Johnson about him?" "Jade, you could have told me about this Jake guy. He is the guy in the pictures, isn't he?" Johnson asked. I nodded slightly and sighed, "What was the agent's name? Who told you about Richy being alive?" "Some one named Master, though he told me to communicate everything through some one else named Yang, I think," Johnson said. "He did that? I... I don't know what to say. I..didn't expect him to... How did he reach you?" I asked. "He found out that I was your attorney, so I guess he got my information," Johnson said. "Oh. That's really nice of him," I said feeling sad about it all. "Jade, you know I can help you and I am sorry I decided not to help you, but if you had told me, then I would have... You know what it's not important. You are like family Jade and I acted like an idiot. I am sorry," Johnson said genuinely. "It's okay but Johnson I can't go home. I have to help Jake.. I..." I stammered. "Okay. While maybe you and Richy going back home would be safer, I think Jake needs some help too. How about we go meet Jake and figure out how to help him?" Johnson asked. Richy and I nodded. We then got into the car and started driving out of the parking lot.
"I think I should call Ethan and thank him. I feel bad that he helped me so much and I can't help him back, at least I can thank him," I said as we were on the way. "Are you going to tell him about what's happening?" Richy asked. I thought about it as Richy said, "He seems to be going through a lot. I think it is better not to involve him." "You're right. I'll just thank him and tell him I am headed home," I said as I called Ethan. The phone rang and after 3 rings he picked up, "Hello?" "Hello Ethan? It's Jade," I said. "Hi...Uh..I wasn't expecting your call," he said. "I just met Johnson and he said that you told him about me being innocent," I said. "Yes it was the least I could do. Though everything would go through Yang now since..," he trailed off. "How much trouble are you in?" I asked. "A lot but I can handle it. What about you? Still chasing Ragwort?" He asked. "No not really. I mean you were right. It is better to walk away, so we are going home," I said. "That's good to hear. Well then good luck Jade," Ethan said softly. "Thank you Ethan. For everything. I wish I could help you and I am sorry for everything," I said. "Don't worry. I will jump back from this," He said. "Okay then Ethan, hope I see you. You know whenever you," I trailed. "I know. I will let you know Jade. Take care," he said. "You too Ethan. Please convey my gratitude to Yang as well," I said. "I will. Goodbye," he said and he hung up. Minutes later we stopped in front of a tiny dilapidated house. I was even more confused, "Where are we?" Before anyone could answer, I felt the door open suddenly and a hand clamped my mouth shut. I struggled continuously, but my hands were tied up. I stared at the blank faces of Richy and Johnson staring at me. Suddenly Richy's phone started to ring. He looked at it and turned to Johnson, "Its Jake." "Ignore it," Johnson said. "I can't, he will get suspicious.. let me just pick it up....Hey Jake.. yeah we are just getting on the flight. Yup I think her phone is in her bag, don't worry I will call you once we land. Thanks. Bye," Richy said as he hung up. I was continuously screaming but my screams were muffled, by the hand. Suddenly the hand was replaced by a gag. I struggled again, staring at both Richy and Johnson. Johnson ignored me and asked, "Why'd you take her to the airport if you had plans to hand her over to me?" Richy shrugged, "I didn't plan to hand her over to you. I thought if I could convince her to leave and forget that idiot, then we would have left, but alas she didn't take the bait. Now you remember your end of the bargain?" Johnson smirked, "Yes of course. Welcome to Ragwort, Davis."

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