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Ethan's POV

The pain in my right leg had started to dull as I drove back to Geneva. What a day it had been. The day had started off as no other day in particular. I woke up at 5:30 am, freshened up, got ready, grabbed my cup of tea, forgotten my car keys, grabbed my car keys, forgotten to turn off the lights, turned off the lights, got in my car, realized that I had forgotten my badge. Damn I was so forgetful today. I think it had to do with my lack of sleep. But that was another story altogether. I was headed to my office when I got a tip on my phone regarding a person traveling on forged documents. I groaned. I hated working on this. Ever since the incident, I was always assigned to such things. I was absolutely certain that Valdifiori had made sure that these cases were assigned to me. Stuck up bitch.
I did the obvious next thing I was supposed to do. I called Yang. Yang was our in house IT specialist. People called him a gopher. I guess because he could dig through anything. "Agent Yang," he said picking my call after just one ring. "I don't think you should be called an Agent, given that you are never in the field and all your work is done behind the screens," I said teasingly. He huffed, "That's the only argument you have got. You know your work would be so much slower and tedious if it wasn't for me. Plus I do have a gun and I did undergo field training so I am just as good as all you field guys." I rolled my eyes, "Alright alright Gopher. Can you dig something for me?" "Not you too, Ethan. Don't call me that," he said growing frustrated. "Ok I am sorry. Now can you help me please? I got a tip of an illegal traveler. Its a private flight booked under Senator Williams...." "Got it. Its a 12 pm arrival at Geneva Airport. Flight Manifest is right here. Who should I check up on?" He asked. "Marina Sokolov." "Alright there. I have her picture here. Hmm let me just run her through the active cases database. And while that's going on... another dumb case for you isn't it?" He remarked. I grunted, "Can't complain."
"Right because you could be heading the department instead of Valdifiori, but she makes sure you get all these stupid cases. I am telling you, she wont\ rest until you are out of the agency," he said. "I could care less. She can head the department all she wants," I said. "Come on Matser, you know she screwed you over. And that incident wasn't just your fault. She threw you under the bus..." "Can we go at least one day without you mentioning that?" I interrupted. "Fine but you need to stand up against her more, she is clearly underutilizing you potential," he said. "Marina Sokolov, Yang. What did you find on her?" I said eager to change the topic. "Ok what do we have here. Marina Sokolov a.k.a Jade, suspected of attempted murder and kidnapping of her boyfriend Richard Davis. She has an arrest warrant on her but disappeared before the warrant could be served. Wait a minute... the police just updated the case. Apparently, they found the body of Davis a few miles away from where his car was found. He died of a GSW to the head," he said. "Yikes. That's cold blooded," I said. "Not really. Evidently, a few days ago, she was found in Quebec, heavily sedated. She gave a story stating that she had no recollection of how she got there and also claimed that her boyfriend was kidnapped. But the police suspect that she was cheating on her boyfriend, he found out and she killed him," he said. "A little extreme don't you think?" I asked. "Not when she was filleted by a serial killer, months ago. The police think that she just snapped. You have to be careful with this one Matser," he warned.
"Great now I have to take care of people like that?" I muttered. "Better you than me, 'Field agent'" he mocked and hung up. I groaned. I received additional notifications that Yang had forwarded the files to me. I headed to the airport. That was this afternoon. And after that I felt like I was literally in a roller coaster. Meeting her, chasing her, arresting her, driving to Versoix, the accident, damn it had been a really long day. I shuffled into the office and sat down at my cubicle as Yang walked by, "Look who it is. Christ you look like you have been in a bar fight. Why aren't you home?" I stretched my neck, "Valdifiori has another case for me to work on. She took Jade for processing at Versoix." "That woman has it in for you man. What she couldn't give you the rest of the day off?" Yang said in a hushed tone. "It's fine. I'd rather be here anyway," I said quickly. I glanced back at Yang, "Yang? Can you do me a favor and check on a prisoner named Dominic Stavros." "Sure thing. Which case is it for?" He asked. "Jade's case, but don't catalog it yet. It is just a check," I said. He shrugged, "Alright. But I can get to it by tomorrow morning. Is that fine?" "Yup sure," I replied.
Just then Anita, our document administrator walked towards my cubicle, "Agent Matser, I need to send these to the US embassy. Agent Valdifiori sent these but I think your signature is missing on one of the pages, could you sign them and forward it to me? I have already emailed you the document." "Sure," I said. She said thanks and walked away. I opened the email and downloaded the file. I was just about to sign it when I quickly glanced through the document, staring at it wide eyed in confusion. "What happened? Did Anita send you the wrong file?" Yang quipped. "Mon Dieu. This is a signed confession from Jade stating that she murdered Richard Davis," I said. "So?" Yang asked. "I was there when she signed this. It wasn't a confession. It was a statement of incident, for my accident. This was not in it," I said. Yang looked at me in confusion, "Ok so how did it turn into a confession?" I thought for a few minutes back to when Jade signed the documents. I had read it too because I had to sign it as well. It was a statement of incident no doubt. Then where did this come from? "Maybe she signed it after you left?" Yang offered. "Then why does it say that both me and Valdifiori took her confession?" I said. I looked at Yang. "What are you thinking Ethan?" He asked. "That something does not seem right. These is very very suspicious," I said trying to comprehend the situation. I picked up my phone and called the office in Versoix, "Allo. Quel est l'état du dossier ZRT2345990? (Hello. What is the status of file ZRT2345990?)" "Un instant s'il vous plaît, (Wait a moment please)" the person responded.
I tapped my hand on the table nervously. The person came back on the line, "Vous devez vous tromper, Monsieur. Cette affaire a été traitée au bureau de Genève. (You must be wrong, sir. This case was handled at the Geneva office)" "Êtes-vous sûr? (Are you sure?)" I asked, my tone reaching the sky. "Oui Monsieur. Puis-je vous aider pour autre chose?(Yes Sir. Can I help you with something else?)" the person asked. "Non, merci, (No, thank you)" I said as I hung up. "So what did they say?" Yang asked. "They said that the case was processed here not in Versoix." I said. "How is that possible? Valdifiori took her to Versoix. Why would the paperwork be filed here? There is only one person who has the authorization to do that," Yang said. "Valdifiori," I muttered looking at Yang, "She is up to something Yang, and I have a hunch it is no good."

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