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Jung Wooyoung once again strolled through the empty hallways of KQ High School, already looking forward to seeing all the students during break.

Of course, they couldn't see him. It was an unwritten law in the spirit world to not make yourself visible for others since that would make humans go crazy in most cases.

They just weren't used to see dead people walking around.

Wooyoung found that comprehensible since he himself wasn't dead for long and completely freaked out when he was still there after he died.

To be honest, Wooyoung enjoyed life as a ghost more than life as a human. Everything was so easy for him. He didn't need to go to school and he wasn't forced to do anything by anyone.

He was alone and most of the time it was a nice feeling.

Sometimes, he wondered if there were other spirits in this world. But even if there were, he would be too lazy to go looking for them.

Besides, he had enough fun at this school. His school.

He winced when suddenly the door in front of him opened and students started running through him.

Quickly, he took a step to the side. Of course, they weren't able to feel him and it didn't hurt him if they walked right through him, but it was annoying as hell.

Every time this happened, he got reminded that he was indeed alone.

He liked it, no doubt, but sometimes he would wish for some company.

"Hey, San, are you coming to sit with us at lunch?", a familiar voice asked.

Wooyoung jerked his head around when he heard this specific name being called out.

San was his daily occupation. For a couple of weeks, Wooyoung watched and followed him the whole time.

Even though, Wooyoung went to this school when he was still alive, they didn't know each other back then.

San was one grade above Wooyoung, so they never had any classes together and their paths just never crossed.

But when Wooyoung came back to see his best friends Yunho and Mingi again after he died, he spotted them with San. Since then he was obsessed.

San was a god. At least to Wooyoung. He was so incredibly beautiful and the ghost hated himself for not recognizing him when he was still alive.

He followed San, Yunho and Mingi into the cafeteria, smiling every time San let out a chuckle or laugh.

"I've heard some interesting news, bitches", Yunho said once all of them sat down at a table with food in front of them.

Wooyoung was floating in the air next to San, still invisible of course.

Ghosts could make themselves visible, audible and tangible for an hour a day, but as already said: That was as good as forbidden and Wooyoung obeyed the law, even if it wasn't actually a real one.

"Spill the tea, Yunho", Mingi chuckled, thinking that Yunho would start rambling about gossip from some model magazine like he always did.

"There's a rumor going around that Wooyoung didn't accidentally fall from that roof top, but that somebody pushed him", Yunho whispered, everyone's eyes growing wide at him mentioning Wooyoung's name.

It was kind of a forbidden topic between them because the shock of losing their best friend was still deep.

"Calm down y'all. I can only repeat that Wooyoung wouldn't want us to spend our time grieving. He wants us to be happy", Yunho added quickly.

The ghost-Wooyoung next to him giggled slightly and nodded. He hated seeing his best friends cry over him.

"Mmmh, but what did you say about someone pushing him?", San asked, eyebrows lifted in confusion.

Although, San didn't know Wooyoung in real life, Yungi had told him so much about the guy that he felt like knowing him just as well.

"It's just a rumor, but I always say that such rumors don't come from nowhere. There must be a reason for it. Maybe it's actually true", Mingi thought, nibbling at a sandwich.

"That would mean a murderer is walking around here", San whispered.

Wooyoung could almost feel how San got goosebumps on his arms and a cold shiver ran down his back.

He wanted nothing more than to comfort the boy next to him, but he wasn't allowed to touch him or even make himself visible.

"Creepy", Mingi commented.

"Sometimes, I wish I would've met him before he died. Maybe we would've gotten along well", San mumbled, staring at the water bottle in front of him.

"I'm here", Wooyoung whispered, but of course San couldn't hear him.

This was the prologue, my friends, I hope you like it so far<3

I'm very proud of this idea I had and I hope nobody did a similar story to this before.

Please vote and comment a lot! Especially in the beginning of writing a new story it's really encouraging for me if there are people who comment and vote because it tells me that you like the story🥺

I want to say a HUGE thank you to my friend Sans_Moon again for editing the amazing cover for this story!!

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