aren't you the magician here?

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"W-What do you mean?", Wooyoung's voice was only a whisper due to the exhaustion he felt after the intense orgasm he had just experienced.

"I can make you feel even better", San chuckled lightly, still caressing the younger's head.

He enjoyed having the ghost so close to him. On his lap to be exact.

"How? Are you a magician?", Wooyoung mumbled tiredly. His eyes were continuously falling close, but he forced them open again.

He didn't want to seem weak in front of San, who had to laugh loudly at the younger's question because he sounded deadly serious and in a way curious.

"Well, aren't you the magician here, baby?", San asked, smiling slightly after he had calmed down.

"But I can't recite spells or do magic in general. All I can do is go through walls and float around." Wooyoung sat up straight on San's lap and crossed his arms. He was visibly sulking.

"Do you wish you could do these things?", the older asked, lovingly staring at the other and going back to gently rub over his naked hips.

"I don't have to transform people into pigs or do stuff like that, but it gets really boring when you are a ghost for almost a year... I want to have ghost friends... or be able to be visible for more than an hour a day, so that I can be with you for longer you know?"

A sudden sadness took over Wooyoung's expression. Sometimes, he questioned himself whether it would've been better for him to have died immediately and not be stuck in this situation between life and death.

Maybe he would've already killed himself if he could, but ghosts were unable to do that. Not even when they were in their human form.

Then, they could of course get injuries since they were almost functioning the same as real humans, but they would never actually die.

Suddenly, another thought that he had never had before crossed his mind. If you assume that your soul goes to heaven after you die...

"Wooyoung, why are you even a ghost? Why are you trapped in this in-between world that is neither life nor death?", San spoke out loud what the younger was just thinking about.

"I- I don't know...", he whispered honestly.

"Do you think you have some... kind of mission to do before you can peacefully go to the afterlife? Maybe it has something to do with how exactly you died. Wooyoung, we have to find out who pushed you down the abyss and-"

"No, San, I don't think that's what we should do. How would that help my situation, huh? Don't get so excited and hysterical over this."

San wanted to speak up again to say something in his defense, but the younger was quick to interrupt him.

"Weren't you talking about rewarding me?"

The older knew that this was just a desperate try from Wooyoung to change the topic, but he decided to let it slide. He didn't want to make the younger uncomfortable, but he couldn't help but to feel the urge to find out what exactly had happened last year.

He would make it his own duty to solve this puzzle, with or without the help of a certain ghost.

"Let me do it for you instead", Wooyoung said, getting anxious as to why the older hadn't replied anything to him yet.

San's gaze grew softer and he smiled slightly. "Baby, you don't have to do this."

"But I want to... so, gimme", Wooyoung said, pointing at the older's dick that was - despite the serious discussion they just had - still very visible through his boxers.

"Darling, you really don't have to- oh fuck", San moaned deeply when he felt the younger's small hands press down onto his cock.

He got painfully hard in seconds.

Wooyoung smirked slightly at the sight, but then looked up at San with big, innocent eyes while pushing away his boxers and lowering his head down.

Partially, the ghost did this to distract the older from his death.

But at the same time, he just fell a little more for this human in front of him.


I wanted to write more intense smut here, but somehow I got so tired that I couldn't think sexually 😪

Anyway, smut will appear in later chapters again...

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