1. the arrival

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SPLISH... SPOLSH! ARIA JACKSONS BOOTS SLAMMED AGAINST THE DAMP SIDEWALK. A cool breeze blew by causing her to shiver. Raindrops pelted down on her head as she sprinted inside the small building. She held on tightly to her suitcase as she tried to catch her breath. She walked into the small elevator and quickly clicked the number three button. She looked out the elevator in fear as if someone might be following her. She had already been to two other buildings.

When she arrived on the third floor of this new building she prepared herself to get turned away over and over again. She walked up to a strangers doorway and took a deep breath before nervously bringing her hand up to the door and gently knocking on it.

Jack groaned as he slammed the fridge closed. Shawn was sitting on the couch debating whether to ask Jack why he seemed so upset. Jack ran a hand through his hair as he looked over at Eric.

"We have been living here for two months now and every girl has managed to walk all over me." Jack mutters as he has a sad expression on his face.

"Hey..... don't lose hope buddy.... I bet there's a great girl just around the corner waiting for you." Eric tries to reassure his friend.

"All girls want is to just hook up...." Jack replies in a disappointed tone.

"What's wrong with that? Live a little Jack! Go find some random chick and have a good time!" Shawn yells in an excited tone.

Eric glares at Shawn as Jack gives Shawn a confused look.

"Not the time Shawn." Eric tells Shawn sharply. "Look Jack.... you don't need a girl... sure their great..." Eric begins to tell Jack but Shawn interrupts him.

"And their hot." Shawn yells loudly.

Eric looks over at Shawn as he awkwardly laughs.

"You are great Jack and I'm sure someone great will walk through that door one day and blow you away." Eric reassures Jack as he pats his back.

"There's no good girls who live here..... is a girl just gonna walk in and be perfect for me? No! I'm just gonna go take a shower." Jack replies in a hopeless tone.

Eric sighs as he watches his heartbroken friend walk out of the room.

"We need to get him a dog or something." Shawn mutters in a serious tone.

Eric opened his mouth to respond to Shawn but was interrupted by a loud knocking on their door.

"Did you invite someone over?" Eric asked Shawn curiously.

Shawn shook his head as Eric made his way to the door. He opened the door revealing a girl. Not just any girl.... a very beautiful one. Aria stood on the boys doorstep soaking wet. Her entire body was soaked as water dripped off of her clothes. She was carrying a suitcase that was now also wet. Eric noticed her eyes were red and it looked as if she had been crying.

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