11. the wedding

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"What are you doing... everyone's looking at us?" Jack hissed at her.

"Sorry... force of habit." Aria whispers awkwardly.

She grabs his arm and quickly places it back around her waist. She feels herself take in a sharp breath as she tries to calm herself down. She felt like her heart was going to explode as she could feel Jacks grip on her waist.

Jack felt like his body was going to breakdown from the amount of nervousness flooding through his body. He could feel many eyes on them. He put on a smile as he waved to his family members that he recognized. He looked over at Aria causing his breath to get lost in his mouth. He couldn't take his eyes off of her as he wondered how someone could be so beautiful.

"Where should we sit?" Aria whispered to him.

"Uh...." Jack mutters as his eyes scan the pews.

He wanted to avoid people at all costs in hopes that they wouldn't catch on to the lie he was trying to pull off.

"Jackie pie!" Aunt Peggy yelled.

Jack internally groaned as his eyes landed on his aunt sitting in the front row. She was gesturing for him to sit next to her. Her pew was nearly full due to most of Jacks aunts and uncles in the pews. Jack nervously grabbed Arias hand as he led her to the pews.

"Hey Jack! How's it going?" One of Jacks Uncles asked him curiously.

"Uh... it's going good." Jack stuttered as he sat down in the pew next to Aria.

"Who's the girl?" Another one of his aunts asked him curiously.

"She's my Uh... girlfriend." Jack says softly as the lie spilled easily off his tongue.

Aria felt her stomach flutter as Jack called her his girlfriend. She ran a hand through her hair as she tried to focus on something else but she could only think about Jack. He was sitting directly next to her and all she wanted to do was be closer to him.

"What's a pretty girl like you dating a loser like Jack?" One of Jacks cousins asks Aria curiously.

"I'm lucky to have her." Jack says softly as he looks over at her.

He placed his hand on her leg causing Aria to freeze. Her eyes locked with Jacks eyes and time seemed to stop as Arias eyes flickered to his hand on her leg. Even the slightest of touch from Jack made her heart do crazy things. She quickly looked away from him as her eyes scanned the church. Jack didn't remove his hand from her leg as he continued to talk to his cousin.

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