5. working out

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ARIA HAD MUSIC BLASTING INTO HER EARS AS SHE DID SIT-UPS IN THE LIVING ROOM. SHE HAD GOTTEN UP EARLY SO SHE COULD WORK OUT BEFORE THE BOYS WERE AWAKE TO ANNOY HER. She was also only in her bra and tight shorts and didn't need them to all stare at her while she did her workout.

Shawn Hunters ears heard the sound of someone jumping up and down. He started mumbling things in his sleep before the noise became too much and he finally forced his body out of bed.

"I swear Eric.. if you woke me up..." Shawn muttered angrily as he pushed open his bedroom door.

His eyes landed on Aria doing squats in the living room. His eyes widened as he couldn't take his eyes off of her. All the curves of her body were on display and Shawn felt extremely hot all of the sudden.

"Hey Aria!" Shawn yelled at her.

She didn't move as she seemed unable to hear him. He realized she had head phones in her ears.

"She can't hear me and she hasn't noticed me yet." Shawn muttered to himself as a mischievous look formed on his face.

Shawn sat down at the kitchen table as his eyes never looked away from Aria. He knew if she knew that he was watching her that she would yell at him but he could care less in that moment. Shawn grabbed himself a bowl of cereal as he watched Aria like she was some TV show.

Eric walked into the kitchen and waved at Shawn but Shawns eyes were glued on something else. Eric looked over at the living room where Shawn was staring causing him to gasp.

"What is she doing?" Eric asks Shawn in disbelief as he sits down next to him.

"I don't know but I like it... a lot." Shawn says in a dreamy tone.

The two boys stare at her as she starts doing push-ups.

"What are you two idiots staring at?" Jack asks them in a tired voice as he walks into the kitchen.

They both don't respond as their mouths were hanging open and Jack could have sworn he saw Shawn drool. Jack wanted to know what they were looking at so he turned his attention to the living room. His eyes landed on Aria wearing tight shorts and a bra while she did push ups. Jack nervously swallowed as he quickly looked away from her.

"Would you two idiots stop!" Jack yelled at them as he smacked both of their heads.

They both groaned in annoyance as they quickly looked away from her.

"Don't ruin this for us." Shawn complains as he looks up at Jack.

"Shes our friend and just because she's female doesn't mean you guys get to stare at her when she's not looking." Jack tells them sharply.

He starts walking over to her causing Eric and Shawn to roll their eyes.

"Mr. Good Samaritan." Eric mutters to Shawn as he gestures to Jack.

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