7. the paper

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JACK WATCHED AS ARIA AGGRESSIVELY WROTE DOWN ON A SHEET OF PAPER. SHE KEPT SCRIBBLING OUT WORDS AS SHE LOOKED EXTREMELY FRUSTRATED. Jack sat down next to her at the kitchen table. She didn't seem to notice his presence as she stared down at her paper.

"What are you doing?" Jack asks her curiously as he looks over her shoulder.

"Writing a paper for my English teacher." Aria huffed in annoyance as she kept her focus on the paper.

Jack gave her a concerned look as he pulled the paper out from under her.

"Hey!" Aria yelled as she reached for the paper.

"Take a break... you've been trying to write this for an hour." Jack tells her sharply.

He looks down at the paper and just sees a bunch of scribbles across the page and her name written at the top.

"What are you trying to write?" Jack asks her as he looks over at her.

Aria ran a hand through her hair before plopping her face down on the table.

"An essay about something meaningful to me... but my teacher is so annoying and all I can think about... is how much of an ass he is and how he always gives me a bad grade no matter what I do." Aria mumbles in annoyance.

"Why don't you write about how much of a a douche he is!" Shawn yells hoping he can help her.

"He would definitely kick me out of his class." Aria replies softly.

"Well... relax and get something to eat and then write it later." Jack tells her softly.

Aria nods as she gets up and grabs a glass of water from the kitchen. Shawn was sitting by the counter eating cereal.

"Why is the teacher an ass?" Shawn asks her curiously.

"Whenever I answer a question...even if I'm right he says... Umm noooo thats not the correct answer.. sorry. He rolls his eyes every single time I raise my hand. He never gives me anything above a seventy even though I'm really good at English." Aria rants.

"Write everything you feel about him down on paper... to get your feelings out of your mind..." Eric suggests as he walks into the kitchen.

"Okay... that could work...." Aria says softly as she grabs her pencil and paper.

"Wait! Even better... write a rap song about him." Shawn says causing Aria to raise her eyebrow at him.

"Why would I write a rap song about my teacher?" Aria asks him in disbelief.

"Eric! Give her a beat!" Shawn yelled dramatically.

Eric puts a hand over his mouth as he starts terribly beatboxing. Jack laughs as he sits on the counter directly next to Aria.

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