21. awkwardness

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Jack placed his pillow over his eyes as he groaned in annoyance. The events of the previous night slowly started flowing into his head. The moment he tried to kiss Aria flashed into his mind causing him to internally want to smack himself in the face.

"Oh shit... I'm an idiot." Jack muttered into his pillow.

He replayed her reaction and the moment she rejected him causing his heart to hurt. He felt so embarrassed to get turned down by the girl he likes and lives with. Jacks head wouldn't stop pounding as he decided he needed to get out of bed. He forced his body to stand up as he ran a hand through his hair. He felt like actual garbage and he knew he had to apologize to Aria.

Aria was cleaning the dishes when she heard footsteps behind her. Her eyes landed on Jack slowly walking into the kitchen. An uncomfortable silence filled the room as she took in his appearance.

"You look rough." Aria teases him as she turns her attention back to the dishes.

"I feel like shit." Jack groans as he sits down at the kitchen table.

"Take some aspirin and drink some water." Aria tells him as she looks over at him.

His hair was all messy but it looked so adorable Aria couldn't help but think about how attractive he was.

"Aria... about last night... I'm sorry." Jack says in a soft tone.

"You were drunk.. don't worry about it.. you didn't know what you were saying." Aria reassures him.

Jack felt relieved that she didn't seem to care but he knew everything he said was true. He couldn't believe he said all of those stupid things to her.

"Would you have kissed me if I wasn't drunk?" Jack asks her flirtatiously.

Aria was very flustered at Jack's abrupt question. She knew her true answer would be yes and the thought of kissing him made her cheeks bright red.

"You are blushing!" Jack teases her.

Aria frantically covers her cheeks as she shakes her head.

"I am not and to answer your question I guess we will never know." Aria says sarcastically.

"So that's a yes." Jack says in a cocky tone.

"That is most certainly not a yes." Aria replies defensively.

"Well you didn't say no which means it's a yes." Jack says jokingly.

Aria shakes her head as her eyes lock with Jacks eyes.

"I can't kiss you or else I will owe you money." Aria says sarcastically.

"Oh yeah... the bet.... I know I'm gonna win." Jack says in a cocky tone.

"Umm... you were the one who tried to kiss me last night." Aria tells him sharply.

"You got me there." Jack says playfully as he holds up his hands in surrender.

The room fills with silence as Jacks eyes lock with Arias. His mind instantly thought about how close he was to kissing her the previous night and how he desperately wanted to kiss her now in this moment. His eyes flickered to her lips even tho the table was in between them. Aria took a nervous deep breath as he quickly looked away from Jack.

"Where are the other two idiots? They left a mess on this table." Aria huffs in annoyance as she gestures to the table covered in food and trash.

"I'll help you clean it up." Jack says softly as he stands up.

He starts throwing away trash as he tried to help her as best as he could. Aria smiled at the fact that he was kind enough to give her a hand. Aria was washing the dishes and she sprayed a plate at a weird angle causing the water to splash on Jack.

"Hey. Did you hit me on purpose?" He asks Aria dramatically.

"No... I was cleaning the plate." Aria replies sharply.

The next time she rinsed the plate off she made sure it would splash water on him. Jack immediately stopped everything he was doing to glare at her. Aria bit her lip to hold back her laughter. Jack quickly walked over to Aria as he placed his hands on her waist causing her to squeal. Jack grabbed the  faucet from her and sprayed her in the head causing her to scream as she started laughing loudly. She tried to squirm out of Jacks grip as he continued to spray her with the water.

"Asshole!" Aria yelled as she grabbed the faucet from him and started spraying him with it.

Jack frantically grabbed a sponge off the sink to shield his face as he ran away from Aria. Aria laughed as the floor and her body were now soaking wet. Jack threw the sponge at her from across the room causing her to start dying of laughter.

"Want another shower?" Aria asks Jack jokingly as she gestures to the faucet in her hand.

Jacks hair and pjs were now soaking wet as Aria stared at him. Jack couldn't get over how Aria looked so beautiful with her hair and body now soaked. Jack quickly ran towards the sink causing Aria to spray his hair with water. He frantically grabbed the faucet from her. Aria squealed as she tried to get away from him but Jack used his free hand to tightly grab her waist and pull her back into his embrace. Aria felt butterflies enter her stomach as she felt Jacks body against hers. She felt the water pelt her face as Jack sprayed her in the face.

"I call a truce!" Aria screamed as she was unable to squirm out of Jacks grip.

Jack laughed as he turned off the faucet. Aria took a deep breath as she looked down at her now soaked clothes. Arias body was still pressed against Jacks body as his hand remained wrapped around her waist. Jack could feel his heart practically beating out of his chest as he looked down at the gorgeous girl next to him. Jack felt so nervous being so close to her he quickly released his hand from her waist and took a step back to her. His feet landed in the puddle that had formed beneath them.

"I think we got the floor wet." Jack says sarcastically as he points to the ground.

"We can make Eric clean it up." Aria replies in a carefree tone.

Jack laughed as the thought of Eric doing anything sounded terrifying. Both Aria and Jacks bodies were soaking wet as they stood next to each other in the kitchen. The water dripped from their bodies into the puddle on the floor. Jacks eyes landed on Aria and he felt a urge to hold her in his arms.

"I want a hug." Jack says softly as he wraps his arms around Aria.

Aria can feel her heart stop as she takes in Jacks embrace. They were both wet but the hug was very warm and comforting.

Sorry I haven't posted in a hot sec... I've been very busy recently .. I'm going to camp next week so I might not upload for a week 🥰

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