2. late night conversations

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ARIA HATED SLEEPING IN NEW PLACES. SHE WAS NEVER ABLE TO FALL ASLEEP IN PLACES SHE WASN'T USED TO. IT WAS LIKE HER BODY NEEDED TO BE ON ALERT. She groaned as she tossed and turned on the small couch. The blankets and pillows Jack had given her were nice but nothing could overpower her brains unwillingness to sleep. She wanted to cry. She was exhausted and yet she knew that she wouldn't be able to fall asleep. To make things worse she had classes early the next morning.

Aria pushed her body off of the small couch as she slowly walked across the dark room. She turned on a lamp in order to not disturb the three boys sleeping in the other room. She walked to the bathroom as she felt like her eyes could close at any minute but she knew she wouldn't be getting any sleep. When she walked back she was startled by a male figure in the kitchen.

"Shit! You scared me!" She whispered as her heart stopped.

Her eyes landed on Jack Hunter leaning against the counter. He had bags under his eyes as he yawned.

"I didn't mean to startle you.... I can't sleep....." Jack replies softly.

"Me either.... why can't you sleep?" Aria asks him curiously as she slowly makes her way over to him.

She was now leaning against the counter as she looked over at the attractive boy beside her.

"I got a huge test tomorrow." Jack tells her in a panicked tone.

"My mother used to make me drink a glass of milk to help me sleep...." Aria replies softly as she opens the fridge.

She realized she had no idea where anything was causing a puzzled look to overtake her face. A small laugh left Jacks lips as he appeared behind her.

"The milk is right there." He tells her softly.

His hand brushed against her hand as he reached inside the fridge to grab the milk. Aria didn't know why a simple touch of his hand on her hand made sparks go through her body.

"The milk never actually helped me fall asleep...but.... it's worth a try." Aria tells Jack jokingly as he pulls out two cups.

Jack pours the milk into the cup before handing it to Aria.

"Why can't you sleep?" Jack asked her curiously as he took a sip of his milk.

"I never can sleep in places that are new to me..... my brain won't settle down." Aria tells him softly.

"Well.... your brain is just protecting you from being attacked by ninjas." Jack teases her as a smile forms on his face.

"Totally and it's protecting me from Shawn who may or may not try and sneak underneath my blanket in the night." Aria replies back jokingly as a tired laugh leaves her mouth.

Jack nodded as they both slowly drank their milk. Arias legs were practically giving out due to how exhausted she was.

"Let's move to the couch before you fall over." Jack tells her as he gestures to the other room.

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