3. rude awakening

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SHAWN HUNTER COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT HIS EYES WERE LOOKING AT THE MOMENT HE WALKED INTO THE LIVING ROOM. Shawn rubbed his tired eyes she he stared at the couch in disbelief. He wanted to gasp as his eyes landed on Aria asleep on Jack's shoulder. He couldn't believe his brother had told him to leave her alone and now here he was practically cuddling her as she slept.

A smirk formed on Shawns face as he sprinted into the kitchen. He grabbed two pots together and started banging them together as loudly as he could.

"Shut up!" Jack screamed as the loud noise woke him up.

The noise only got louder as Shawn started dancing around the couch. Jack groaned in annoyance as he felt the urge to kill his brother. Jack's mood immediately changed when he felt Arias head move on his shoulder. She looked so calm and beautiful when she was asleep and Jack couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Aria woke up to the sound of the two brothers fighting and some loud ass pans being slammed together. People who knew Aria knew she wasn't a morning person and hated being woken up by other people. Arias eyes opened and she had a pissed off expression stuck on her face. Her eyes landed on Shawn who was dancing in front of her banging the pots together.

"I'm going to kill him!" Aria screamed as she lunged across the room.

She felt two strong hands wrap around her waist as Jack pulled her back onto the couch. Shawn looked terrified as Aria glared at him.

"You want some breakfast? I'll make you food." Shawn stuttered frantically.

"I hate when annoying people wake me up!" Aria yelled through gritted teeth.

Jack had a concerned look stuck on his face as he tried to keep her from killing his brother.

"At least it was a cute person who woke you up...." Shawn tells her in a hopeful tone.

She didn't look amused as she shoved Jacks arms off of her and tackled Shawn onto the ground. She sat on top of his chest as she raised her arm into the air to hit him.

"I'm too pretty to die!" Shawn screamed at her.

Aria fought the urge to smack him.

"Usually this position is fun." Shawn says flirtatiously as he winks at Aria.

Aria scoffs in disgust as she looks down at him. Jack sighed as he grabbed Arias waist and dragged her body off of Shawn. Jack felt chills enter his body the moment he touched Arias body.

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