4. homework

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ARIA NERVOUSLY BIT HER PENCIL AS SHE STARED DOWN AT ALL OF THE PROBLEMS IN FRONT OF HER. SHE HATED MATH WITH A BURNING PASSION. She set down her pencil as she anxiously started tapping her foot against the ground.

"Is anyone in this house not an idiot?" Aria yelled desperately.

Her eyes scanned the room. Her eyes locked with Shawn who had a huge grin stuck on his face as he was staring right back at her. She moved her eyes to the kitchen where Eric was as he seemed to be struggling to work the toaster.

"Can someone please not be an idiot in this house?" She huffed in frustration as she rested her head down on her book.

"Hey! I am very smart!" Eric yelled defensively.

Aria felt the couch move as Eric sat down directly next to her. She lifted her head up to look at him.

"Let me take a look." Eric tells her as he gestures to the book.

Aria raised her eyebrow at him knowing full well he was not going to be able to help him. Nonetheless she amused him and handed him the paper. Eric's eyes widened as he looked at the first problem. He had a confused look stuck on his face as he blinked a million times. He looked back up at Aria causing a smile to form on his face.

"I can help you..." Eric tells her softly.

Aria handed him the pencil as she was curious to see if he could actually do it. Eric scooted closer to her.

"Look at me... and I will explain it to you." Eric tells her dramatically as he grabs her face.

Aria gives him a confused look as she stares into his eyes.

"How does this have anything to do with math?" She asks him sharply.

"Shhh..." He whispers as he places a finger on her lips.

Aria smacked his finger away causing him to wince in pain.

"Get closer... I need our minds to be one." Eric whispers as he pulls her head closer to his.

Their faces were inches apart as Eric's eyes looked down at her lips. Eric had never wanted to kiss someone more in his life.

"In order for me to concentrate on math... I think it would be best if we make out." Eric tells her in a serious tone.

A laugh leaves Arias mouth as she quickly scoots away from him.

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