8. nightmares

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JACK WAS SLEEPING SOUNDLY IN HIS BED WHEN HE WAS WOKEN UP BY THE SOUND OF SOMEONE SCREAMING. Jack immediately shot up in his bed as he slowly opened his eyes. He heard the sound of someone screaming at the top of their lungs. Jack immediately knew the screaming was coming from the living room and it sounded like Arias voice. Jack immediately sprinted out of his room. A million panicked thoughts flew through Jacks head as he needed to get to Aria.

"Aria!" Jack yelled as he entered the living room.

He was expecting to see an intruder or someone hurting Aria but she was completely alone. Her eyes were closed as she was screaming. She looked like she was in a lot of pain.

"Don't touch me! Stop!" She screamed as she flailed her body around.

She was sobbing and Jack felt a tug in his heart. He knew she was just having a nightmare but she looked so terrified.

"Get off of me!" She screamed as she started hyperventilating.

"Aria.... hey... Aria." Jack whispers as he sits down on the couch next to her.

She didn't seem to hear him as she continued to kick and scream.

"Aria... you're safe... it's okay...." Jack tries to reassure her.

Jack gently reached his hand out to grab her arm.

"I got you." Jack whispers as he leans in to wrap his arms around her.

"Please... no!" Aria screamed as she shoved Jack away from her.

"I don't want you to touch me." She yelled frantically.

Jack stared at her as he didn't know how to wake her up and he felt so helpless. She looked so scared as she continued to push him away.

"Shh.. Aria... I'm not gonna hurt you." Jack said in a gentle tone as he gently grabbed her hand.

Aria started sobbing as she frantically pushed his hand away.

"Just let me leave... you're hurting me!" She whimpered.

Jack knew she was just dreaming but he wondered what horrible thing was going on in her mind. Jack hated seeing her like this and he felt like crying with her.

"Aria... it's Jack.... it's Jack... I won't hurt you." Jack whispered to her.

"You took it from me.... I can't get it back." Aria yelled as she cried harder.

"Aria... it's Jack... you're friend Jack... I won't hurt you... you're okay... it's just a dream." Jack whispered as he gently grabbed her hand.

Jack watched as Aria slowly opened her eyes as she took a deep breath.

"You're okay... I'm right here." Jack reassures her as he wraps his arm around her.

Tears fall down Arias face as she buries her face in Jacks chest. Jack feels his chest tighten as Aria clings onto him. Jack heard her quietly cry as he gently rubbed her back. He wanted to make her feel better and he hated seeing her upset.

"What were you dreaming about?" Jack asks her softly.

Aria gently pulled away from Jacks embrace as she looked down at her hands nervously.

"You don't have to tell me if you aren't ready... it just sounded like someone was hurting you in your dream." Jack says softly.

"It was some guy from a tv show I love... it was just a dream... not real." Aria says as she awkwardly laughs.

She gives Jack a fake smile and he can tell she is lying to him.

"I know that's not true... when you're ready to tell me... I'm here for you." Jack reassures her.

He brings his hand up to Arias face and gently wipes away her tears. Arias eyes lock with Jacks eyes and she can't help but feel butterflies in her stomach. She had never met someone who was so caring and considerate of her feelings like Jack. Jack stared at her face filled with tears and he just wanted to take all of her pain away. He gently pulled her in for a hug and held her as tightly as he possibly could.

"Um... Jack... I can't breathe..." Aria whispered as Jack was squeezing her.

"Sorry." Jack whispered frantically as he quickly loosened his grip on her.

A small laugh left Arias lips causing Jack to smile.

"I Uh... the dreams... someone.... I've been... I've just... been through a lot." Aria stutters as she stares down at her hands.

Jack didn't want to pressure her to tell him more and he knew she needed time to feel more comfortable around him. Aria wanted to talk to him... she knew he wouldn't judge her but it was so hard for her to form the words.

"Well now I won't be able to fall back to sleep." Aria mutters as she lays back on the couch.

"I'll put on a movie." Jack says softly as he scoots closer to her.

"You're probably tired so you should go back to bed." Aria tells him sharply.

"Nope... I'm staying with you and making sure you are alright." Jack says sharply as he grabs the remote.

Aria feels herself smile as she felt Jacks body so close to her. Jack placed the blanket on both of them as their legs were pressed against each other. Aria wanted to cuddle into his embrace but she was so nervous. Jack wasn't even watching the movie as he tried to form the courage to wrap his arm around Aria. He nervously tapped his foot against the ground as he kept glancing over at her. Her eyes were locked on the tv but Jack couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Jack slowly moved his arm behind Aria as he wrapped his arm around her. Aria nervously placed her head on his chest as she cuddled into his embrace. They both fell asleep minutes later due to how exhausted they both were.

They are too cute 🥰

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