Chapter 1: Making friends isn't easy

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I stared up at Bane, his huge figure was at least triple my width and almost three heads taller than me. He sat across from me, leaning comfortably against the chair that was supposed to be mine, sigh, here comes the hard part.

"Hi Bane, I'm your other therapist. Lily."

He finally looked down at me, narrowing his eyes slightly before laughing his head off.

"Hahaha, oh little one- you cannot be serious, you-" He stopped when he saw my expression and his features became angry. "How could they send a young, teenage girl into Arkham. Do they wish to kill the children, are they THAT inhumane!?! And how could you come in here, are you not afraid of a man who can surely rip off your head in seconds!!??!!"

He was standing now, i was slightly warmed that he was concerned for me being here.

"Hush now Bane, i'm here at my own will. I do not wish to die but i am 100% sure that you can rip off my head. Can we please resume our seats."

He looked at me strangely and a sigh came from the huge metal mask on his face, that must be painful. Sitting down he said:

"You do not speak like a little one, that's good. You will certainly need that here. I trust your visit is short then?"

I shook my head in responce. "I work here now Bane and the doctors gave you to me as a patient in the hopes of scaring me off, they cannot fire me because of my age. So... wanna tell me why you are here?"

He was reluctant but told me the story of his life, even the gory parts and went into detail about how he broke Batman's spine. Ending with how his plan's were ruined and that he hoped to make Batman suffer for his crimes.

I knew he was also trying to scare me.

"Well Bane, i hope you find what you are looking for- i do not believe that Batman has anything to do with it though. That's our session, see you later."

I sent him a smile which was returned with a confused and slighly irritated look.

"I like you Bane." I added, "There's more to you."

I was out the door and i barely heard it, but i didn't imagine it.

"As there is to you too."

I walked away, smiling.


My room at Arkham Asylum was small and smelled rather odd, but it was comfortable. Well, it was now that i had added my own things. I wrote in my diary about my session with Bane and subjects that i thought needed adressing.

I was the only person that lives in the Asylum that wasn't an inmate and it was pretty awesome. I could be persauasive when i wanted to be, that's why i am here. The portfolio they wanted was the most impressive that they had ever seen and had hired me instantly AND agreed to my request of a room, idiots.

I new it was unsafe here but i wanted to be here.... maybe i am crazy.

I would stay here, for me and my father. I looked at the piece of wood that lay, disgaurded against my cupboard. It was about the size of a grown man's torso, perfect. Looking in my drawers i found black paint and a brush and got to work, painting circles around key points of the human torso and then painting a regular target over it. Perfect. (A/N This actually happened to me)

Taking pens, scissors, bracelets and a bouncy ball i threw them at the smaller circle, hitting them 9 out of 10 times. I would throw a knife but no knives were allowed at Arkham.

After an hour or so i stopped and out my things back, looking at the time i saw that i still had an hour before social time. Great.

Grining wildly I turned on my ipod and searched for one of my favourite songs- Skyfall by Adele:

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