Chapter 10: What A Day

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  • Dedicated to Snaid and Ash, you guys rock!!!

Chapter 10: What a day

"That's not very nice Eddie." I called out to him. Stopping him before his fist could make contact with the young boy's face. He froze and dropped the kid, who whimpered and crawled away from us. Today i was me, not Strangelique.

"Lily... You, uh. Hi?"

I laughed, "Great to see you to Ed-to-the-word. Still hurting little kids?"

He turned slightly red and I smirked at him, embracing him in a quick hug. "You promised you'd stop." I scolded

"Where were you?" He demanded, changing the subject.

I ignored him, "Promise me you'll stop sensless violence Edward." He flinched at me using his full name, but nodded.

"Wanna get a milkshake?" I suggested, "I brought money."

I grabbed his hand and took off his coat, hat and cane, slipping it into my bag. I started skipping to the ice-cream palour, with Eddie in tow. Some people were staring at us, but only because I was skipping. Eddie looked very different without his attire.

Soon we were sitting and i was happily slurping away my strawberry milkshake while Eddie was frowning at his unicorn waffle.

"Why did you order me a unicorn waffle?"

"Its delicious, try it." I said, quickly going back to my milkshake. Supersized baby, supersized.

"But it is a unicorn!"

"Eddie." I said finally pulling myself away from strawberry goodness, "Who is paying? Me. And who is being a brat? You. Now eat before the marshmallow horn gets soggy."

"I don't like to eat unicorn waffles." He stated simply, glaring at it as if it was the cause of all life's problems.

"I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them Sam-I-Am." I teased, grinning at him.

"And they say that i'm the evil one." He sighed and started picking at it, which soon turned into fully pigging out, stuffing it in his face and licking the plate.

I cleared my throat, "Thank you Sam-I-Am, i DO like green eggs and ham." I laughed and put down money for the bill. I turned to leave.

"Are you coming back." Eddie asked as we walked out.

"Of course I am." I stated, "As soon as I settle something."

"And what would that be?"

I sighed, "Eddie, why would someone hear voices? Voices l from long ago."

"Well insanity, drugs and diseases may cause that. Why are you hearing voices?"

"Well I did this morning, but it's ok now. I must've been dreaming."

"It doesnt look like you got enough sleep to be dreaming."

"I'm glad you care Eddie, but I have to go now. It's getting late." I told him as I gave him his stuff back, "Please tell Bane and the rest that i'll see them soon, ok?"

"Wait! I almost forgot, you're in danger Lily. This person named Strangelique is stalking you and she said that if I hurt anybody then she-"

"Stop Edds. Nobody is stalking me. And if they were, all you have to do is be good. So calm down. We both have to go now- I suspect that they're expecting you. Goodbye Eddie." I said as I turned and walked away

"Take care Lilianna." He called after me, and I groaned causing him to laugh.

I walked for a bit, complaining to myself about my life and turned into an alley. It was not my alley, but someone was watching me. Someone that I had not had the pleasure to meet yet.

I strided in deeper until I heard a soft thud behind me, one that would not be heard by someone normal. Calm yourself Lily, just keep walking. Just keep walking... just keep walking walking walking. Ok, I took way to many pills.

"You have got to stop stalking people BirdBoy." I said loudly as I reached a dead end. No running now.

"Hey, it's a job thing." Replied Nightwing, former side-kick to Batman

"Well it's rude." I said, spinning around.

"You're rude. You weren't supposed to know I was here."

"Oh, so that makes me rude?"

"You stole my opening line!"

"Why do you need an opening line?" I asked, eyebrow raised

"Well... because-"

"Because you were stalking me." I said, arms folded

"Ok, maybe I was. But you're wanted! You were talking to Nigma and-"



"His name is Eddie, not Nigma. Though I don't think he'll want you to cell him that in public."

"See, that's my point. You know these people."

"So... you're stalking me... because I know people?"

"Yes! Well, no.... You're their doctor!"


"The police want to talk to you..."


"I help them. I am-"

"Nightwing, also known as the first Robin. Reason why B-man is so testy with young people wanting to help him!"

"Hey, that wasn't me. That was the second guy, and besides- WAIT how do you know that?"

"Know what?"

"Oh stop trying to confuse me! Have you spoken to Batman?"

"Yes." I said in my 'duh' voice, "How else am I supposed to help him do stuff.... Wanna know a secret? A secret that if you reveal might destroy Gotham."

"Uh... ok?"

"Haha, you'll have to do better than that. It's a pretty big secret."

"Then why tell me?"

"Cause you're a hero, you're cute and I need to tell someone. I'm a girl!"

"Is that the secret?"

"Seriously, why would that be the secret. I mean really?"

"Ok, then what do you want?"

"Take me to lunch."


"Come on, you heard me. No body ever buy's me lunch but now you are going to. Tomorrow, i'll meet you at the river by the music store."

"Why there?"

"Cause when I die, I want to be crimated and sprinkled in that river so I will be swept to the sea andbonded with it always."


"Wow you say that alot. Please promise that you wont tell anyone."

"I promise."

"Ok, and if you dont show up tomorrow then Gotham wont be the only thing that needs saving."

He nodded, damn why did I tell him to take me to lunch? oh wait I know. But why am i telling him about me? Oh, I also know that.. These bloody pills are making me loony!! Wait- that shouldn't happen. I need to check them now. Oh yea i'm with BirdBoy.

"I am actually-" I said as I walked up to him, leaning on his shoulder and putting my lips by his ear.

"Strangelique, B-man's new partner."

I could feel Nightwing freeze under me, Batman doesnt do partners only sidekicks. I kinda feel bad now.

"And you know something else?" I said before I could stop myself. OMG my pills must be drugged... MY DRUGS ARE DRUGGED.

I wish I could say that I stopped myself then and there, before anyone could find out. Because nobody- not even Ra's knew what I was about to share. These two little words would change my world and Gotham- forever. No one was ever supposed to know.

"I'm dying."

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