Chapter 18: Not So Bad

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Chapter 18: Not so Bad

It was a half hour walk to Wayne mansion, but a 10 minute skipping race. I never knew this could be so much fun! But it was just easy to have fun with Dick. He was so goofy but could be so serious and intense, and when I was with him it was easy to just let go of all that I had to do and of all the bad in the world. It was just me and him.

By the time we had skipped to the mansion we were both exhausted, i've seriously let go of my training.

We burst through the doors screaming out profanities about llama wellfare and lepricorns before we fell to the floor in a fit of laughter. I don't think i've ever been so happy.

But then the moment was over as Bruce walked into the room.

"Why, dont you two look comfortable?" He asked sarcastically. I turned so I was lying on my back and smilled at him, nothing could ruin this mood.

"Yip!" I declared giggling, "Come join us!"

Nightwing let out a deep chuckle after I said this, I was lying on his chest so I shook as he did so. He just looked at us for a moment, brow furrowed, obviously wondering if I was on drugs or something.

"You know, for some reason I think I'll pass." He said with an undertone of scarcasm.

"Aw, look Nightie, B-man is chicken!"

"It seems you're right Rose, looks like he's afraid."

"What? What is there to be afraid of?" Bruce asked quizically

"Pock Pock Pock!" I mimicked childishly, "Pock Pock!"

Nightwing joined my teasing and I swear the look on Bruce's face was priceless! None of this actually made sense put it was just so funny. Suddenly I grew quiet and pretended to be in a state of panic.

"He's here." I whispered urgently, "We have to flint!"

"Yes!" He replied quickly, catching my drift, "Long John Silver, AWAY!"

Then we were up, sprinting upstairs to his room. I jumped inside and locked the door behind me, exaggerating my breathing and falling limp on his comfy bed.

"Thats not the saying dude." I said, "Long John Silver was a pirate."

"Whatever." He replied, laying down on my back.

I shifted uncomfortably under him, struggling under his weight. I tried to throw him off me but he didn't budge.

"Duuuuuuude." I moaned, "You're too heavy, get off!"

"I'm sorry, what's that?" He teased, "I can't hear you."

"Get off douchebag!" I groaned

"Well that's not very nice." He shunned, "Oh, TV, let's see what's on shall we?"

He grabbed the remote and turned on the television that was on his shelves, I took this time to look around the room. Hardwood floors, mahogany shelves filled with books; DVD's; CD's as well as the TV and an X-box.

He flipped the channels until he settled on a Sherlock Holmes movie.

"Ooooh, Robert Downey Jnr!" I squealled, "Leave it, leave it, leave it, leave it!!!"

Somehow as I was saying this I managed to push Dick off me, I was so happy. This was my favourite movie.

An hour later Dick and I were wrapped up in blankets, watching explosions on TV. He fell asleep before me and I sighed as I watched him snoring softly. His peaceful expression soothed me and I was so happy to be there in that moment. I knew then that leaving him would be one of the hardest things that I would ever have to do.

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