Chapter 16: From Worse To Bad

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Chapter 16: From Worse To Bad

I felt a sharp pang in my chest, my insides turning to ice. Closing my eyes I told myself too keep calm. Breathing started to hurt and my fingernails started digging into my palms. I couldn't bring myself to look up. I remember what he looks like, every detail of his features scarred into my memory.

Monster. Monster. Monster.

Again and again that word surrounded me, I hate that this man has such power over me. He's right though, I am a monster. I hate him. I hate myself.

"Oh, little lamb, is that anyway to greet me? You've lost your touch."

He crouched at the side of my ugly hospital bed, and reached for me. I flinched when he stroked my cheek, he took his time, slowly grazing his fingers over my skin. Obviously enjoying my displeasure. He moved his fingures over my lips and down my chin, I still didn't look up. Suddnely he gripped my chin with his hand and swung it to face him.

"It's been too long." He whispered, his grip tightening everytime I tried to struggle.

It was now that I looked up at him, staring into the darkness that was his eyes, and his very soul. He looked the same, eight years and he hasn't aged a day. Black magic, I knew.

"I see you've made some new friends." He smiled, his voice sickly sweet and laced with threats, "And involved them in this little game of ours... how about, I let you chose their demise. You were very good at that."

I struggled more, panic over taking me. His grip tightened again and I could already feel the bruises form.

"Oh, no no no. Hush little lamb, there's no need to panic." He let go of my face and started playing with my hair, "You would be saving them, helping them get away before they see you tear down the city and make them suffer!"

"No." I managed to say, but it came out weak and soft

"What!" He hissed, yanking on my hair and making me gasp in pain. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes and falling down my cheeks.

"And this, tears? Oh no, this will not do. You've changed  little lamb, but do not fret I can help you recover. Back to your former glory!"

I shook my head, unable to speak again. He can't do this, not after everything that's happened.

Before I knew it, I was gripping my stinging cheek, Rha had slapped me.

"I will NOT let you undo evrything that i've worked for."


"You wanted to make friends, now you can WATCH THEM SUFFER!!!"


"You think you can run, you are mine!"


That last slap had knocked me off the bed, leaving me on the floor and opening my wounds. I could feel the blood trickling through my hair, my twisted wrist hitting the floor and my battered body getting more bruised and scratched by the minute. Getting some blood on my hospital gown.

Rule number 4: Don't be weak

I got up off the floor and stood up, wiping some blood off my face and looking Rha in the eye. I remembered all those rules I made myself to help me survive, but I also remembered I was lost back then.

"Oh, there she is!" Rha exclaimed happily and walked around the bed to embrace me. He stepped back, beaming and carassing my face in his hands, probably rubbing my blood into my skin as he did so.

"You've been so different lately, crying and laughing and letting that girl hurt you! Now why did you do that?"

Rule 12: Reply with Respect

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