Chapter 20: Shock and Roll

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I would apologise for lateness but I don't think people really read this. Except for Shar,



Chapter 20: Shock and Roll

I couldn't breath. Everything was blurry and loud and nothing made sense. All I could see were those lifeless eyes staring into space, searching for her sister who looked all too similar when she died. Blood on her dress, hair pooling around her head like a halo. And those eyes, those eyes that got the privilage to never have to see more horror.

Melissa. Brianna. Melissa. Briana. Melissa. Both dead. Both my fault.

Rha was right. He's right.

I let myself take a breath. My chest spasming from the bottled emotions. Dick was screaming. Melissa was his friend. How many more people must I hurt. Bruce was sad too, Melissa had been one of Gotham's heroes. I remember reading her file, but I couldn't focus on it. I couldn't focus at all.

Some paramedic had given me a blanket for shock. I was one of the only people left at the Manor. The guests had fled, Dick was yelling at the police and Bruce was making calls. Probably her family. The family that I shredded.

I wondered briefly if Alfred would have to clean up the mess but the police had crime scene clean-up.

I was sitting at the edge of an ambulance. The man who had given me the blanket had also tried to stitch up my hand. But that would mean blood tests, which would mean diagnosis. I would be dead soon anyway.

Bruce came and sat with me after a while. A haunted look still in his eyes.

"You knew her?" I asked, trying to ease the pain for him.

"She worked with Batman." He stated shakily. Huh, he also talks about himself like he's different people. "She... she was a good person, but in this life... you don't usually live long."

"Once you go Bat you can never go back."

A small, sad smile appeared on his face. "A shock blanket, huh? So even Strangelique goes into shock."

I looked at the people around us, seeing if they may have heard him before replying. "I'm not in shock"

"You look like you're in shock."

"I'm not! Something bad was bound to happen soon anyway."

"Yeah, she had a tough time with her identity thing."

"And the whole thing with Brianna." I listed, before realising my mistake.

"Brianna?" He looked confused, "How do you know aboout that?"


"She only told people close to her about that."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I brushed off, clinging the blanket closer.

"But you said-"

"Don't listen to me!" I interrupted, "I'm in shock! Look I have a blanket!"

And with that I half ran, half walked into the manor. For a pill, a change of clothes and a good talking to with an old friend.


The building was cold, cliche and smelled like feet.

Harvey was playing with a throwing knife when I walked in. The room was decorated half white and gold and half black and red. It really suited him.

I had my hood down. Not sure whether to be Strangelique or to be Lily.

"I need your help with something." I stated to get his attention.

He turned to face me. Half of him looking concerned and the other half a twisted smile, like it would always be.

"Who do you need?" He asked in both voices. Probably recognising my voice from somewhere.

"Harvey." I stated simply, luckily this was enough to shut TwoFace up for a bit.

"What do you need Lily?" He asked me quickly, walking up to me so we could talk face to face... to face. "I thought that Strangel-"

"I need your absolute trust before I tell you. I need to have both of your words."

"Maybe." Replied TwoFace as Harvey replied, "Of course."

"We can trust her." Harvey insisted

"No, what if she's using us?" Demanded TwoFace

"She was in the Asylum, she was our friend!"

"She was more your friend than mine."

"You even said you wouldn't scar her."

"That doesn't mean that we can trust her!"

"But she fed us! And she was the one who convinced Doctor Shepard not to spilt us apart!"

TwoFace seemed convinced at this information, and for once I was glad I conversed with those idiotic doctors.

"Thanks guys." I said

And then I explained, I told them I was Strangelique, about my disease, about my plan and about my other sides. They seemed to warm up especially at that part and I knew I had them on my side.


Back at the alley I counted my pills. 27 in total. I needed three today and I will only need more until its over. I had eight days maximum. It was more than I thought but still my hands started to shake.

I looked at this sign of anxiousness curiously. It never happened before. Being away from my training has changed me. I'm going to die. I dont want to but I will. And i'm going to have about a week to sort everything out. I looked up to see the light orange sky of sunrise. I could do it.

I had to be able to do this.


Folder: Riddler

Files: 394

Geesh, did this guy live on his computer? Now I have to read them all, decode some, find hidden messages in other's. Fan-flippity-tastic.

But then I found it. SbjctBANE

I read and I reread and rereread it for good measure. Riddler had files on all people he associated. Probably for blackmail, because he's weird, getting to understand people, because he's weird..

I looked at the picture infront of me and almost cried. Everything was so connected. So ruined. So tradgic.

For the first time in months I threw my knives. Violently. Passionately. Needing to fight the horror away.

I went to bed, taking a nap to prepare for the rest of the day. About a seventh of my life. I wanted too bleed. To suffer for all the things i've done. For what i'm going to do. I hate myself so much. Even more than I hate Rha. More than I hate the people from project X. More than I hate conformity and the injustice of today's justice.

I hate myself.

A few minutes later, whilst I was tossing from restless sleep. My computer started automatically shutting down. Fading the picture.

Fading the picture of Bane when he was in highschool.

The picture of him..

with his arm aroung the shoulders

of the smiling, happy

Rachel Dawson

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