Chapter 25: Getting a Move On

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It was hours before I heard any noise. They left. I knew they left.
The marble was still on the floor. I hadn't moved to get it. I hadn't moved at all. Everything hurt but moving hurt. It really hurt. It was getting worse.
I had tried to fish the pills from my pocket but my hand spasmed and they scattered along the floor.
Soon my lungs would spasm. Or my heart.
My lips tasted like blood. I could hear my heart in my ears, getting faster and louder. Spots swam before my eyes.
Then there was banging and crashing from above. I heard metal clanging and cursing and heavy boots against a wooden floor. Then my door swung open.
"Oh, finally."
The man came closer and caught his breath. "Eddie really has a knack for this security thing, doesn't he."
"Harvey." I breathed but it was so soft that I could scarcely hear it.
"Yip. I heard about what happened. They weren't to happy with you, were they, kid?"
He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. It hurt like hell.
"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Then he noticed the pills on the floor. "Oh."
He left me to pick them up so I had to support myself. My kness almost buckled.
Harvey put them all in the packet and held one out for me.
I didn't move.
"Lily, you have to. Just take it."
He moved it to my lips but I turned away.
"You have to."
His grip on me tightened and I was forced against the mirrored wall. I tried to move away but he grabbed my chin and squeezed my lips apart. Then the pill was on my tongue and Harvey clamped his hand over my mouth.
I struggled but eventually gave in and swallowed the pill. Harvey waited a few seconds before pulling away.
"Don't be stupid." TwoFace said. "You need to finish this."
My head rolled back and I relaxed. My breathing slowed. Soon I was able to flex my fingers.
"Now come. You have to finish this."
Harvey grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the door.
"Harvey... It won't work now."
He stopped in his tracks.
"Why not?"
I stepped away from him and plucked the marble from the floor. It turned a lighter shade of blue in my hand.
"He didn't want it anymore." I repressed the sob that built up inside me. "He doesn't want me anymore."
TwoFace spoke next. "Don't be a baby. He's hurt. You knew this might happen."
"But how's this supposed to work unless-"
"You'll figure it out. You've been preparing for this for months. Get your act together." He looked at me and winked. "You deserve a chance."
Then he turned and left. I smiled after him.
When I left, I made sure to leave the marble on the desk, in plain sight. It would only be useful if they had it and I didn't need it anymore.
The first thing I did when I got to my alley was email Bman, asking if he was okay and letting him know I was.
I headed to Wayne manor instead of waiting for a reply. I didn't have time to wait.
I used the waterfall entrance, it's not like they could lock it. Alfred was by the computers and he saw me first.
"Uh, miss I-"
Only then did I realize that I didn't have a mask on. "Damn."
"I don't know how you stumbled into here but I guess the secret's out, miss, isn't it?" He took a deep breath.
"It's true. I am the Batman."
I couldn't help but laugh.
"It's fine Alfred. I know about Bruce and everything. Where is he?"
He opened his mouth and shut it again. "I don't think-"
"Let me catch you up to speed. I'm Strangelique. Oh yes, surprising, but keep up. I have news about Bane's plan and unless I warn Bruce about it then Gotham will be ashes within the week."
Alfred seemed to be in shock so I continued. "I think you should sit down. I'll be upstairs. His room, right?"
He nodded so I took the elevator up to the Manor library. When I got to Bruce's room, him and Nightwing were arguing.
"For god's sake, I'm fine. Let me leave."
"Alfred said you need to rest. He cracked a rib."
"Damn my rib! What about Strangelique? What if she didn't get away?"
"She can handle he-"
"Well actually, Strangelique did get away, so don't worry."
They turned and stared at me.
"Okay yes, big reveal time, though I just went through this with Alfred. I'm Strangelique. What? No, it couldn't be. It's not like we have the same bone structure or height or general features or anything. And we all know that the eye mask I wear makes it super hard to know who I am, because, you know, not seeing the area around my eyes makes it super difficult.
"Wow, you guys look super surprised. Yes, sorry I lied but we all know I had good reason. Are you feeling better now? So you need to process this? Sorry, no time. There's a deadline here. Bane and the rest of them are setting up poisonous gas valves around the city. Where? Well I did send you emails to sort through.
"You still look shocked. Don't worry about the poison thing, I have that mostly sorted. In the mean time, get people to lakes and stuff. It'll slow down the effects. I'm going to go now before you start questioning me or something."
I spun around on my heel and headed for the door. I was just leaving when someone grabbed my elbow.
"You're Lily Dawson?"
I sighed. "Sorry Nightie but I really don't think it matters right now."
"But you knew. You knew them and their plan and-"
"Shush. I helped you out more than you know."
"But you were on their side."
"I'm not on any side. Let go of me."
He stared at me before letting go.
"I trust you."
I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.
"Thank you."
We both looked out the door when a limo pulled up. We frowned at each other. What the-?
The limo pulled up on the driveway. A man in a suit stepped out.
Ice ran through my veins.
Rha As Ghul smiled at us.
Me and Dick spoke at once.

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