Chapter 5: Head in the Game

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Chapter 5: Head in the Game

Bane was in one of Gotham's many abandoned warehouses along with Selena, Joker and Edward Nigma.

"Well it's not like she got up and walked away." Selena snorted to Bane.

"What else couldv'e happened! She said she was a fast healer."

"The injuries should have taken weeks to heal and days for her to be able to walk, but even if she did heal fast why would she want to leave anyway, Bane?"

"Nigma has a point, the kid loves you and she wouldn't abandon us, she said we were family."

"But you both heard what she was saying in the rodent's car, she was delusional!"

"Yea Baney whane, but she was fine after Eddie's little explosion."

"Selena I would never have hurt her purposelly, and you know. Besides we all got away in the end. Even if we aren't together"

"Well-ah." Joker spoke for the first time that evening, "She isss alone-ah, in the streetsss of Gothaaam. You know, home of the corrupt"

This caused Bane to growl, none of them particularly enjoying this truth.

"Guys- common, she's a smart kid. She knows how to find us and worst case senario- Batman got her."

"How is that worse than her death- cat! And how would he have gotten her if Bane had just flung him into Gotham City Bank before we left to get her!!"

Bane was tired of all the emotion that had surged through him in one day and decided to put up his old facade, a cold-hearted bloodthirsty killer.

"She'll be fine. We have a bat to kill and then you may find her. Riddler- I believe you still have a radio on him."

The three villains looked at him with shock before Riddler took out a small device that would allow him to hear what Batman hears, as long as he has his cowl on. The transmission was static at first but soon cleared up:

"You still can't."

"Oh, please dont make me play a bad card. It's not like i'll get hurt or in your way."

"You have nothing on me."

"Oh sure i do. I know who you are. B-man. Fitting isn't it. It covers both your names."

"You dont know who i am."

"Oh please. Mr rich boy I do, dont make me say it. Someone may here me. BTW your building needs a new painting for the main lobby, someone vandalised the other."

"You do know."


"Who are you then, partner. No turning back now you know?"

"Oh i know. And the name. Strangelique."

Riddler turned of the radio and shoved it back in his pocket, processing the new information. Selena gulped.

"Great now we have another problem." Riddler muttered.

"Well-ah if she's anything like boy blunder was then thisss just got simple."

"He wouldn't let that happen again- and you know it. At least we know there's a B in the guys name and he's rich. Maybe a hotel owner?" Selena suggested, trying to throw them of Bruce's trail.

"Possibly but we do not need another obsticle in the way of our victory."

"Then what do you suggest Bane." Riddler asked, annoyance clear in his voice.

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