Chapter 11: Hide and Seek with my Heart

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Chapter 11: Hide and seek with my heart

Oh. My. God. I cant believe I did that, I gased Nightwing! I mean- I paniced, I couldn't tell anyone that I was dying. Why do my legs feel like jelly? Aw, Nighty is kinda cute when he sleeps. Hahaha Nighy? Woah that's funny. I cant leave him here, damn, where can I put him? Not in my alley.... I cant just dump him anywhere... Oh I know!

I dont think Bruce is gonna like this.


"What are you doing?" Asked an amused voice from behind me.

"Oh me, i'm just.... chiling." Well that was dof of me. I turned around so i could face Bruce, who was leaning against the doorframe of "Strangelique's" guest room. Speaking of which, I dont have my mask on me so I have to hide my face with my hoodie. What a super day!

"Well then who's on the bed?" He asked smirking

"Oh him, it's just nfgtijheghtklwenfg" I mumbled

"Im sorry, what?" He teased

"It's Nightwing." I said again, no getting around this one. Bruce's jaw clenched, damn that man and his mood swings.

"And what is HE doing here." He said, scowling at me.

"I kinda knocked him out, so I do what I always do when I knock someone out. I bring them here."

"Why did you knock him out?"

"He startled me, and if you'll excuse me, i'm not wearing a mask so I should go."

I was halfway out the door, halfway to safety but then Nightwing had to go and wake up.

"Aaarrggh, where am I?"

I spun around on my heel and sent him a death glare, shaking my head to tell him to not say anything.

"Where do think, sleeping beauty?" Bruce answered him sarcastically

"Bruce- ah man- why am I here? Where's Li-"

"She got away Nighty, remember you got in the way of my knock-out gas..." I hinted, being as obvious as I could about Bruce not knowing my identity.

"Oh, uh yea. I remember now."

"Well now that we got that cleared up, do you want to have some dinner, Nighty?" Bruce asked jokingly

"Dont call me that." Nighty whined, "You started this." He said fake-glaring at me

"Let's see just how fast you are, Rose." Bruce said, using his only nickname for me while grinning evily. Nightwing nodded, maybe I should learn to not nivkname everyone I meet. We stood frozen for a few seconds, looking at eachother and waiting for the first move. Do I run, or fight?

My question was answered as Bruce came at me, in a rugby tackle. I quickly dodged it and ran from the room, hiding behind an open door just a few meters away. But they were clever. Nightwing went downstairs while Bruce stayed up here, he was only inches away and I saw him scan the area to my left through the crack in the door. I quietly opened the box of pills that I always had on me and picked out a single one. Putting it between my fingers I waited a few more seconds and threw it down the corridor. It made a soft noise on the carpet, but Bruce heard it.

"Gotcha." I heard Bruce chuckle softly and walked away. I heard the creak of a door and I silently breathed in relief. I so rock at hide-and-seek.

I dashed out and climed on top of the bannister and peered down. The coast was clear, I lent forward and let myself drop down, spinning as I did so. Just as i was about to hit the ground, I stretched out my hands and tumble-turned, landing in a crouch. I heard a faint tapping behind me so I sprinted forward, but my jelly-legs came back and my mind went all hazy. I fell forward but just as I was about to hit the floor, I felt strong arms catch me.

Me, being me, decided that this was no way to loose a game went limp. Nightwing turned me around and looked at me with concern in his eyes. As he loosened his grip I jumped up, knocking him down and ran down yet another set of corridors. I ducked into a closet just as music started playing and I couldn't tell where it was coming from. Hey, that was my idea!

I was so distracted by the music that I didn't hear anybody enter the closet with me, so I let out a small yelp when arms wrapped around me again. Oh no he doesnt! I elbowed my capture in the ribs and again in the face when he doubled over. As I turned he threw a punch but I caught it. This continued for a while, neither one of us being able to hurt the other again.

Soon it was a stale mate, Nightwing and I both holding eachothers arms so we couldn't move. I stared into his grey eyes and got lost. His eye's were like the storm that would comfort me as I slept, a reminder of the outside world.

"How much do you remember?" I asked him, breaking out of my trance

"Not much."

"Do you remember what I told you?" I whispered, barely breathing.

"Yes, you told me who you are."

I had to stop myself from sighing in relief as I untangled our arms, feeling cold instantly after I let go. But we didn't move away, and my breathing hitched. He started leaning closer, his eyes never leaving mine. I could feel his breath on my cheeck.

"Stop." I managed to croak, before anything else could happen, "I cant." I whispered before walking out.

I didn't want to hurt him, like I know I did. I saw it in his eyes. But I don't know him, and he doesn't know me. He doesn't know what a monster i've become. I could feel a deep sadness settle in my heart as I sat down at the dining table, my head in my hands. I shouldn't do this to people. I shouldn't get close to them, but I can't bare the thought of not helping them, of not knowing and healing my father before I die. I need to fix them.

"Why?" I heard from the doorway, I didn't look up. I knew who it was.

"You haven't even told me your real name, and when we first met you were about to take me to the police." I replied, "You don't know me, and I don't know you."

He was about to say something when Bruce came in, oblivious that our game was over.

"Hey, I can't find her any-" He started, stopping when he saw me. Well, this was awkward.

"Uh.." Bruce continued after a few minutes of awkward silence, "How do you two feel about paintball training tomorrow?"

I smiled, still not lifting my head, "I thought I was taking the week off."

"The week off, but you were-" Nightwing started, but I snapped my head up and glared at him again.

"Yea fine, but i'm gonna beat both of you." I grinned sleepily, "Gotta go, night guys."

I walked to my guest bedroom but didn't stop. I climed out the window and used the Ivy to work my way down. I jogged across the ground and climed through a hole in the gate, it was barely noticable and impossible to see at night but I managed.

Strolling down the street I relaxed and finally took off my hoodie, revealing my face. I walked for a while, enjoying the fresh air and embracing the feel of cold air on my skin. I need to get close to them, as much as it will hurt. They need to change. Everything needs to change, and even though Ra's gets closer every day and I know I will have to face him again. It will be ok, THEY will be ok. I stopped, focused on my breathing and continued. I only took a few more steps before I heard a gasp.

"Lily.." Bane trailed off, "Are you ok?"

At first i was confused, until I realised how I was walking. My jelly-legs had come back and I could barely see anything.

Suddenly, I knew who had gotten to my pills.

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