Chapter 2: They learn

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Chapter 2: They learn

Silence had completely filled the room and now everyone looked at me with confusion and hope. Shame these guys must be starving! As Ivy didn't reply, I took some steps closer to her. Ivy looked like she wanted to smile and slap me at the same time, i better make this quick.

"Here you go." I said as i put both infront of her and took a small step back, out of her immediate reach.

Now everyone looked disbelieving or in denial except for Riddler who tried to look knowing. I approached Joker next and he gave me one of his signature creepy grins and i tossed him a burger, with chips and coke. He started laughing, which broke the silence and the spell causing other inmates to jump up in attempt to get at the bag of food.

"STOP!!! Everyone sit back down or i wont give you anything." This seemed to make most of them hesitate before Riddler had to open his big mouth.

"And why would that stop us?" He whispered, a smug grin growing on his face.

"Well you could take the food but then I won't bring you anymore." This made him frown.

"But-ah we coullld just killlll you and ah, take the key outta here." stated Joker

"She wouldn't have the key on here, Joker, she isn't thick." Riddler replied for me.

"What about a hostage, then we can kill her and ditch the body at the river." Catwoman suggested, I could see the plan running through her head.

"Well you can't do that, you see. This room is hard to reach and they don't care if i die. They told me this morning that it might happen and they can't risk you escaping, i agreed. And you can kill me, but with what plastic spoons? The old fashioned strangle? I dont care but if you kill me or hurt me then you wont ever get proper food here again.... now please sit down so i can finish handing this out." My tiredness seeped into my voice and the inmates finally understood that cooperating would get them food.

I looked around, seeing Bane in the corner away from everyone and threw him his food along with mine. He caught it but didn't aknowledge it, he just stared at me, the way he did this morning. This led to the inmates sitting down and i was finally able to hand out everyone's food. I didn't get one thanks but i saw in their eyes that they were grateful.

"You're the new docter then. A bit young, aren't we." Riddler just had to have the last say, didn't he. Not this time.

"Woah, I hadn't noticed." I said, faking shock. This made him mad.

"Are you insulting my intellgents, little girl, because if you are you had better watch your back." I smiled slightly and sipped on the extra cream soda. Everyone was now watching us and i had a feeling that i would be providing tonight's entertainment.

"Yea pretty much, Eddie. Oh you don't like that nickname do you? Sorry, but at least i came up with something better than little girl."

Several gasps rang out across the cafeteria and a few murmers and giggles. Bane tensed. Riddler's mouth was open, it reminded me of a fish. I doubt anyone's challenged the Riddler in a while.

"Well fine then, if you're so smart, why dont we settle this with a Riddle? If i loose then you dont have to feed me for a month and i'll leave you be, as an equal. BUT, if i win then you have to buy me enough food for a month and i get to write the riddle on your pretty little skin." His smile was huge now but he doesn't know me, he doesnt know anything yet.

"Sure I agree-"

This errupted excited whispering through out the room and Bane stood up from his seat, his fists clenched. Riddler looked as if he'd just won the lottery.

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